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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12264466 No.12264466 [Reply] [Original]

Post any shill info you got on LINK and I will disprove it. Now that it is EOY and the meme is dying, it's a good time to wake the remaining cultists from their delusion. Hit me with whatever you've got, I'm pretty sure I have heard it all. Even a specific shill or larper, like assblaster, if you want them disproven. It's time more people woke up.

>muh connections and larps
Most of them aren't real, many don't matter even if they are. See Vechain partnerships, iExec partnered with Intel, etc. The time of partnership pumps is long gone, people want real world adoption. Nobody is buying the ETH token called LINK. Even if Bill Gates or whoever the larps say is eyeing it, really tweeted about LINK one day, you'll get a 20% on the daily then dump again. The hard truth: it doesn't matter if some famous asshole tweeted about oracles or not. "Muh partnerships" are not a substitute for real world demand, especially in a bear market.

>it's one of the most legit, undercover projects in crypto
This would've been a reason to buy LINK if the price wasn't as high as it is. Unfortunately LINK was still overpriced at ICO and look who holds most of the supply. Oracles are probably not even worth even $100m total. If LINK was 10c this argument would fly, but LINK is not. LINK is undercover, but not undervalued.

>its necessary for smartcontracts
Although useful, LINK is far from the only solution. It's also been extremely slow in releasing. You do not need to hold LINK to run a node and companies can use private networks to avoid paying node operators. Like most ERC tokens, you could replace it in the code with ETH and keep the functionality.

>> No.12264616

More fud by a butthurt swingtrader who missed his target
It goes in all fields

>> No.12264627

The absolute state of bagholders.

>> No.12264628

Imagine being this desperate to FUD Link

>> No.12264641
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Link is gay and shitcoin sell of it this is a porn thread now

>> No.12264649

> y-you're a bagholder
And? Why would you care about my bags? You have bigger problems to sort out - the fact that you're so retarded that you can't use a filter for link like a real nolinker would.
It goes in all fields again.

>> No.12264659

I'm trying to warn you to get out, you can keep on bagholding if you want. Even the pnd groups have dropped it in the recent weeks.

>> No.12264670

> I-I have anons best interests at heart sir that's why I spend my time fudding link honest
Yes I'm sure - very convincing, just sold 100k
Oh look, there it is in those fields again.

>> No.12264680

who's got the pic of all the different cubes

>> No.12264690

Why don't you post a counterargument. Oh, right you can't. I don't give a fuck about you but there are people that fell for this shitty pnd that still haven't got a clue. Last I checked the board still talks about LINK so I'm doing my duty. Go baghold somewhere else.
>*yawn* fud lol
is not an argument. Enjoy your 10 cent LINK.

>> No.12264801

> y-you haven't wasted time with my copy-paste tier fud this means it's totally working
> if I just call it a pnd going to 10 cents over and over again he'll give me his bags
So repetitive, almost as repetitive as what I just put in all fields again.

>> No.12264868
File: 103 KB, 800x803, 1545627071721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep replying dumb bagholder, you bought high.

>> No.12264887

you dont even sound like a coder. I would find some pastas that go into detail but youre not worth it

>> No.12264895

> if I double down on telling him he's a bagholder and that he bought high he'll totally sell
It seems you covet not only my bags, but that which I have put in all fields once again!

>> No.12264900

Imagine trying to get us to sell when most of us are still up 50% or more

>> No.12264923

I don't want you to sell high though, I want you in particular to sell low. It's everyone else I want to sell high. I'll take your bags at 10 cents or less.

>> No.12264932

Thank you for your service, here's some off the top of my head, I'm sure these are easily FUDable:

>They acquired Town Crier
>They bought the smartcontracts domain weeks apart from the release of the BTC whitepaper
>Gets mentioned by Klaus Schwab in his book

>> No.12264960

>They acquired Town Crier
Another shitty startup, this isn't bullish. How did they acquire it? Probably investor funds.

>they bought the smartcontracts domain
Promising, but they also failed to get patents. pets.com anyone? A domain won't save this shitcoin. It is pretty desperate to rely on domain name.

>Gets mentioned by Klaus Schwab in his book
Crypto was mentioned everywhere recently and you got into only one book. This is more bearish than bullish.

>> No.12264961

> openly begging for the bags now
Well at least you're not pretending to hide your colors anymore. It was kind of cringey when you were putting the act on.
If nothing else, you did get plenty of the thing which goes in all fields.

