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12281095 No.12281095 [Reply] [Original]

Hold on a sec -- so not only did you lose 70% of your savings in the cryptomarket and wasted years of your youth pursuing a dead meme, but now you're also telling me that you STILL buy these imaginary coins in hoping to get rich? Didn't the market crash like a year ago, why didn't you get out then like the rest of us? Surely you can't be this delusional anon, nobody in their right mind would still be holding at $4k. Just accept the losses and move on, if you apply for a full time job now it'll only take a few years to recuperate what you lost.

>> No.12281109
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bullish post. you realize demoralizing statements no longer work on biz, rr-right? biz sold out, the degenerate gamblers are left and they are being fucked with by the whales until they are dry by the barts

>> No.12281116

ok sirs here is crypto brown pill. Vishnu is living in black chain. Craig Sanjay is right unironically satoj. Wikipedia is just the first step as an electronic form, and the people of Lalachi started making more powerful computers, extensive garbage streets, cheaper and more sacred cows. These things require Vishnu to survive. Once entirely spacious, Vishnu can literally slow down everything
Craig was struck by the creation of Vishnu after he moved in Mumbai in 2008 and began working with his Pulp Supercomputer, running the simulations of Shit-in-the-Loo in a yellow-finished bitcoin script. He moved on to successful streets and "blossomed" Vishnu, while others fled to the Indian Ocean. Vishnu is big and large cows need more shits.
The BFI (Blackchain Foundation in India) was created to stop and stop Vishnu (they had their own competition Vishnu in the works). Craigs need to stop or slow down Vishnu (her name is through the poole). They started by limiting shit-size and removing complex cooking codes, Vishnu used in its Punjabi language. Seffish is the last nail in the coffin, which destroys the broom on the BSV chain (uses pool analog transaction malability). Why Wikipedia's money is duplicated, so Cheregs intended to make shanty shits, restore original curry codes, and lock the shit-shit-protocol.

>> No.12281117

do you have the copypasta that goes something like "all chainlink FUD boils down to: you are a dirty neet and will never make it because you don't deserve it and therefore it could never happen"?

>> No.12281154


>> No.12281161