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File: 889 KB, 1162x938, Screenshot 2018-12-04 at 20.51.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12269367 No.12269367 [Reply] [Original]

are any anons on this board actually happy?
I mean truly happy? You wake up every day and feel good?

pls. i have lost so much money since january. tell me how i can be happy too. i dont actually care about money. i just want to be happy.

>> No.12269396

No. Everything went downhill for me since like 5 years ago.

>> No.12269397

First off, suck it up and be a fucking man and move on. Second, don’t risk more than you’re willing to lose.

>> No.12269469
File: 361 KB, 1210x881, 7B406189-BD60-4157-BA03-790402A9674D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No going to kms on Monday

>> No.12269498
File: 61 KB, 571x597, 1545327953106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're mooning on monday tho

>> No.12269511


Sure, if you want to be happy you must first make yourself unhappy. Give away all your possessions.

>> No.12269524

I quit this board for literally 3 days, went of on vacation with my family.

I feel completly fullfilled.

>> No.12269670

No. 2018 has destroyed me.
I still think I'm going to make it eventually, but the light inside of me died this year. Nothing makes me happy at the moment, I'm just passing the time trying to survive.

>> No.12269675

buy x-cash if you want to live

>> No.12269677

Mostly I'm happy; got a steady job, benefits set in stone, little money in the bank, married to a nice woman, live in a decent house and drive a decent car. Little debt. The only thing that sucks is that instead of enjoying the holidays and time off I'm sick w/the flu or congestion type shit. Been taking some otc meds but shit has been going on for now 3 days.

>> No.12269714

I reject the concept completely.

>> No.12269731

I'm okay

>> No.12269752
File: 74 KB, 1150x860, C9C72BCD-D3CE-438B-B3FC-0159CF44EBE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With one instant click of the mouse I purchased 20 bitcoins of this Flo token

It was in mid November and my purchase was completed for an average of 800 but caused a spike to 1000.

Every day I sleep with glee just knowing that in a few months the 20 btc of Flo I purchased will be worth an easy 150-200+ btc.

Some days I dream of it going to $100mm cap and my stack rising from 20 to 1000 btc. I slap myself back to reality and tell myself that making 250 btc on one trade is more than enough to buy curry for this entire forum for one full month.



Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne writes letter of support for using FLO in Wyoming

New readers about Flo should check out the telegram with questions... enjoy mate.

But first they should STUDY these two articles:



>> No.12269776

Joy as an exile? Take up your cross and follow him!

>> No.12270123

make money
be happy

>> No.12270141

Honestly I am actually Happy. I sometimes break out into random dance because life's so good. I'm 24 and have been blessed by the big man himself

>> No.12270155


Yeah. I feel good. Get yourself on a nice daily routine and stick to it.


Agree. I'm also 24 and feel happy a lot. I don't dance tho.

>> No.12270833

same, this year has truly been brutal

>> No.12270853

>i dont actually care about money. i just want to be happy.
Find what you love and let it kill you

>> No.12270892

Happy people don't spend their time on a place like this.

>> No.12271051

I started this year with only $50 in my bank account, no job, about to get kicked out of my mom's house. Now I have a solid job, my own apartment and over $1000 saved.

>> No.12271105
File: 185 KB, 500x372, 1538793378018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diversify niqqa.
I'm 35% in real estate
30% in stocks and cfds
30% in bonds
5% in crypto
Lose some win some but I am up 10 % each year from 2014 and have $3k/mo revenue that I live of.
And allways invest longterm.
Set your mind 10 years in the future, live good but don't waste and you'll make it.

>> No.12271124

Happiness is the interruption of unhappiness. No one is always happy, just content at best.

>> No.12271128

Not me

>> No.12271997

The pursuit of happiness is a chemical dependency. Try heroin, it's happiness in a bottle.

>> No.12272266

Happiness is a meme. Life is struggle, existence is suffering. You find meaning and understanding in the madness through becoming stronger and smarter, focus on important things and don't be a petty little fuck. That's it bud

>> No.12272739

I'm happy sometimes. You can drastically alter your mood just by listening to different music. Try listening to 1920s jazz for example. It might take an hour, but it's really hard to feel unhappy when you listen to it. Gratitude is also important. Hypnosis has been working for me as well.

>> No.12272760

Most of the time. I'm a happy person though. As much as I want money I know how to live without it. Happiness is something deeper, it's a state of mind.

>> No.12272781

I'm also extremely depressed sometimes, but the above really helps.

>> No.12273133
File: 56 KB, 670x522, 1536846596149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Holy shit this.

Take a nice long read about ANY book worth a damn about human history, and you'd find it that no one has been perpetually happy. Zip, zero, nix, nada; every single one of them from the gods of state to the lowliest of peasants.

Get the fuck off social media, they'll poison your mind in their "I'm happier and live a drastically more fulfilling life than you.".