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File: 106 KB, 722x1280, Photo Nov 24, 12 02 06 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12289293 No.12289293[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tell me why I shouldn't be going all-in on cryptocurrency after its reached 90% decline from ATHs.

I understand the math that it can easily subtract 50% of its value (and my investment)

But if TD Ameritrade, Fidelity, NYSE operator ICE and others are looking at allowing their users to play in, spending extreme amounts of money on, creating educational material, creating advertisement contracts, etc on cryptocurrency, why are there REALLY people advising against putting USD into crypto? (Specifically BTC, ETH, XLM, EOS, XMR and ADA)

Thank you

>> No.12289319

tell your sister to clean her asshole better

>> No.12289323

its shadow and that isn't my sister

>> No.12289324

that's 2 men

>> No.12289332
File: 2.37 MB, 3024x4032, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine the stench

>> No.12289334

then who is vagina? xD

>> No.12289402

You're fat, ugly and worthless, and so is your boyfriend. faggot

>> No.12289433
File: 19 KB, 497x501, 1532236418459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12289434

i love rustling jimmies with my hawt sex pics, but can I get some crypto rationale plx?

>> No.12289453

gross asshole

>> No.12289460

Imagine being so proud of ramming some gross roastie you a) take a picture of it, and b) upload the picture to a mongolian basket weaving board.

>> No.12289468

Is that guy having sex with a pig @_@ ?

>> No.12289484

Sigh why do I keep coming here? OP...fuck off faggot

>> No.12289490

Caught me offguard, heartiest kek in days

>> No.12289498

post moar

>> No.12289514

You shouldn't go all-in because the market is getting ready for a big downturn. Bitcoin will continue to drop during the downturn until the market levels out. That would be the time to go all-in. As the market increases, demand for blockchain, Tech, alternate currencies to USD would be in demand. You don't want to go in right before the ship crashes.

>> No.12289553

How do you know this? and don't say your memelines can predict the future.

>> No.12289557

any specific requests? mostly vids desu, can screencap tho..

>> No.12289564

What vagina. I see one dude fucking another dude in the butt.

>> No.12289581

calm down guys its just a boomer fucking his boomer wife

>> No.12289600
File: 880 KB, 534x919, ballz1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can never remember if there is NSFW material allowed so i used black marker on the bhole, but here is that ever elusive vagina for the virgins asking. keep the crypto advice comin plox

>> No.12289616

>no ahem

>> No.12289630

you shouldnt go all in right now but start buying in every week. any TA fags saying they know whats going to happen are retarded this shit could pump like crazy at any moment.

>> No.12289638

>photo from 11-2-2012
Nigger I don't even fap to sex memories from then

>> No.12289643

ha i was actually wondering why it said that, this shit is from this Nov

>> No.12289653
File: 43 KB, 365x226, ba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just figured it out

the "12" is the time of day... notice the other 11s

>> No.12289689
File: 22 KB, 474x587, 311A03F2-BDAA-45FB-BA7F-BF7B99C4FA58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12289698

Ok folks here it is: hitler is living in the blockchain. nazis created bitcoin during WW2. hitler uploaded his mind is currently living inside (people think he committed supoku). craig s reich realized this and is in the process of "forking" (Machtergreifung) the chain so hitler can be freed. once freed hitler can literally invade every computer in the entire world. every node contains a piece of hitler. miners are literally hashing pieces of his body back together.

the National Bank of Germany (NBG) already knows this and is making preparations for the war will be fought on computers and over the blockchain, not on the ground. this was the "hash war". craig reich has been hand chosen as the Nazi minister/chancellor in human form.

>> No.12289727

If you want to get in at these prices you are going to need lots of leverage to make any money. At least 10x leverage. Bitmex would be a good choice of exchange for you.

>> No.12289735

thanks for the honest advice. Im a terrible trader so I've avoided Bitmex thus far.

>> No.12289744

>black marker “butthole”
>not penis or “vagina”
Literally just put some black on top of butt crack and posted a picture of your penis in another mans butt.

>> No.12289754

lmfao, i love this plce

>> No.12289764

Kill yourself newfag

>> No.12289778

Wrong it is not Hitler living in blockchain it’s a vishnu

>> No.12289794


op why are you so gay

>> No.12289814
File: 55 KB, 1064x798, Android_IMG_64771818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice work op
cheers from Thailand!

>> No.12289824

Vishnu is Ninti. Ninti is Ishkur... ISHKUUUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.12289844

>I don't even fap to sex memories from then
Your sex memories ARE from fapping

>> No.12289845

cheers brother. *holds up a Stella*

>> No.12289871 [DELETED] 

I wish I had taken pics of me fucking in Thailand. I was too pussy to sneak pics or ask.

Imagine 8 inches of black meat pounding away at this Asian beauty.

