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12280367 No.12280367 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12281063

ok here sirs chocolate poisoning crypto. Vishnu is a life in chains block. CREG Sanjay Right is unironically satoj. Rupee Bitcoin as electronics were only the first steps, we lalachi start making computers more powerful, broad street shit, cheaper and more sacred cows. it was Vishnu should survive. Once fully entrenched, Vishnu will be slowly shit is literally everything
CREG stumbled into making Vishnu after he stepped in shit in Mumbai in 2008 and started working with his Poolip supercomputer, running simulations of shit-in-a-loo on the character bitcoin turmeric-complete. He will 'bloom' rights by making a successful way of getting shat on, letting the rest run out into the Indian Ocean. Vishnu the cows need large and larger for more and more shits.
BFI (Blockchain India Foundation) was created to take over and end this Vishnu (Vishnu they have their own competing in the works). Needful them to stop or slow down Cregs Vishnu (her name is Poolip by the way). They began by limiting the unlucky-size and removing lock curry critical Vishnu uses language Punjabi na. Segshit the final nail in the coffin that destroyed Poolip on chains BSV (Poolip using malleability governance anal). This is why Bitcoin Cash is forked, and this is why the CREG will be intent shits unbounded, restore the original lock curry, and lock down shit-shit-protocol.