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12292927 No.12292927 [Reply] [Original]

is public education worth it anymore? Teachers are usually from the bottom rung of society and I'm beginning to see the effects of brainwashing on my baby sister (11). Never met her teacher but judging by what she talks about at home I can tell the teacher is another one of those "for equality" types at the cost of common sense and logic

What does oldfags on biz think about the state of public education?

>> No.12293914

I would check every day from my child what they "learned", got toled today.
Make sure to correct everything and give him adittional homeschooling.

Teaching common sense would be the most important factor since we are forced to have as little common sense as possible today.

and your pic would be a dream life.

>> No.12293956

It's getting worse and worse because conservatives are hell-bent on defunding it and eventually privatizing it. Then when it gets worse (because of their actions) they take this as proof that "government doesn't work" (even though it works great in Europe) and that it needs to be cut even more.

>> No.12293984

Kill yourself

>> No.12293991

i regret so much the brainwashing my teachers indoctrinated me through 4yo -> 17yo.

I wish i just listened to my parents (both are immigrants but worth more than $20 mill and are redpilled af). Instead I chose to ignore them and listen to my "friends" and teachers instead who dont have a fucking clue about how the real world works. All of them grew up in first world like the pussies they are and don't know a single thing about hard work, or how bad other parts of the world truly live.

they also push bullshit down your throat like "everyone is equal". "everyone is different and just as good as eachother". fucking hell. Could not be farther from the truth.

Reality is if you want to be "equal" making $70k a year, getting a wife, having two kids and retiring when you are 60yo then sure listen to them lmao. Or believing that "you should be happy with who you are". Fucking cunts. Brainwashed me. I just wish my parents had spent more time redpilling me on life. Instead they only dropped hints of it to me every few months.

>> No.12294006

vocational teacher here, 10 years, both middle and high school.

Taught in both union and non-union state. Ghetto schools and rural schools.

It really comes down to the school district's agenda, and even then its usually drivel forced down by the state.

County run school districts with 3+ high schools are usually liberal cess pools where incompetent admins are hired based on their genitals and skin color. Women seem to be the most sexist and blacks are the most racist...usually the combination of these two as kids running around doing whatever the fuck they want. Based women teachers want men as leadership, as they dont get into petty arguments like women do when they assume leadership positions, and theyre not spineless cowards.

Small school districts run by towns usually have a better say to weed out liberal drivel as the state government doesnt hold funding over their heads. Thats why towns have school taxes. County run schools have low property taxes, but the state redistribute school funding based on "good boy" points.

Theres dumb teachers and theres good ones. Youll usually be able to tell who your culprit teacher is by simply asking your kid who they learned their information from when they make a claim.

Whatever you do do not ever act like a dumb white trash redneck if you disagree with something. Present it with scientific facts, instead of a dumb bush era boomer with their retarded facebook meme.

>> No.12294023

private schools are just as bad as public schools. they all have to teach the same propoganda curriculum. school is useless nowadays anyway. you can literally learn everything online. schooling is just a certificate.

>> No.12294041

this. Teach your kids to be life long learners, and be curious and imaginative.

Schools try that, but all the students with these qualities are usually backed at home. You teach them this, theyll be able to pull all the good from schools and be successful thereafter.

The rest will turn into neets and usually post on /b/

>> No.12294056

That pic would be impossible to sustain for very long. You might get away with it for a few years on fertile ground.

>> No.12294062
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>sister (11)
>at the cost of common sense and logic

Oh, please teach your sister your deranged and nihilistic worldviews, so she can become a depressed teen who gets preggers before even turning 16.

>> No.12294067

That looks like such a retarded waste of time. All that time wasted roleplaying as a medieval farmer so you can save $300 on groceries

>> No.12294077

>What is food security.

>> No.12294091

$300 x 12= $3600 more a year that could go into a coushy retirement account in addtion to work place contributions.

Your statement is not /biz/ approved

>> No.12294093

If you're worried about global apocalypse, wagecuck for a few years to build up your savings and then emigrate to New Zealand

>> No.12294105
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Is your time so worthless, so you have to spend 30h+ into a garden besides your job, just to have "food security"?

Why not simply buying a stock of about three years of food and if something like a shortage happens, you start to grow your own stuff then?

>> No.12294113

Current education system grooms us to be loyal obedient slaves. Real educational program should teach us how to be thinkers, not workers.

>> No.12294123

>Your statement is not /biz/ approved
If I work one hour more each day, I make about 400 more per month or $4800 per year more into the retirement account.

Still less time than the garden would take to maintain.

>Your statement is not /biz/ approved
Said the financial illiterate idiot.

>> No.12294449

you switch crop places and leave some spaces blank every few years.
that is basic stuff our ancestor found out yeeeears ago.

>> No.12294578

>knows nothing about modern small farming and using cnc

you can tend a garden and still work your kike one hour extra per day fucktard.

>calls someone a financial idiot anyway despite being a wage slave and not harnessing independent skills.

>> No.12294774

I regard public school as having been a complete waste of my time. tfw no rich parents to put me in an elite boarding school. I'm pretty smart (not a genius but much higher than average) and wasted every schoolday being bored and waiting for it to be over. Everything they taught me was shit. I learned more physics reading a few chapters of the Faynman Lectures than I did gradeschool through university. I learned more history and geography from /pol/ than from anywhere else. I taught myself a second language to reasonable usability in one year of self study. 8 years of spanish in school and all I can say is hola, no comprende. I read more literature in the past year just for fun than I ever did in all my years of english lit combined.
Public school kills potential better than poverty could do alone.
Thought about opening my own non-religiously-affiliated boarding school to help other kiddos, but ultimately you need to cuck for an education masters for anyone to take you seriously and need like 3 mil in loans. I have 50k in debt and already consider suicide a viable alternative to paying them. Plus all the red tape, legal shit, etc. I'm mad that back in the day starting a business was so straightforward, now there's so much bullshit you need a team of 5 different experts working fulltime year round at 150k/each just to navigate the red tape. There's really no hope for anything.

>> No.12294790

Eat shit

>> No.12294802

>even though it works great in Europe)
the reason literally everything works great in Europe is because until very recently Europe was white.

>> No.12294819


jokes on you, i'm a libertarian and love eating shit!

>> No.12295094

This buy little kiddie traders on the board are in denial

>> No.12295179

Surprise surprise, now shit is not working anymore. Europe is going down in poverty and misery, but at least it will be diverse so you can't band together with your neighbor. It is all part of some divide and conquer cos nation states didn't end well for the elites.

>> No.12295255

I went to an all male Catholic school.

Was pretty based. Taught that homos are wrong and should cover it up. Taught that sex before marriage is bad etc.

Still didn't stop degeneracy but it was something at least. Also some dudes did come out the closet when we went to university - one of them was a good friend of mine and I never thought he was gay the entire time growing up but turns out he loved dick just kept it thoroughly on the down low.

>> No.12295415

New Zealand isn't safe

>> No.12295433
File: 32 KB, 645x729, 1534572831309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you retarded? do you know how long it takes to grow stuff, when shtf?

>> No.12295543

small farming purely for food security isn't a good idea in the world we live in right now. yeah, its gonna be nice in a hypothetical SHTF, but right now just save up for a tad bit more land to have more cattle and more productive growing space so you can sell the surplus off to make up a little for all the time you spend gardening and raising animals. you still would have to have another job on top of that tho

>> No.12295575
File: 55 KB, 726x437, you_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hypothetical SHTF
>just save up for a tad bit more land to have more cattle and more productive growing space
>so you can sell the surplus off to make up a little for all the time you spend gardening and raising animals
>so you can sell the surplus