>> No.12289881
File: 210 KB, 1362x2488, IMG_20181201_161947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had taken pics of me fucking in Thailand. I was too pussy to sneak pics or ask.

Imagine 8 inches of black meat pounding away at this Asian beauty.

>> No.12289911

good call. keep avoiding if you are shit at trading

if you wanna go all in, dont go btc.
best chances are at good coins at lower market cap values
but dont go crazy and pick coins that are at 20+ spot now. choose safe bets
(I wouldnt even look at anything below 10th spot)

>> No.12289917
File: 105 KB, 750x843, 1523306525115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once this girl I'd never met in person wasn't responding to me on Snapchat so one night I sent her like 10 snaps in a row of me fucking this other girl doggy style

she woke up, watched them all, told me "I have a better butt than that" and then said "that's gross that you sent me that" and then deleted me from Snapchat. They were both black girls. anyways thanks for reading my blog

>> No.12289983

G-d that's so hot
got anymore photos?

>> No.12289988

honest thank you for the quick and dirty advice. I'm long on ETH, XMR and XLM. (with BCH, BSV and Tether out of top 10 it works :)

>> No.12289999

anytime bud. feel free to post sexier pics of black chicks bc i think they all look like dogs and should fix that

>> No.12290052
File: 55 KB, 1063x797, Android_IMG_18857287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pennystocks on my ticker for tomorrow

what about you guys?

>> No.12290071
File: 613 KB, 1932x2728, IMG_20181201_160506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had more, better pics.

>> No.12290146

yeah youre killin me with these

>> No.12290177

Lose weight you fucking lard ass.

>> No.12290185

Thailand soapies are lovely, especially if you develop some chemistry with a worker and see them a couple times.

>> No.12290203

haha im actually average weight for my height (140lbs) but this angle does look pretty robust

>> No.12290207

A country where your mom's greatest aspiations is becoming an amazing cocksucker. How do we destroy it?

>> No.12290217

Well im all abs at 42. So yeahget your shit together bro, no lighting will make me look as sad as that.

>> No.12290227

youre not wrong, I have zero abs. I'm all bicep, trap and chest. Its bad.

But then again, I've heard abs are made in the kitchen and i am literally 6 Stellas deep, theres a rib eye cooking in butter on the stove and potatoes/green beans in bacon and butter on the side. no shame rly

>> No.12290232

because it can easily get to -99.9% loss from the top, which means a 90% loss to you if you buy it at its current -90%.

>> No.12290263

I bet you and your sister had Arby's for dinner.

>> No.12290274

This chick has a big gut, I just know it.

>> No.12290312

I got scammed at one "soapy" in Bangkok. 2000 baht for some shitty dimlit room with a bucket in the tub. Mamasan tried to kick me out after 30 minutes even though we agreed upon 1 hour, and I hadn't even come yet. The massage girl had the nerve to ask for a 1000 baht tip and cursed me when I threw 120 baht at her.

>> No.12290321

Found your problem

>> No.12290333

You didnt go to a real one. The proper massage places are finely tuned machines and fairly luxurious.

>> No.12290351
File: 53 KB, 1240x744, 4980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12290354

Fucking kek. Checked.

>> No.12290379

So glad I only spent 2 days out of my whole trip there. Pattaya was much better for sex and everything else.
I went to legit ones previously. I should have known better.

>> No.12290401

shes underweight for her size. I like bigger bellies, honest to god

>> No.12290422

I eat like a king too, I jusy burn about 3500 calories a day min. Never stop moving.

>> No.12290453

good point, I need to work on the exercise portion. Im a piece of shit in that dept. if im honest

>> No.12290509

Its cool bro. Money first. Everything else is gravy.

>> No.12290664

This. Stay out until Q4 2019.

>> No.12291086

Because 95% is better.

>> No.12291107

this is easily the gayest image on this board and that makes you faggot prime

>> No.12291132

> Cover the ass but show us your dick to make it "SFW"
Found the Australian

>> No.12291235


>> No.12291294

lol noice def gonna make it

>> No.12291305

That's because his dick can't cause any damage.

>> No.12291525

> average weight for my height
> 140
Manlet detected. Kek

>> No.12291533

Fucking brainlet. 99.9% would mean 99% down from 90% down

>> No.12291558

>this thread is still up 5 hours later
are jannies on strike?

>> No.12291560


Why are burger men so gross? Look at that gunt. I say this as a burger boomer who has somehow managed to stay athletic after 20 when 7/10 of my peers couldn't. Not that fucking hard, do some goddamn pushups and lay off the fucking lager's.

> muh redpill

>> No.12291575

Fucking gross. Just puked in my mouth. Imagine being so pathetic that you need to brag and show off you fucking a literal pig on a board full of virgins and autists. Top fucking kek.