>> No.12264996
File: 1.38 MB, 2687x2319, 1530576021883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice inability to read since I mentioned 10c in the opening post. Clearly you are pretty insecure about your tanking investment. Even at 10c it may not go anywhere but at least I buy projects at their actual value. You probably never even researched what oracles are worth. Damn kid, you fell for the meme.

>> No.12265012

Good points anon.

How do you explain that it's been shilled so hard in here every day without fail for over a year now?

I mean, even your thread. Why would anyone spend his time debunking a erc20 token?

People like you make me bullish on Link because of that.

>> No.12265034

>but they also failed to get patents

>> No.12265068

> I'll take your bags for 10 cents or less
> you tldr'd my retarded OP so that must mean that you're the one who is insecure
Oh yeah for sure man - because nothing says 'secure and confident' like begging for cheap chuck-e-cheez tokens on the business and finance section of 4chan. Linkies btfo apparently.

>> No.12265172

It was promising in a bull market because people thought real world usage would lead to it being a top token. It essentially did perform well, but with the team failing to deliver after a year + bear market it was unable to pump much in fiat.
Essentially it was a pnd, the people left here are the laggards with no idea what they actually hold. The bagholders left are so dumb, some of them really think $1000 was realistic.

Why do I want to debunk it now? Because I am sick of seeing it and with people becoming more skeptical recently it is a good time to put an end to it on /biz/. I don't actually expect it will fully go away but if I can do a bit to help it makes me feel good.

>> No.12265197

Here is the failed smartcontract patent. Enjoy.


>> No.12265281

> I-I'm doing it for the good of the board, that's why we have 3 other threads trying to fud it at the moment
Haha, what a trainwreck of a thread. It's like watching retards trying to hide behind spoons.

>> No.12265290

Thank you satoj
I will sell my 100k bags asap

>> No.12265292

Still no argument bagholder.

>> No.12265356

> p-please engage my recycled pasta fud arguments for the 500th time this year
> *spoon stealth intensifies*
Sorry retards, your
are showing that you're too stupid to understand the difference between quantity and quality.
May tonight's coordinated discord fud attempt RIP, never to return. But we know it will because you guys are just terrible at swingtrading.

>> No.12265566

1000 EOY 2019

>> No.12265580

>> p-please engage my recycled pasta fud arguments for the 500th time this year
Yes, engage them or fuck off. You have no argument, dumb bagholder probably bought at 60 cents.

>> No.12265615

Tokens are necessary much like the native tokens on other platforms. Except with Chainlink, they are used as collateral value. Even when the network matures LINK will always be necessary for collateral value. Collateral value is something that will never cease to be used and has been since the beginning the barter system.

>> No.12265628

> p-pretty please engage my recycled fud?
But why would I do that for the millionth timei. I's much more fun for me to just call you out on the fact that you can't convince anyone to sell and that you're so bad at this you need to run multiple threads instead of just 1 semi-technical one. Which we both know you won't be able to pull off because you don't even know what github is for.

>> No.12265642

millionth time. It's much more fun

>> No.12265718

>muh multiple threads must be by the same guy
>can't even spell you are so mad
You got nothing but your 60 cent bags son, no argument at all.
Buy high sell low, dumb laggard.

>> No.12265767
File: 789 KB, 1148x642, yagotme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> h-heheh a typo, this makes my thread valid
> 3 threads of the same trash quality and same group of 2-3 circlejerking in exactly the same way is sheer coincidence
> more high-buy bagholding accusations
Whoa, ya got me for sure with those original comments.
These chromosomecoin investors are just way too clever for me.

>> No.12265820
File: 58 KB, 1485x1101, 1523243216916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based yawnposter

>> No.12265841

I'm just stopping in to say you look like a complete faggot typing *yawn* all the time.

>> No.12265890

Thanks just sold 200k

>> No.12265898
File: 187 KB, 680x430, brainletfrens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> he doesn't get it
Just when you think the average IQ of a thread couldn't get any lower.

>> No.12265910

When I thought it couldn’t get any lower, you come back.

>> No.12265921

Good arguments.
There is still money to be made with Link.
I sold the pump several times this year, I did at least a 5x in BTC.
Next pump will be before the fireside chat I guess.

The rest of you guy keep Hodling :)

>> No.12265960

But of course,
doesn't want to be outdone by
The biggest retard gets a prize of 1 link token at the end. I think it's a fairly close contest at this point between you two.
Special needs kids, I swear.