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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12273414 No.12273414 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /biz/,

Been lurking here for a while and I feel like I'm still dumb as fuck when it comes down to stocks and making money, etc.

Currently earning about 1760€ a month doing a job I like.

I keep about 1100€ to 1300€ at the end of the month.

Now my question to you guys:

What do I do with this money?
I don't want it sitting in my bank-account doing nothing.

I'm already saving up for my pension (have a year to dump 960€ and i can deduct 300€ from taxes)

>> No.12274040
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OK there is a gray crypto-brown tablets. is Vishnu lives in the circuit block. CreG Sanjay Right unironically satoj. The Bitcoin, as e Rupee was only the first step, lalachi people are starting to make more powerful computers, wider street shit, cheaper and holy cow. The Vishnu These things need to survive. Once ingrained completely, Vishnu will slow to shit on literally everything
CreG stumbled upon the creation of The Vishnu after he stepped in shit in Mumbai in 2008 and started working with his supercomputer Poolip, simulation run shit-in-closet-full of turmeric on Bitcoin script. He "evolve" The Vishnu, making successful street to get shit on, allowing others to run in the Indian Ocean. Vishnu needs more and more cows, more and more damn.
BFI (Blockchain India Fund) was created to take over and stop this Vishnu (they have their own competing Vishnu in the works). They do whatever is necessary to stop or slow Cregs Vishnu (called Poolip, by the way). They have begun to limit the size of shit-and delete critical of Kerry Vishnu codes used in Punjabi. Segshit was the last nail in the coffin that destroyed Poolip on BSV circuit (Poolip uses anal ductility transaction). That's why Bitcoin Cash was cloven, and that's why so CreG intend to make unlimited shits, restore the original Kerry codes and block shit-shit-protocol.

>> No.12274074

Learn a lot about 1 thing and invest solely in it. Diversification comes later once you've built wealth.

>> No.12274123

Was thinking of investing in ground/houses/appartements

But those take a long time to make profit.