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12285283 No.12285283 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ I'm a 28 yo living with mommy like a manchild. Currently 7 months unemployed, trying to find work, it's fucking brutal. Mom survives off alimony but dad has stopped paying. I think she is going to lose her house, she doesn't work due to combo of health/mental problems and lazy.

I can see the time is approaching where I'm going to have to figure out what to do with her.

Here is my gripe however, my family are the classic boomer archetype. They bought $750k homes and 80k luxury cars but refused to help me or my brother with college or certs. As such, we are always scraping by, from one shit job to the next. My mom has helped me out a few times with emergency expenses, but not without significant bitching along the way. Dad isn't in the picture.

Basically what I'm trying to gauge, is ***to what extent should I try to help my mother as she becomes older?*** She's become a hoarder too and has a melt down if I try to help. She lays in bed all day and does literally nothing and refuses to make any effort to help herself. She's going to be a huge fucking burden in the coming years to me, and I don't know what to do. I don't really want my mom living with me since I'd like to have a gf maybe kids, but I don't want my mom to end up on the street. I also struggle financially myself from lack of degree/certs.

Help /biz/

>> No.12285320

i stopped reading where you wrote they have 750k house and 80k house

fuck off richfag

>> No.12285341

Gonna have to go your own way OP, it’s the only way. If you have funds later in life help your mom if possible it but it’s time to start your own life. She may try and financially drain you once you have a job but you gotta do you first.

Move on and get going. The sooner the better.

>> No.12285352

Sounds like this is out of your control.

Finding a job is a full time job wagie. Get back to work.

>> No.12285353
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>mfw you can't buy even a shitty one floor house for under $750k in my city

>> No.12285360

>She may try and financially drain you once you have a job but you gotta do you first.
That's what my whole post is about, the latter part. It's a matter of time until I find work again. But what do I do with my boomer mom?

THEY did, not me. I'm not rich faggot or I wouldn't be living with my mommy

>> No.12285362

How's her mortgage looking, what's the monthly cost? And how much would a minimum wage job yield you?

Are there any other sources of income except alimony?

>> No.12285380

Also, how long until the mortgage finishes, and how old is your mother?

>> No.12285387

She maxed out her expenses like a dumb fucking nigger, $1400 for mortgage but it's a decent house. She also lives 1.5 hours from the metro area, so I'd have to commute 3 hours a day just so I can live with my mom and pay her mortgage. KILL ME

Min wage jobs don't hire full time, only part time.

>other income sources
No, that's why I'm on /biz/

>> No.12285394

They divorced like 6+ years ago or so. Mom is nearing 60. She can't collect disability because she hasn't worked in the past 10 years.

>> No.12285425

Well, you're a burden to her at this point and youre thinking about "what to do with her" like you're just going to leave her on a curb somewhere?

>> No.12285433

honestly learn a skill
get a CDL license and drive trucks thats 60k a year .
Or go get a forklift liecense thats 14 bucks an hour.

theres no reason to be unemployed, i can understand under employed
but unemployed nah, dont be lazy faggot.

get a roommate that likes $600 to $800 bux for a room

>> No.12285436

damn, that's not really looking good. Well see it this way, if you help pay the mortgage, the house is yours in the end. That's a given. If you're an only child. Else talk to your siblings.

So i would see it as an investment in the future. Get a job, help pay the mortgage. Talk to your mother that she should be looking for work, maybe just part time.

And when she dies, you get everything, it's not really that bad of a situation. It is if you both keep being lazy.

>> No.12285442

Hello fellow leaf. Trudeau 2019 amirite?

>> No.12285466

this too, get a job, pay for the mortgage you end up with a sweet inheritance.
dont get married and have your wife pay halves youre just splitting the inheritance that way

>> No.12285475

Run anon, she’s poison and has nothing left to offer you. Cut her out of your life, move out and be a man

>> No.12285480

bro. im a 21 y/o manchild living with my grandmother. my mother abandoned me and my father doesn't fuck with me because boomer. you don't have it as bad as you think, but i understand the psychological aspect is depressing. Watching my old HS peers graduate next year and get their UNI degrees will crush me completely, as I have zero assets, and zero accomplishments. I ruined my life by dating a roastie at 18 - 20. I dropped out of UNI at 19, totaled my brand new car the same year, and got cheated on at the eoy.
Anyways besides a short summary of my shitty adulthood, if your mother can be an asset to you anytime in the future, then you should keep her around. If not, then just leave her to die on her own if you can stomach it. Also, forget your absentee father completely. Right now, he is a detriment to your wellbeing. You have to pick a side anon. You're either the predator or the prey in life. Choose wisely.

>> No.12285493
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This. How to get at least some income off the stock market? And I know it's doable.

>> No.12285495

Haha, you suck!

>> No.12285499

I mean I guess, but she could live until she's 95 and by that time I'd be 60-70. Just look Prince Charles for fucks sake.

I have a CDL, I'm not driving OTR. UPS and Fedex aren't hiring.

>> No.12285512

How do I not have it as bad as you faggot I'm almost fucking 30. You have 7 years to sort yourself out.

>> No.12285514

yeah, that's why you need to know how long the mortgage rests. Anyway, you'll be forced into the same situation if you continue on this path. So better act then be acted on

>> No.12285550

fuck off

>> No.12285578

Are you 10?

>> No.12285600

Cut the dead weight

>> No.12285606

you're just doomed for a couple of years to minimum wage slave rent a shithole, try to get out of the situation life. Many people are. It's not that bad. Just save money to the limit

>> No.12285638

This is honestly what cripples any bit of motivation/ hope I have left. Seeing this dark road ahead just immobilizes me. I try to come up with schemes, trade (and lose against top tier algos in the (((markets))) ), as well sign up for trades. Currently waiting on an electrical interview atm, and I haven't been working since last summer.

>> No.12285670

ah man, it's the standard life of millions of people. It sucks, i know, but it's basically adulthood hitting you in the face. While your zoomer mind was still in the 'i'm going to conquer the world' mindset. Happens to everybody to be honest

>> No.12286170


>> No.12286245


>the typical american "family"

I was going to berate your lack of loyalty to your mother but I've come to the conclusion that americans value money above everything else and, as such, should reap what they sow. Dump your mother at a home if she cant afford to "pull her weight" and be done with it.

>> No.12286355

The loyalty to the elderly is usually reciprocated for strong devotion to raising the children properly, typically in Eastern families where the child's education is the #1 family priority.

>> No.12287240

I can't believe I wasted two minutes of my time reading this post about American "families" and then thirty more seconds replying to it. Who the fuck cares?

>> No.12287245

So you don't have anything to add. Why did you reply then

>> No.12288112

tell your mom to sell the house, buy a cheaper one
not sure if that's not a possibility, but if it is and you haven't considered it, you are entitled retard.

>> No.12288144

Tell her to sell some of the luxury cars it's not likely she's gonna be driving them when she gets senile.