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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 131 KB, 957x1300, young-man-breaking-house-stealing-laptop-close-up-wearing-black-hooded-jacket-40891117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12304141 No.12304141 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12304154

>being a lawyer
>being a nigger
>being a life coach

>> No.12304157

deep web steroids and sell them to kids at the gym at 400% mark up

>> No.12304169

>being a jew

>> No.12304193

Fuck forgot to write in op, ways that biz has made money unethically before

>> No.12304196

Get a job that involves peoples luggage and steal from it.

>> No.12304206


>> No.12304218

open a house for refugees and get dem government money

>> No.12304316

bump faggots

>> No.12304340

buy boner pills from india and sell them with a hefty markup

>> No.12304355

life coaching
real estate

>> No.12304386

Real estate? Fuck off commie

>> No.12304595

Selling 5$ China hair extensions to roasties for 50$

>> No.12304632

I used to claim housing benefits for a second apartment I wasn't actually living in. Also used to embezzle money from my fraternity

And no, I'm not Jewish, in case you were wondering

>> No.12304700

fuck off

>> No.12304719

In Straya, buy Etizolam and other research chemicals from Indian pharmacy and sell em locally for $30 a strip, not sure about the legality of this but it's a good way to make some funds when running low

>> No.12304743

aka drug dealing?

>> No.12304748

Buy a house in which you wouldn't accept to live.
Rent it out.

>> No.12305255

Dump on newfags

>> No.12305276


>> No.12305277

Not being good at your job or enjoying it, just going through the motions for a paycheck.

>> No.12305943

Online dating sites.

>> No.12306149

This, but with LSD, MDMA, K, mush and what ever else drug that isn't too controlled by gangs (coke, heroin, meth, etc). I bought 2g of champagne rock MDMA (very good quality basicly) for 45 USD and I sold one dose of 100mg for 5$ cad. The street price is of 10$ (cad) usually, so, you can sell everything with a profit of 95$ USD. The same applis to mush and LSD; I get an oz for 3 CAD a g and street price is usually 8-10$ and I get 50 tabs for 100 USD and I can sell for 5-10$ a tab. It's very profitable but it is weird and illegal. I only sold to friends hence the cheap prices.

>> No.12306161

Lending with interest

>> No.12306793

shilling your coin on /biz/

>> No.12307111
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>>12304386 yeah fuck you

>> No.12307417
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used to scam people on steam for csgo knives with fake roulette websites and selling them for paypal. The guys I worked with pulled off $5k a month almost. But it was to stressfull I always felt like shit having to manipulate people into getting scammed and most of them were kind of nice to me. I think most people I scammed were friendless, virgin, depressed losers who played vidya all day long just like me. That's why I quit.

>> No.12307437

you will go to hell.

>> No.12307453

Thank you for quitting. Good job and you're a good person now annon

>> No.12307457

If you live near the border, go to Mexican mom and pop pharmacies to buy pharmaceutical grade Xanax, Valium, Ativan etc for dirt cheap. Take one month on and two months off, selling it on the dark market for 100 a bottle. Addicts go absolutely crazy if their shit is in the original manufacturer's packaging. Best part: you can legally bring it back to the US if you declare it and have a Mexican prescription (can bribe one for like $10) with a 90 day supply, so it's like 50/50 unethical.

>> No.12307835

where do you order?

>> No.12307852

Exploit your friends.

>> No.12307967

Work for government

>> No.12308223


>> No.12308281

Buy counterfeit things from a chinese sweatshop and sell it to Americans with over 10x mark up.

>> No.12308388

if buying and selling chinese shit is so easy, why then nobody does it?

>> No.12308401

promoting crypto pyramid schemes to boomers

ive actually made close to 7 figures in 2018 doing just that

>> No.12308600

Tried this

>> No.12308605

yeah this. federal jobs are criminal.

>> No.12308625

Become Chris Hansen but instead of putting them in jail blackmail them and make them pay you in untraceable privacy coins.

>> No.12308628

so fucking many people do. wish com f.ex lol

>> No.12308672

Glowing this hard lol

>> No.12308814


Brings back those good ol RuneScape days.

>> No.12308957

So basically just a regular tsa agent. That's why all tsa is black

>> No.12308962


>> No.12308970

there is no ethical way to make money under capitalism

>> No.12308983

Fucking wlamart does it ya dip

>> No.12308990


>100 a bottle

In Toronto, you can sell a Xanax for $600CAD/pill

>> No.12309018


have you heard of drop shipping?

>> No.12309083

thats bullshit. theres absolutely no way. you can get bars for less than a dollar per

>> No.12309166

interesting. got a throw-away? id like to learn this from you if you have time

>> No.12309841


where from bro?

