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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 301 KB, 2000x1333, just work hard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12289062 No.12289062 [Reply] [Original]

Doesnt it just feel wrong to you? Life feels pointless enough without giving away 2/3 of your days to a job. Every job ive ever had has felt uncomfortable and unnatural

>> No.12289083

Just living life is uncfomy. You come into this world crying as a baby, and then your body decomposes and you die a painful death. Get used to it.

>> No.12289097


I hate working but how do I buy food, pay rent and hire hookers without a job?

>> No.12289192

Get a hooker to fall in love with you, pimp her out and pay for rent and food from the earnings.

>> No.12289260

Jobbe is a peice of work.
Job is a path of willing torture in service to The Lord God, kicking over the idols to Baal (bail).
Business is conducted for the benefit of Baal, this is what the worship of the law of man builds.
Living as an exile from the world, in the world is a blessing. An enemy of the earthly father of all lies.
The Boomers had lots of space for dead sheep, we are here because of being chosen already by the heavenly father.

>> No.12289406

This is the paradox of idolatry. Either seek titles, or be unable to present sufficient offering to be an idolater (materialist).

What One is faced with, is abandoning the things of the world through faith, or die grasping for what was illusion to begin with.

>> No.12289678

This board is wild

>> No.12289952

>gives brainlet irrelevant response

>> No.12290002
File: 200 KB, 764x512, 1517951175557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would work 50 hours a week for 45 years just for one sniff of that BRAAAAAPPPer

>> No.12290186

But think about all the meaning she gets in her life cleaning up a capitalist's mess :^)

>> No.12290377
File: 275 KB, 580x701, 1545780790145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone had to produce the things you consume.

>> No.12290388

Or something. Machines/robots produce things in addition to humans producing things. Start owning machines and let them work for you.

>> No.12290495

I honestly don't even mind working, but the problem seems to be how other people act around work in general. Mcdonalds employees should be legally given permission to stab anyone that isn't polite to them. That's how all of this should work.

>> No.12290523

honestly most work should end in stab wounds. I would dominate work because of my high level of meelee proficiancy

>> No.12290541

Are you larping as a monk on biz or some shit?

>> No.12290542

It feels wrong because some people don't have to work.

But at the same time somebody has to build our houses, provides us with electricity, and collect out trash. So somebody has to work, that's the reality at this moment in time.

If you don't want to work you gotta find a way to be free financially.


>> No.12290553

get a kid
suddenly that 9-5 job seems meaningful

>> No.12290559

Its completely unreasonable to have debasement at 3% against consumer goods
I could shake hands with a keynesian over debasement against an index of housing but fuckem end the fed

>> No.12290570

Haha, good idea.

>> No.12290610

Holy fucking gosh damn what is wrong with you pussy queers? If you don’t feel better working hard and being productive you’re not a man. Your dad’s failed you or you didn’t have a dad at all I reckon. Go back to your video games and weed I guess.

>> No.12290622

What is The Good Work?

>> No.12290650


Just put the fucking food on a table somewhere, making people walk around with dishes like that is just a wank

>> No.12290653

ragey wagey

>> No.12290665

that look on his face--disdain, pity, disgust, condescension, all of it--is beyond words.

>> No.12290677


Yup and you can suck my 6 figure dick, neet faggot.

>> No.12290697

>6 figures

wow so you've achieved the average? 2/3rds of your life gone just to be average hahahha, embarassing

>> No.12290721

What i dont get it is that not only are most jobs miserable, you also have to go out of your way to attain that misery with applications and interviews.

Like its this happy achievement when someone gave you the opportunity to feel like shit for 8 hours a day.

Oh but it pays the bills so you can stay alive and do the same shit tomorrow. I cant believe us in the peasant classes have been brainwashed into accepting this existence as normal.

>> No.12290725

>claims independently wealthy anon isn't a real man
>begs for head from some faggot
oh kay

>> No.12290745


someone's got to do it

>> No.12290750


Work is life, everyone has to do something. Whether it be watching stocks buying and selling all day, cleaning toilets, selling dope or a fat house wife watching her kids all day. Everything you do is work, working is surviving. As for 6 figures being average you’re wrong, and any amount is something to be proud if you worked for it. Men work.

>> No.12290758

I would be proud to be a servant kid. Trading stocks isnt work btw

>> No.12290764

he must be used to sucking off his boss, wagey problems

>> No.12290765

Working in exchange for nothing is slavery

>> No.12290768

Nice try Nigerian but this is at a Johnie Walker party hosted by Diageo, an acquisition company owned by Communist China's state-owned "Kweichow Moutai" company. Communism won't save you from being a slave, it will enforce it.

>> No.12290773


Yes it is if you’re following the market and making moves it sure as shit isn’t leisure play time

>> No.12290788
File: 613 KB, 639x487, Idk man think up your own filename.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the pic due to personal character flaws

>> No.12290809

>he doesnt find econ fun

never going to make it, and i mean never

>> No.12290835

The stuff you consume doesn't just drop from the sky, do you get that? This just is the law of the universe. To consume stuff, it must be produced first. Blame the laws of reality. Get over it.

>> No.12290877

jesus I get physically ill just having to read the retarded shit that wagies have to convince themselves to cope. I can't even go to the grocery store anymore, having even interact with wagecucks is disgusting. Seeing them in their uniforms, their feet aching, all so they continue to squander their money on trifles.

This board has saved my life.

