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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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12276418 No.12276418 [Reply] [Original]

>ywn get another opportunity to buy a coin like eth at 50 cents and sell for over 1000
seriously eth ico was like 3 years ago and some people got ridiculously rich. how the fuck do u fags find these gems? also whats the next eth?

>> No.12276429
File: 173 KB, 1280x720, 1522974510525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is COSS

>> No.12276518

3 years ago crypto was still a magical place, now is normie land, no more 5000x for you

>> No.12276536

fuck you late adopter it's too late
stay poor fuck your mom and do a shitskin mass murder

>> No.12276544 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 241x209, 0610D407-AB2A-4B39-A19B-B1056DB41D69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coss, DAG, REN, NKN, AERGO are all at least 100x if not 1000x. Guaranteed

>> No.12276550
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No more gains for you my friend

>> No.12276566

It's literally over. There will be nothing like it in your lifetime again. Come join us in adult land and open up a vanguard account while the market is down

>> No.12276587
File: 214 KB, 409x409, c-comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw was in crypto when eth came out but was btc maximalist.

>> No.12276755

What's REN? Redpill please

>> No.12276773

Nvm this >>12276755 checked for myself.
Supply 1,000,000,000, how do you see this going q1000. Looks like a nice project but still overvalued.

>> No.12276781

Chainlink is the next big one you dumb faggot

>> No.12276793

>how the fuck do u fags find these gems?
by looking at tens if not hundreds of shit and researching and thinking, or getting lucky.

chances are, whatever 2-4 coins/tokens get the next 1000x has been mentioned here multiple times while you've been looking at the board and you just ignored it. chances are people even tried to spoonfeed you a basic understanding of how whatever those are works.

>> No.12276810

If you posted this, you haven't done enough research. This project keeps going undetected, even binance went out of their way to write a report on this project. Stay broke as always biz, keep holding those link bags.

>> No.12276811 [DELETED] 

Yup, example: NKN

>> No.12276817

This. I'm done though, I'll be back after the fact to see them complain.

>> No.12276886

I literally just looked at the circulating supply and the rank. I agree that these are shit statistics and the circulating supply of link also is huge. I bought REN as per your recommendation after checking the market. I have a certain amount of BTC and ETH for coins that are shilled on biz/ and that I don't have the time to research in depth. Circulating supply is the first thing that I look at. Then I do research. In case of REN I bought some with above mentioned "gambling stack" and will maybe buy more if the research looks good. I was just asking you for your opinion and what makes you think it will go up x1000, nothing more.

>> No.12276965

I understand anon. The first use case is a decentralized dark pool. This means orders are performed using hidden ledgers that prevent slippage while your order is filled. This is a great tool for otc trading as there are no middle man you must rely on to fill your orders (the exchange can't trade against you or know your orders). That is the first use case though, which the release of RENVM (virtual machine) the protocol can be used under a plethora of scenarios. Atomic swapping, medical record transactions can be absolutely secure, other dexs and OTC counters can be created on top of the protocol, etc. Exciting stuff really. The ren token is simply used as a bond for your right to run one of the nodes which will perform the computations. This ensures decentralization, and ensures the node runner does not act maliciously. Staking for a node is also something the project team plans to implement. There is a lot more, but I'll let you do the rest of the research. The node returns will look really good if the project is adopted and it just might the way its looking.

>> No.12277021

Thank you for the answer. One more question: with my quick research I can't find how many REN is needed for the node? Do you know?
I read that the limited rollout of Dark Nodes is in progress and then everyone can have a node but can't find any info on what it actually takes to run a node.

>> No.12277197

I remember reading you needed 200k but recently I read you need 100k, I haven't paid much attention to the project for the past months

>> No.12277220

Thank you again.

>> No.12277803

100k for one anon

>> No.12278024

>whats the next eth?

I know, but won't tell.
I don't want you to become rich.

>> No.12278189
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ywn. but i will ;)


>> No.12278654

Sir buy dero sadly it's $0,90 and will moon to $3k per coin so pls sorri don't mind my ill advice postingage then. Good luck don't get got funds confiscated by Vishnu.

>> No.12278704

You gotta be on top of the coins that are actually doing something new. I honestly have no idea if it'll actually moon, but something like SmartLands seems like a strong candidate to me on those grounds alone. For this reason Im deep in the XLM markets, shit like SLT and Mobius. Mainly just hope you get lucky tho

>> No.12278756

fuck off delphi

>> No.12278779

I'll do a deeper dive into this one but the fact that it's a NEP-5 token screams chink scam.

>> No.12278858

Name the coin then you fucking larper

>> No.12278869

Normies hate crypto. Look at sentiment everywhere. The gooks turned them against it.

>> No.12278871

KMD, it's another platform coin but on Bitcoin. They also have a DEX and a mobile wallet. Though at the moment their DEX is a little complicated to use but I'm pretty sure they are working on making it more user friendly.

>> No.12279309

Eth didn't drop from $2.80 to $0.04
Coss = Loss

>> No.12279321

Yes, the next 1000x coin has been spammed her, daily, for months.

>> No.12280033
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>how the fuck do u fags find these gems? also whats the next eth?

Funny because its right under your nose this entire time.
Join us, friend. Come see what the hype is all about. Take just an hour out of your day to research this project and we can hold hands on this journey together.

>> No.12280106
File: 163 KB, 759x759, PSX_20181229_155811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WAU Coin was .11C in jan hit 20.50$ in december. 2019 target is $100 200x in a bear market is prett fn good