>> No.12309868
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>> No.12309883

Viagra is available OTC noob faggot

>> No.12309892

You love telling people about fraternity embezzlement.

>> No.12309896

you're just projecting.

>> No.12310107
File: 176 KB, 1000x1000, 1545095643622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to scam people in RuneScape with my cousins. For some reason I never got banned. It was very bad.
>One time I had my cousin pretending to be a guild leader, and to join the guild we had to do a trust test. Me and the target were the potential pledges.
>I told my cousin to ask for our most expensive items
>I went first and unequipped my rune sword or something. Then he wore it and gave it back.
>Then the target did it, and my cousin said in the chat "see ya sucker" and ran down the stairs
It was funny but I felt immediately afterwords. Probably some kid just like me.
I also stole all of my other cousin's gear and money when he got Oblivion for Christmas and stopped playing with us on RuneScape. Also a different cousin had some cool gear, and I stole one thing. Zombie head or something like that. He thought he lost it in game somehow, if I remember correctly.

Oh well. We're all gonna make it lads.

>> No.12310129

Buy broken electronics off ebay buy the same one at bestbuy swap out the guts and sell the slightly worn but now working product and return the mint condition non working product.

>> No.12310187

Good old Runescape. I also had a friend quit so a couple days after he left I logged onto his account to steal his addy armor but it was already gone because our other friend had already gotten in there and taken it LMAO.

>> No.12310220

Poor kid had some shit-ass friends. Hope he ditched you lousy faggots for some better compatriots

>> No.12310225


Lol those were the good ol days..

>> No.12310232

Just kill yourself you worthless nigger

>> No.12310249

Wish is the most popular culprit of dropshipping rn imo

>> No.12310360
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Shit I remember how when I was in school I also hacked accounts in Perfect World MMO with my friend. I don't feel guilty about this one tho for some reason, that was the most fun I had in life probably. That same friend got me into steam scamming later

We would make a fake website and spam shit in the chat like
>sing up for the next major update beta testing and receive 100 gold for your contribution
Then they went to the website it was a complete knock off of the official website, but we got their login and password when they filled the forms. It wasn't even .com domen, it was some free shitty domain name, like .some-webhosting-name.com.

Sometimes once we got someone to sign in, we would fucking kick him out of the game immediately, stealing all his shit and telling his friends to go fuck themselves in PM. As you might guess we got banned pretty fast. Got 10 years of ban. We hacked probably 100 accounts this way, even though we thought no one is going to fall for this shit in the beginning. That was in 2010, so it expires in a year. Too bad no one is playing this crap anymore and the things we stole are probably worthless by now. We also stole a mount pet from some girl and got her on skype, she was begging for us to give it back. We gave it back eventually after making fun of her for hours.

>> No.12310387

this, its a doggy dog world

>> No.12310419

oh shit. thats not right

>> No.12310496

This seems doable but it sounds like a lot of time and effort for a few hundred dollars of profit at a time, unless you can do it with a really big dollar item. Have you actually done this or is it just an idea? If so what's the most profit you've made off of one item? Would they check to see if it's been tampered with or do you get your money back no questions asked?

>> No.12310687
File: 1.70 MB, 1366x998, Screenshot 2019-01-02 at 06.52.04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a halloween mask? that's worth quite some money if you can still access that account

>> No.12310726

really, if you're actively scamming people, you're probably doing it wrong anyway. the only worthwhile unethical activity is taking advantage of things without having to coerce or scam anybody, taking advantage of other people's mistakes trading, things like that.

>> No.12310855

unironically, anything that isn't a trade.
the rest is just marking shit up and selling it to someone for more than you paid

>> No.12310865

where do you get 5$ China hair extensions i live in niggers vill and these bitches go crazy off this

who was your clientèle

>> No.12310907

I order from Dream Market. It's for consumption between myself and like 20 other friends/acquaintances for music festivals and concerts. Selling to random people for big profit isn't worth the risk.

>> No.12310943

no you can't

>> No.12311023

I used to but last time I was on a silkroad 2 or actually I think it was 3 it started getting shut down every other day or longer and my last order never went through. 16/early 17ish. Then I didn’t want to spend my crypto since my sheets of L wound up being multi thousand dollars in the then current exchange rate

>> No.12311077

I heard about guys doing it back in the days. They did it with ipads and ipods. Supposedly the stores just check the serial number is matching. Im guessing they paid with cash and the returned the item. Would not be surprised if they ask for ID now a days though. They made bank thats forsure. Also if you have a phone or any product with warranty and you want to get a new phone or replacement put a tiny dab of crazy glue on the charging port contacts. So when you plug in your charger it wont charge the device. Doesnt look like physical damage and youll get the replacement easy.

>> No.12311348

i middlemanned a sale of a exotic monkey today

>> No.12311379

You are still the cancer