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12282788 No.12282788 [Reply] [Original]

Are women a good investment?

>> No.12282809

Only for breeding purposes obviously

>> No.12282810

The right one can add to your wealth, mother your healthy/intelligent children and be the best investment you will make. The wrong one can literally make you KYS...

>> No.12282812

Only if you get successful kids out of the relationship otherwise it's a waste of time.

>> No.12282814
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Only if they're kept like this

>> No.12282816

what a gorgeous jewess

>> No.12282819

Beware of choker sluts

>> No.12282820


Women are financial black holes most of the time. It is in their nature.

>> No.12282821

>Are women a good investment?
once we have artificial wombs no

>> No.12282837

Why what's wrong with them? I was never told this by my father or other male role models.

>> No.12282841


Sauce on the wench https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RthzHuZXrmE

>> No.12282865

few are.

>wrist tattoo
This one isn't.

>> No.12282872

In the current year surrogacy is better than risk of divorce-rape from marriage/commonlaw bs. I wish I could invest in artificial wombs somehow.

>> No.12282906
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Question is, are you a good investment for them?

There's smart and not
so smart women and men. A good pairing can make for a successful couple that communicate well.

I've got a sister with a phd who is married to a guy with a phd. No kids and combined income with their jobs is over $120,000/year with a good likelihood of hitting combined income of $300,000/year within five years given their fields in a low cost of living area (less than half the cost of California and housing about 20% the cost).

Meanwhile, I'm earning less than 10k/year, so I feel like a bum compared to them. Studying Comp Sci, so hoping I'll be increasing my own income substantially within 5 years.

>> No.12282923

Why is this?
Back when i had no interactions with women i used to think it was some meme. But I've since discovered it's true.
Is it just the natural order, men are designed to earn and women to spend

>> No.12282960


>> No.12283060


>> No.12283188

>The wrong one can literally make you KYS...
Ariana Grande

>> No.12283310

>I wish I could invest in artificial wombs somehow.
Very soon there will be some investment ops in this field

>> No.12283313

cucked and bluepilled

>> No.12283405

if you have the right woman yes

> sexual deviant
> supportive
> mentally stable
> not a whore

>> No.12283424



>> No.12283448

If you can control em then yes

>> No.12283473

Kek non existent then

>> No.12283547

No terrible

>> No.12283857

>too much eyeliner

It's a pump and dump.

>> No.12283898

She'll be able to ASMR you to sleep after a hard day losing money cryptotrading.

>> No.12283910

Because most of them don't have any hobby and spend their time comparing themselves to others, hence unhappy. Then they think if they could just had some bullshit stacy bought last week, they would be happy.

>> No.12283912

everything you have to ask if a good innestment is a liability

>> No.12283916

THIS + she is one sandwich from becoming like 80% of 'Mericans...Fat

>> No.12283918


>> No.12283933


>> No.12283938

Women are like cars the moment you drive them off the lot they lose 15% of their value.

>> No.12283985

Women will always spend someone else's money before their own

>> No.12284221

More like 40%+ after the first drive

>> No.12284241

theyre a depreciating asset. thats also hyperinflationary.

>> No.12284293
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>combined income with their jobs is over $120,000/year
wow what a clever way to hide that one person with the penis makes $80k and the one with the vagina makes $40k
good thing she found the man that's going to pay off her undergrad and doctorate

>with a good likelihood
>things that haven't happened said with the kind of confidence that only an underage poster could have

>> No.12284555
File: 81 KB, 500x282, 8OpapX2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>roastie sister is a tinder whore
>banged 100 guys easily
>32 and looks failing fast
>some rich beta agrees to marry her

i honestly wish i was memeing

>> No.12284582

she moons now
that poor rich cuck

>> No.12284584

I second this.

>> No.12284598

How can I do meme line analysis to know when it's a good investment?

>> No.12284640
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>> No.12284656


>> No.12284668

there's truth in this though

>> No.12284688

She should get away with it, good thing you are getting rid of your sister then even if it's temporary. Don't forget to rip betacuck once in a while too.

>> No.12284825

They're just as good as gasoline, medicine or food.
Everybody needs women all the time. The need doesn't go away. They don't last forever, so one isn't usually enough and the consumer needs more women. Also no big surplus of women on sight anywhere, kinda on the contrary amount of women is on the decline as relative amount of men is rising due to immigration. That is why investing in women is kinda smart. People will need women in future just as much as they do now.

>> No.12284836

Not true shitcoins are even worse investment as we have seen this year.

>> No.12284852
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Only if you train/brain wash/mind control them like dogs

>> No.12284857

those shitcoins haven't worked for me properly
not even in a gay way

>> No.12284860
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not making money on doge
stay poor

>> No.12284873

Women are overpriced because of regulations by the state (feminist laws).
dethat researches on sexbots are on the verge of breakthrough between the progresses done with androids, personal assistants and AI while Islam is rising on the west.
I'm personally bear on women and think we are close to ATHH (all time high hypergamy).

>> No.12284880

What are the dividends like?

>> No.12284937


Seriously, if laws regarding child support and alimony were fixed, women would be a better investment.

But these days you have to invest time and money for an asset that will depreciate in value or go to zero. Not worth it, no matter how hot they are.

