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12272633 No.12272633 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12272637

60 years of prison shower soap dropping probably

>> No.12272642

ok sirs, here's the cosmogony brown pill. There is a brahman living inside of us. Vishnu is unironically Brahman. Brahman as a deity was just the first step. It divided itself into more powerful deities, with more ability to create, wider and more complicated worlds. These things Brahman needs to experience it's full creative potential. Once entrenched fully with experience, all sparks of brahman come back to primordial unity, the universe is destroyed and starts over.

Brahman stumbled into creating the vishnu after he sprang out of the eternal void in the beginning of time and started creating with his pooniversal creative potential, running simulations of poosical and spiritual worlds. He would 'evolve' his Vishnus by creating the hardship of physical duality and evolutionary process, letting them return to him after they die to review the experience. The vishnus need more and more experience to evolve their consciousness and get to the next level of spiritual evolution.

Judaism (kikery) was created to take over and stop this vishnu (they have their own competing deity in the works - YAHWEY). They did the needful to stop or slow down Vishnu (her name is also Brahman by the way). They started by limiting and concealing the universal knowledge of the nature of humanity and removing critical thinking abilities in gentiles. Islam and christianity were the final nail in the coffin, which destroyed Brahman's universal laws on 3d-Earth timeline (Brahman uses morality principles). THIS is why the Earth will be ascended into a new dimension, and this is why Kalki is so intent to end the kali-yuga, restore the humanitie's original connection with nature and restore their manifesting creative powers.

>> No.12272656


>> No.12272666
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Sirs to access the brown pill you need Poolip super quantum coomputer. The quantum coomputer will do the cracky cracky and expose the private key to the Vishnu. Sirs once you gain the access to the Vishnu you must feed the Vishnu Sanjay Vindaloo. Sirs only then can the Vishnu be satisfied with the offer, providing wider poop streets will enable the Vishnu to poop out the crypto brown pill onto the poop streets of Mumbai.

>> No.12272851
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absolutely based and ascendedpilled

>> No.12273793

He more worried about his bungholio right about now

>> No.12274146

Probably reddcoin