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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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12282461 No.12282461 [Reply] [Original]

I used to weigh 180 before crypto and now I weigh 227. It took me years to achieve an almost chad like body and all those gym gains went away in less than a year. My once handsome face is now fat, oily and with acne. I now have no motivation to dress nicely or even shower. I used to pick up roasties every weekend but now I am too insecure to even go outside. Every time bitcoin I would order 3 large pizzas and eat them by myself watching old crime show reruns. I've also been eating fast food almost everyday. Its gotten so bad that last week I ate an entire jar of choclate frosting and a box of powdered sugar. Please help I don't even care about my cryptomoney anymore I just want to stop eating and get my body back.

>> No.12282504
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Boi take a break from trading. You're obviously working from your computer all day. You need to go outside. Drink tons of water. Eat one meal a day and decrease the size of that meal everyday. Once you get to around 200 lb I'd recommend you join the team, pic related

>> No.12282517


>> No.12282558

Read the fit sticky then just eat less calories tracking them with my fitness pal. Finally take up a productive hobby like weight lifting or running.

>> No.12282583

You probably shouldn't be trading such volatile assets if it causes that much anxiety and stress. You're throwing away your mental and physical health for gains that are incredibly unpredictable and risky in the first place.

>> No.12282584

Or just kys

It's faster

>> No.12283018


>> No.12283029

I was in your situation.

I have started OMAD - one meal a day at around noon. One plate of food and that’s it.

Throughout the day and early morning I drink strong coffee and 2 litres of water. This keeps my stomach full.

First week is the hardest as you need to get use to it but once ketosis kicks in, it gets better.

My target weight is 190 before I even think of weight training or running on a treadmill.

>> No.12283036


Also stop trading for a week or two. Your mind is clouded and your not making clear judgments. Also your diet is toxic shit which also affecting your mind.

>> No.12283037

i don't get fatties. why not just stop eating?

>> No.12283066

because they are weak minded faggots.

fatties will always be fat, even if they manage to diet and get slim once. a few years later, they will be fat again.

>> No.12283092

My target weight is 180-190 too. I'm very tall so anything below 180 is pretty hard for me to achieve. I'm going to try doing this.

>> No.12283100

Fuck you I only gained weight this year, I used to be really fit. I could still probably slap you around like a rag foll even if I'm a fatty now.

>> No.12283118

you say yourself that you cannot stop.

so you are a weak mind. self confirmed.

prove me wrong by stoping to eat shit RIGHT NOW and run 5 miles per day and do 30 mins of excercise every day.

if your mind stops you from doing this, you are an inferior human.

>> No.12283121

Stop coming here and stop trading. Cash out, and stop for a year.

>> No.12283289

Same here lol literally lifted every day and took all last year and this year off and have lost all my gains

>> No.12283303

nice blog fatass

>> No.12283334

Seriously though, If I ever make it from crypto I am going to let go of my aesthetics and healthy lifestyle

What´s the point looking good if you are filthy rich