>> No.12290878

Forced to work at gunpoint is slavery. Work in exchange for nothing could be charity. Work at low pay is not slavery, unless forced at gunpoint. If you don't like your low paying job, quit.

>> No.12290889


Just because it’s fun doesn’t make it not work. I’m a freight train conductor and love the shit out of my job. It’s fun, but it’s still work.

>> No.12290899

Its not work because I dont have to get on my knees and kiss boss's cock whenever he asks

>> No.12290916


You’re doing it to provide for yourself, It’s work. Even the guys at the tip top I mean wealthy beyond wealthy have to WORK to stay there and preserve or grow their fortunes. Stop playing stupid, you’re wrong.

>> No.12290966

>pursuing your interests
>working to make another man rich

the people at the top are the former, you are the latter. remember to spit your boss's dick oil from your mouth before you address your slave master tomorrow at work kid, he might give you a raise if your cum dumpster mouth is clean enough

>> No.12290970

But we used to just get stuff. Gather fruits and vegetables or hunt with your bros.

Now its some crap with a set amount of hours + going through traffic + forcing yourself to act professional and put up with a bunch of strangers.

>> No.12290977


Gathering that stuff was work too and people did it all day long not just 8 hours a day to survive.

>> No.12290990

Well, you can go live in africa the way of our ancestors. The good old days.

>> No.12291007

I saw a documentary on some African tribes, all the dudes hunted for a few hours then chilled out at home. Only the women worked around the day doing chores.

>> No.12291012

And don't get me wrong. I hate my job. Misery and uncomfort is part of life, get over it. Still better to live the modern life than what our ancestors did. Maybe you could try joining the amish community or something? If that kind of life is what you want.

>> No.12291028

I think the only people who enjoy jobs are legitimate sociopaths who live for nothing other than power, which is basically a drug (neurotransmitter) addition.
Most people hate their jobs.

>> No.12291029

If there is a will, there is a way. Find a way to live the life you want to live. Fuck what others think!

>> No.12291051


>> No.12291071


You’re an idiot.

>> No.12291094
File: 80 KB, 468x737, mike tyson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll fuck you 'til you love me, faggot.

>> No.12291109
File: 407 KB, 478x456, 1546166089022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.12291134

Yeah you got those types. But I would say most joblets are pretty much autonomous. They arent real people, just advanced algorithms reacting to their environment, soulless

>> No.12291149

Yep it's awful I hate it but I've gotta pay my bills, my mortgage and myself so I put up with it if I had no pride I would live with my mother at 24 but sadly I'm too prideful to ever crawl back home.

>> No.12291151

>abandoning the things of the world through faith
This is the only sensible part of your post.
t. Atheist -> Buddhist

>> No.12291153
File: 137 KB, 378x406, 1546063839882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my mortgage

>> No.12291163

The thing isnt thst we work. Its the nature of it in the 21st century. Self employed and entrepenuers gensrlly font suffer the same malaise, though they take significant risk. Basically the wage economy shift away from cottage industry along with the service industry domination in the West made work extremely impersonal and intangible. Its painfully obvious we clock in and enrich others and produce little to nothing of tangible value. Its not work, its what work is in the 21st century.

>> No.12291192

Society and technology develop faster than our genes. We are running old software in the new age. This is why so many people are unhappy.
Transhumanism is the answer.

>> No.12291238


God how pathetic is this? Literally nobody cares. Go bitch about pointless shit to your grandmother, you pussy.

>> No.12291248

it's about providing things for other people anon. it's not self oriented.

>> No.12291252

>t. Atheist -> Buddhist
Secular Buddhism > All
Meditation and enlightenment are real phenomena.

>> No.12291321
File: 454 KB, 476x692, Screen Shot 2018-12-31 at 11.36.01 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me after reading your post

>> No.12291534

>>The stuff you consume doesn't just drop from the sky, do you get that? This just is the law of the universe. To consume stuff, it must be produced first. Blame the laws of reality. Get over it.
Rather contingent law don't you think? Not only that, but that this mode of production, under which most of us are to become wagecucks, has some metaphysical necessity.

>> No.12291576

You don't have to be a wagecuck if you don't want to. You can produce the stuff you consume yourself. Make everything you want yourself, by your own hands.

No-one has to take part in the modern way of producing things if they don't want to. Go live in africa or the woods. Live without money or trade.
You will still have to produce the things you consume. This is the way things are.

>> No.12292360

In all honesty when I’m being a neet fag I get out of bed around 3pm. But when I work I get off at 3pm and still sleep the same time I do when I’m being a neet fag. I find that I enjoy life more when I’m actually living it and not letting days pass me by. Also the money makes like more enjoyable

>> No.12292370


>Secular Buddhism
Does it even get more reddit than this?

>> No.12292396

>In all honesty when I’m being a neet fag I get out of bed around 3pm

that's disgusting. if you need a job to "actually live" you're a subhuman

>> No.12292425

Have anymore downblouse shots of the woman on the left?

>> No.12292593

Not so much wrong with it really even if it is against a few sutras in the Tipitaka the Buddha didnt put much emphasis on.

The buddha did stress the sangha(brethren/community), the dharma(the truth) and the buddha(the ideal) though. There's also the reincarnation doctrine which, again, the buddha didnt give so much attention to.

He rightly points out that it's meditation and enlightenment buddha cares about, not all the trappings & bell's & whistles of ordinary religion.