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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12299721 No.12299721 [Reply] [Original]

what do you expect from the Brazilian economy /biz/?

>> No.12299763


He bulldozes the favelas with the trash still in them & institutes full National Socialism leading to Brazil becoming a superpower and cucking the US hard on the world stage.

>> No.12299772

respect for favelanon please

>> No.12299773

RIP Favelanon

>> No.12299779

to perform marginable better than the economies in the rest of the region.

>> No.12299827


kek. maybe favelanon can get a job in the brazilian SS

>> No.12299872

This is what monkeys actually believe.

>> No.12299878

what has he done so far?

>> No.12299902

Slightly better performance than the rest of SA for a short while followed by a massive collapse along with ridiculous IMF and WB programs/obligations with most if not the entirety of the country in hands of American kikes

>> No.12299979
File: 10 KB, 240x402, Lobco_41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying that the gang leaders just don't use fucking sniper rifles to kill Brazilian cops.
>Implying that the mass exodus of doctors back to Cuba wouldn't just cause an epidemic in Brazil.
>Implying that a man who can't comprehend economics at all can run a country.

>> No.12300011

He's not gonna fix the commie legacy of the previous Brazilian presidents.

>> No.12300074

he was a congressman for 27 years and did nothing

>> No.12300089

Forced sterilisation in all the favelas, at least I hope so

>> No.12300104

>>Implying that a man who can't comprehend economics at all can run a country.
This has been a common thing in the last few decades with varying results in lots of countries

>> No.12300108

He will give America whatever we ask for and then retire in Miami. Long American mining companies.

>> No.12300126


>> No.12300136


>> No.12300140
File: 19 KB, 653x442, Economic_growth_of_Chile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somethin like this

>> No.12300145
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>> No.12300151

If I were to move to Brazil, where should I go and how hard is it to get a long term visa?

>> No.12300153

go back to /pol/

>> No.12300165

what can a congressman even do? cast a vote in among 200 others?

>> No.12300189
File: 44 KB, 500x375, 0E1950CFE1944E0EA50E8D8E9C957AC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he cheer for a politic like a brainlet do for a soccer team

>> No.12300193


How come you want to move?

>> No.12300207
File: 139 KB, 850x834, touhou chen spaghett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8 years of China-like growth
>china-like growth without central control
lol nope. Also any gains will be siphoned off to the US so unless you are already in with American funds you aren't likely to see much improvement in your position in life.

>> No.12300656

fuck off comie scum

>> No.12300671

East of Santa Catarina. The most peaceful and white state in Brazil

>> No.12300974

Pretty hard, even work visas can be quite hard to obtain

>> No.12300988

collapse, but only after selling everything that still has any value

>> No.12300997

>Implying that a man who can't comprehend economics at all can run a country.
Pretty much every political figurehead (president, prime minister, etc) fall into that category.

>> No.12301042

Yeah, probably the best idea. Joining the Right wing death squads for fun and profit.

Butthurt much that Brazil is going to evict the trash before you burger? How's the wall going up there in the "greatest ally" anon? If you don't get it up soon we'll need to come and Reconquista you to save you from the tacos - won't that be embarrassing?

>> No.12301339

>essa montagem

Espera a oficial, vai.

>> No.12301364

I'll be sure to let the muslim refugees know about this goyim

>> No.12301492



>> No.12301771


Like who?

>> No.12301998

Don't want to live in US.

>> No.12302092

Boomtown. He will deregulate everything and cut all the gibs. Brazil is unironically a great investment right now if he survives.

>> No.12302275

>He will deregulate everything and cut all the gibs
Literally just means more profits for america. I don't think you understand how Latin America works. Chile is still a shithole despite being productive. Invest wisely. Latin Americans are subhuman and need direction after all. The white nation of America is the only country fit to lead.

>> No.12302523

"The economy" of a country == it's people.
Millions of ~70iq people, you do the math.

>> No.12302914

I recently read Brazil built its own particle accelerator, costing $10bn in Campinas University.

>> No.12302960

Lol brazil

>> No.12303174


Cautiously optimistic. But they are monkeys at the end of the day.

>> No.12303615

Santa Catarina is beautiful. Would be nice to spend some part of your retirement there. Learn to surf etc.

>> No.12303620

>traficantes have snipers
>mass exodus of hundreds
>what is polvo
what are you even doing here?

>> No.12303689

>third world shitskin shithole
>national socialism

>> No.12303886


it's true wtf

>> No.12303924 [DELETED] 

if they ever get it working these monkeys will destroy the world

>> No.12303984

>Hurr durr he'll sell everything to America
Why do you brainlets keep parroting this meme? Can you commies operate on anything other than projection? Just because your side gave stuff to every lefty dicatorship in the world, doesn't mean we will, you fucking cucks.
And even if he did sell everything it would be better than giving it away for free like you did.

The worst part is that you ungrateful cunts will also reap the rewards of the economic boom

>> No.12304084

>where should I go
>how hard is it to get a long term visa
Bribe someone, you can buy anything you want there

>> No.12304108

>unironically electing a muh strongman dictator to run your country into ruins and trample your civil rights cus "fuck libs" XD

>> No.12304127

The next evolution in HUEHUE economics and niggerism, those jungle coons only know corruption and failure.

>> No.12304167

>what do you expect from the Brazilian economy
nothing absolutely nothing

>> No.12304236

Yeah that's true, because the newspapers said so right? After the international media circus over Trump I thought people would start questioning what they're being fed, guess not.
Fucking morons
>let me tell you about your country

>> No.12304253

>After the international media circus over Trump I thought people would start questioning what they're being fed, guess not.
well trump underperformed all expectations so far in an infantile idiotic manner, so i would say the media was spot on.

>> No.12304274

God I wish we had a Jair in America. Hues got very lucky.

>> No.12304454
File: 170 KB, 922x644, Savage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see what's funny, if there is a place in need of eugenics it's Brazil.

Civil rights are a fucking meme when you have one of them most violent country in the world like Brazil where criminals control entire territories and are able to terrorize a large part of the population with the help of corrupted officials.

It's completely idiotic to make more "gentle" laws when already existing laws aren't applied to a vast part of the population.

For freedom and rights to flourish you need a good amount of social order in the first place, notably where the most violent and psychopathic members are eliminated, that's what basically happened in Europe during the late Middle Age/Renaissance and allowed the birth of systems more respectful of the individual (at least until this type of scum again reappears with mass immigration from third world country).
>Freedom without virtue isn't freedom - it will eventually destroy a society.

>> No.12304477

I expect a kleptocracy

>> No.12304573

brazil is bluepilled beyond hope
>muh lava jato
NPC-ruled country