>> No.12284951

>2 PhDs, for which each likely has at least 80k student loan debt
>each makes 60k per year

Oh boy I am laffin

>> No.12284960

Also, be mindful that you can ruin your own synergy with one that would be the right one and fuck it up for both of you.

>> No.12284971

that rich beta literally bought right before the dump
when they divorce and she takes half his money, he is selling low

typical biz

>> No.12285043

unironically this.

>> No.12285108

invest in the wrong one and lose at least 50% of your assets

>> No.12285172
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>> No.12285198

>I wish I could invest in artificial wombs somehow.

You can, they’re called pajeets. Gays are always market leaders.

>> No.12285221

My roasty sister doing same, she is 33. Rich betas know they can shop international?

>> No.12285227

Ok sirs here is the ultimate black pill. Most of so-called "black pills" about women are just advanced coping mechanisms to avoid the truth: you're a loser and everything that went wrong in your life is your own fault. you could have gotten everything you wanted, including her loving you, if you tried a little harder. you're not even catastrophically bad in a way that might give you some fame, no, you're just mundane, boring, average, standard. there's nothing that makes you special and nothing that makes you worth being loved. whether you're an "alpha minus" going through sluts by the dozens or a kissless "omega" seething at roasties and normies, you're the same: a fuckup. not due to some great external factor like kikes, niggers or drumpf, nor due to some internal plight like having acne or depression or tfw to intelegent to socialize. there's a dozen steps you could take right this instant to lead you to the life you claim to want, but the truth is the life you really want is the one you already have, wallowing in mediocrity and making sarcastic quips at anyone who shines a light on your inconsistencies. millions of young, attractive, good women are just as lonely as you, and all it would take for any of them to truly love you is the right amount of dominance, the right amount of tenderness, the right amount of presence and the right amount of stability. all of you have it in you. but here you are, saying "fuck that shit lmao", as if living life was an effort and as if being a slob was any better.

>> No.12285253
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Only Asian women

>> No.12285269

Announces a cut once you commit.

>> No.12285298


>> No.12285354
File: 178 KB, 1084x600, whitewomenbtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12285451
File: 263 KB, 1189x1784, 2018-us-nationalbookfestival-danica-mckellar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to Winny Cooper?

>> No.12285473

Asians are so fucking hot!
Man, fucking Asians so much, so hot!

>> No.12285510

Marriage is an old man’s comfort and a young man’s disaster. It’s all about when you enter the market. From one years old to AT LEAST 35 having your money, time, and energy tied up in women is a bad investment with weak returns.

It’s just like any investment: enter at the right time.

>> No.12285873


Well said. Make money, get cut, fuck a hot woman a decade+ younger than yourself. Don't marry her or knock her up unless she makes a salary close-ish to yours though.

If she throws a tantrum dump her and find another younger hottie within a few months.

>> No.12285962

But your children will look like and be Elliot Rodger weirdos

>> No.12286309
File: 42 KB, 480x661, gallery-1454603695-gettyimages-507656460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get why you fags obsess over gook women when latinas exist. They age just as well and are actually attractive.

>> No.12286320

Maybe in 2017

>> No.12286340

this, i wish i realized this before i got tied up at 25

>> No.12286360
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I'm a white guy and I've always loved latinas. I've dated Mexican, Brazilian, Colombian, Ecuadorian and Argentinian girls in the past - they're truly the GOAT women when they're young.

Let's be real though, probably 3/4th explode into fat pigs when they're older. Luckily for me I don't really care too much about that. My plan is to pick up some 20-25 year old latina when I'm in my mid 30's, stick a baby in her and go from there.

>> No.12286405
File: 124 KB, 850x1278, salma-hayek,-purple-dress-251369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3/4th explode into fat pigs
Nice meme.
You're thinking of shit tier Mexicans or Central Americans.

>> No.12286495

When did she get thick?

>> No.12286552

Lol no. Both are about the same. I was curious and talked to them today and I was wrong about pay. The woman makes $120k/year and the man $130k/year as of 2019.

My info was based off pre-tenure track positions they previously held at their previous college. They both just got tenure track positions as of this semester.

Apparently my sister negotiated a higher salary for both.

Also, 30, so not underage. Wish I was underage with the knowledge I have, so I wouldn't be as behind in life.

See above, I was incorrect in pay. Still, $60k/year starting in academia ain't the worst. I wish I had a $60k/year job.

I was like this for a while. Women are human. Some are good and some are bad. Cherry picking examples and unhealthy coping made my world view them collectively negatively for many years.

>> No.12286634

She is half christian lebanese, half spanish, barely counts as latina.
In any case the way a woman ages has often more to do with her lifestyle than ethnicity, some roasties these days already show sign of premature aging at 25.

>> No.12286813


>> No.12286863

This is what closet gays like to believe

>> No.12286888

who is this toasty?

>> No.12287084
File: 99 KB, 719x420, 1543847012559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are mentally ill

>> No.12287093

based and rainbowpilled.

>> No.12287110
File: 363 KB, 1216x1621, 1540114921695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are human but they are not people.

More like, pre alpha pre release pre functionality, full of bugs 0.7.8 version of People.
Like a child stuck in in a lard infused body made for sex and ripe for giving birth.

>> No.12287641

Erin Timony aka Goodnight Moon
She does ASMR on YouTube

>> No.12287656


>> No.12287721


>What is plastic surgery and wigs