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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 30 KB, 548x441, lowest ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1226676 No.1226676 [Reply] [Original]

>twitters stocks hit their lowest point ever today

why does pandering to SJWs never work, /biz/?

will twitter just magically disappear one day?

will Trump buy out twitter?

>> No.1226687

Someone is going to buy out twitter

The huge customer base is too great to just die out. I think it'll be google integrating them

>> No.1226743

hot damn. when should I buy?

>> No.1226749

Right now looks good, it can't possibly get any worse...

>> No.1226750

kek. I'll wait for the beginning of an uptrend

>> No.1226752

I wonder how low it will be at that point.

>> No.1226756
File: 101 KB, 825x648, hillarys debate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>will twitter just magically disappear one day?
God I hope so. And facebook. And instagram.

>> No.1226771

there won't be an uptrend. if TWTR rebounds it will spike, likely due to acquisition. i find it difficult to make a case for TWTR improving on a fundamental basis

>> No.1226781 [DELETED] 

This company has already created over 430 millionaires in last 14 months.


>> No.1226789 [DELETED] 

This company has already created over 430 millionaires in last 14 months.


>> No.1226832

This. They don't have a growing base or a marketable product, and stockholders are wise to that fact. They'll get incorporated with Google or somebody, I bet,

>> No.1226915

considering going in when it slides a bit more. 12? IDK. super tempted to buy this on an acquisition play though. It's not going single digits, and like, with 300m MAU and the amount of user engagement i can see someone paying 12 - 15b for it. It won't even be that exorbitant for a $ per user tech acquisition.

>> No.1226921


so has my mom.

>> No.1227507


can twitter go to zero?

>> No.1227931

>>twitters stocks hit their lowest point ever today
Lies. It was marginally lower in February

>> No.1227939

MySpace 2.0

>> No.1227948

honestly you should start buying shares of twtr
allocate a small small small % to your portfolio and leg into that.

>> No.1227987


>huge customer base is too great to just die out

Good one. Tweets /= revenue. The company has never and will never make a dime for their investors.

>> No.1228318

Anyone remember all those social media fags that recommended to buy TWTR around 50-70$? A close friend even told me to do it without knowledge to the stockmarket (never owned shares, etc). How did 'they' build up this much hype?

I can only laugh now, but those fags were right with FB.

>> No.1228407
File: 57 KB, 500x501, 1418432957174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it can't possibly get any worse

>> No.1228710

Safe to buy now?

It can't really dip lower can it?

>> No.1228720

I think the Arab Spring had something to do with it.

I don't know enough about Twitter or the Arab Spring to know the truth, but I do remember at the time ''everyone'' was talking about how Twitter played this major role in these movements.

I'm guessing a lot of people bought into that hype, thinking it could be just as powerful for brands and advertising.

>> No.1228724

>lowest point ever

>> No.1228836

why have my posts been deleted

>> No.1228926

Chris Sacca says Twitter is "too white" to succeed.



>> No.1229083

>the most successful businesses are all white

>> No.1229131
File: 125 KB, 600x900, 1458251140636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because anyone with half a brain knows that SJWs will push real talent out of tech companies and innovation will stagnate as maintenance costs increase exponentially. Any smart investor would pull their money the second a tech company starts leaning that direction. A tech company needs to be stagnate for quite a while before they even have the luxury to start down that road anyway.

>> No.1229159

Intel laid off 12,000 employees while at the same time as investing $300 million into 'diversity'.

SJWs are a cancer to the tech industry.


>> No.1229180

Meanwhile AMD, who still has the competitive pressure of being an underdog, and is thus lacking the comfort necessary for that sort of masturbatory bullshit -- is poised to steal a large part of their market share later this year when they release their Zen line.

Mark my words, Intel will have so much momentum in the wrong direction by this time next year, that in light of AMD's new-found presence, they won't be able to recover their standing for another decade, if ever (and I would bet on the latter).

>> No.1229182

you don't understand what is happening
it's a pseudo ponzi scheme

>> No.1229190


>cant read
>posts on biz


>> No.1229201

>can't read
what do you mean? TWTR stock did not hit their 'lowest point ever' when you posted the OP, just look at a chart. The stock did hit their lowest point today however. So what exactly did I miss in your inaccurate post?

>> No.1229224

>lowest stock in feb

>lowest stock in op

WOW! HOT a What Baabhabhiat!

>> No.1229225

Anyone remember the super genius who asked Elon Musk to make him vice chairman of tesla?


>> No.1229244

>why does pandering to SJWs never work, /biz/?

Because SJWs are cultural marxist and by being marxist think money is a thing of evil and should be done away with. So of course if you pander to a group that don't believe in spending money you will go broke.

>> No.1229254

amd better keep supporting desktops. i fear ill have to make a new rig if i cant get new amd gpu in the future

>> No.1229268


But that's not 13.91 you fucktard.

>> No.1229272

TWTR hit an all-time low of 13.91 on Feb 11th, that was exceeded today. Look it up if you want facts.

>> No.1229276

funnily enough it hit 13.91 as a low for today
didn't make a new low

>> No.1229277
File: 183 KB, 901x665, im here for the job interview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trolled hard

>> No.1229280

Nice SJW tactics maybe you should buy YHOO stock so you can invest in Tumblr

>> No.1229293

If they never manage to make money off it will it die? Or will it just become a Google social charity?

>> No.1229311
File: 1.93 MB, 500x252, a_560x375.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you guys forget about the NFL TWITTER streaming live but until Fall 2016 bonanza?

>> No.1229314

Whats the model behind that?

>> No.1229388

very underrated post

>> No.1229405

you're talking about facebook, twitter benefitted but the rebels mostly used facebook to organize and coordinate.

>> No.1229892

>the rebels
aka the CIA