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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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12308299 No.12308299 [Reply] [Original]



These coins are cursed, I should say.

>> No.12308383

thanks. i can feed my family now

>> No.12308399


>> No.12308408


>> No.12308465

I posted the private key, you know

>> No.12308470

there's nothing on that ETH address anon

>> No.12308484

It's not an ETH address. It is a CLO address.

>> No.12308497

literally who

>> No.12308505

filename: shitcoin

>> No.12308512

it's literally 4 cents anon

>> No.12308526

what were you expecting? satoshi's private key to first mined blocks?

>> No.12308537

maybe like $20 or something, not 4 fucking cents

>> No.12308554
File: 138 KB, 807x861, 1351457349349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> this thread

to think that one year ago anons were giving away hundred of dollar worth of crypto

> the absolute state of crypto in 2019

>> No.12308556

Oh look its the private key scam. Nice one pajeet going for the classics

>> No.12308585

how does the private key scam work

>> No.12308629

Step 1- pajeet posts private key
Step 2- pajeet either larps he's suicidal, that he's being generous, or that he dosen't want the shitcoins in the wallet anymore
Step 3- a gullible nigger takes the bait and check out the wallet
Step 4- the gullible nigger see's the wallet is legit so he plans on withdrawing said shitcoin to his own wallet
Step 5- He sends some of his own ethereum to the wallet since you need about 3 dollars worth of ethereum to withdraw erc20 tokens
Step 6- the pajeet quickly withdraws the ethereum that the dumb nigher sends and gets to eat some fancy shitskin food that day

>> No.12308647

it was not scam

>> No.12308657

Yes it is you dumb shitskin. And its an old one. Its been around since the dawn of er20 shit tokens.

>> No.12308969

I know that scam exists. But in this case it wasn't a scam.

>> No.12308991

>it was not scam
>it was
>not scam

Nice pajeet writing, pajeet.