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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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12292981 No.12292981 [Reply] [Original]

I constantly try to save money and not waste it on nonsense. That got me thinking if a car was worth it. Would it be cheaper to just take the bus, taxis, go by train instead?

>> No.12293028

Why are silver chads manlets?

>> No.12293070

Bus,train is way cheaper but you will loose soo much time travelling by those, i unironically need to wake up 2 hours before my wagecuck shift to come on time by bus and 1,5 hour after my shift to come home so 3,5 hours spent daily by travelling, by car, im in work in 30minutes so its not worth my two and a half hours from my day just to save some money so im better with car. Depend on your situation, public transport times etc, im living in a 300k city so thats it, if you have direct metro connection from your home to work theres no need to go by car.

>> No.12293106


A car is freedom to go places, and a universal sign that you're not an actual retard. If you think it's cool to only be able to do things when everybody else's schedules can fit you, then you're still too fucking young for your own good.

>> No.12293135

I thought of using a bike if I could but that's only for shorter distances.

>> No.12293151

They're 6'1 the Bitcoin Chad is 6'3

>> No.12293239

You can either look rich - or be rich. Choose.

When you are older and have accumulated wealth for 2 decades, then you can do both.

>> No.12293254

I bike to work everyday and its snowy outside.
Cheap as fuck and good exercise.

>> No.12293459

I used public transportation for one year
Never had so much anger in my life. Constantly late, train cancelled etc.
I also got very often ill because of all the other sick people in the train

Now have a car. Best decision of my life so far