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12268590 No.12268590 [Reply] [Original]

The vishnu lives on the blockchain sirs

>> No.12268600


>> No.12268615

Ok sirs here is the crypto sirs pill. Sirs theres a brown pill living in the Vishnu living in the blockchain. Sirs to access the brown pill you need Poolip super quantum coomputer. The quantum coomputer will do the cracky cracky and expose the private key to the Vishnu. Sirs once you gain the access to the Vishnu you must feed the Vishnu Sanjay Vindaloo. Sirs only then can the Vishnu be satisfied with the offer, providing wider poop streets will enable the Vishnu to poop out the crypto brown pill onto the poop streets of Mumbai.

>> No.12269042

Baste and poopilled

>> No.12269051
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