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12287961 No.12287961 [Reply] [Original]

I am learning web development to freelance is it a meme or actually worth it?

>> No.12287973

huge meme

you and everyone else on 4chan/reddit wants to learn it too

it's the new McSkill, like knowing how to use photoshop. don't waste your time

>> No.12287974

You're better off actually getting a job to learn development practises first. Going straight into free lancing is for literal Pajeets being payed by other Pajeets

>> No.12287983


Web development was a meme when I was forced to learn it over 15 years ago. Even when they were shilling it, the idea that anyone would hire a freelancer to do it was something everybody laughed at.

>> No.12287985

yeah unless you want to make $3/hr I wouldn't waste your time. literally everyone went into comp sci and now the market is flooded with pajeets who will work for $1/hr.

>> No.12287994

I was planning on freelancing first to prove to an employer that I am capable of doing web development

>> No.12288001

unironically over saturated with pajeets

>> No.12288003

Would it be better to learn a language like C?

>> No.12288016

Bad idea. An employer cares about only two things:
Do you know the tech
Can you work with other people

You don't need to have any practical world applications under your belt to show that off, just make some applications to solve dummy problems or your own hobby interests.
Meanwhile get involved with some people in open source groups or IRL. Get some project together that shows you can just version control and work with other peoples code which is 99% of what you'll be doing on your first job

>> No.12288020

even worse. no one uses

>> No.12288022

No lol there aren't jobs for C for people that don't have at least masters engineering post graduate degrees or at least 20 years experience

Unironically your best bet programming wise right now is learning a blockchain language like solidity before the next bullrun before all the pajeets flock to it

>> No.12288027

No thats a total /g/ meme

>> No.12288043

Holy fuck this doomer meme is me right now thanks OP

>> No.12288067


There's absolutely nothing you can 'learn' related to web development, programming, coding, or software that anyone will hire you for in 2018. There was nothing in 2003 either.

The whole thing is just a huge scam to trick young people.

>> No.12288088


I'm a Software Dev in my 9-5, and I can say that learning web dev is probably the best way to learn to develop your application construction skills.

Make sure that when you say web-dev though, you mean it. Most of the inexperienced people I have seen have really meant Wordpress when they said web dev.

You'll want to pick a web framework in a language of your choice, and develop a simple app from end to end (including DB, and front end framework, React or Angular most likely). You'll learn about all kinds of shit a course won't teach you properly.

>> No.12288104
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This sounds unrealistic

>> No.12288108

Retard and cringepilled

Knows and smartpilled

>> No.12288117

Npc and memepilled

>> No.12288123

Assblasted and madpilled

>> No.12288126

That YouTube line was too close

>> No.12288180

fucking depressing...

>> No.12288314

Everyones saying it's a meme like it's so easy but creating an app from end to end is definitely not something anyone can do at high quality

>> No.12288424


For learning purposes, I would say that you definitely shouldn't be striving for a good app for at least the first 1 year. But, understand the mechanics of how it all fits together, and you can chase your niche after that.

In fact, you'd be amazed at how often internal systems that can generate a hell of a lot of money for companies will look like they were thrown together by someone following a hello world example for X framework. 80% of the usefulness of a project can be achieved in 20% of the overall time if you don't let vanity mean you spend 2 weeks getting it pixel perfect, or hell, even good looking.

>> No.12289163


Yes, but not as a pure Web dev. Learn a good backend language & framework, go "full stack". Recommend dotnet & Angular for now. Oh, and since Javascript is getting phased out in favor of Webassembly very soon learning real compiled languages even for front end dev is a good idea. C & C++ obviously, but Rust is IMO going to be huge.

>> No.12289354

JavaScript is not getting phased out any time soon by WA, if at all, lol. Don't listen to this guy.

>> No.12289369

>80% of the usefulness of a project can be achieved in 20% of the overall time

>Javascript is getting phased out in favor of Webassembly very soon

This is the IQ of the pajeets recommending web dev, OP

>> No.12289398
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>thinks crypto will solve all his problems


>> No.12289578

Can I get a job by learning Javascript?

>> No.12289805

Yesh sirs bery gud mooney five dolshars ans hours sirs

>> No.12289910

You can get a job with 3+ years experience with building web applications with JavaScript.

Not from watching a couple tutorials and learning basic syntax.