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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12264025 No.12264025 [Reply] [Original]

Well /biz/? Owning a couple 4 unit buildings seems like my only chance at escaping wage cuckoldry in the next 5 years, can anyone with experience chime in on renting out apartments instead of wage cucking?

>> No.12264037

12+ shits out money but duplex and triplex is an easy way to bankruptcy if you have a single bad tenant

>> No.12264088
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I'm 50 years old and if you're under 40 the best way to wealth is real estate. Always has been, always will for virtually everybody.
Like this poster above says, one bad tenant can ruin alot, just have to be careful, and that simply comes with experience.
Everyone on this site talks about crypto and while there is profit trading in it, owning real property will be a better long term wealth builder in the long run.
My wife and I started with nothing 20 years ago. You just have to be patient. Join a real estate club in your area and see what they offer...old guys are ALWAYS willing to help you out and give you leads and tips, some will even lead you to hard lenders or even lend themselves.
Right now my wife and I have 12 properties which include two duplexes and one 4 apt building. Net income is about 8k per month. It takes work but its worth it, especially when you get in a groove over time knowing all tax things inside and out.
Bottom line, learn real estate for the long haul.

>> No.12264107

ill bump this thread cuz im interested too

>> No.12264122


If you want out of being a wage slave, start a business in the service sector. Not something that requires a storefront you are trapped at 8+ hours a day because that is no different than working for somebody else. Whether its landscaping, painting, window cleaning, or dog walking, do something that your market can support, and preferably something you dont need a lot of investment capital to get in. If you have to get saddled with debt to start a business, then you are really wage slaving for the bank which is no better.

>> No.12264221

I already have around 70k saved up and should be around 100k in a few months; the goal is not to start any business or do any kind of work besides art maybe since that’s what I really enjoy.
Thanks boomer bro, I’ll look into a real estate club. What did you look for in owning your first property and screening tenants? Is it like >>12264037
Said and a single bad tenant will sink a large majority of your profits (again it seems like it would take 3-4 years to break even on a place)?

>> No.12264444

>my wife and I
oh no no no no

>> No.12264472

You sound like the kind of guy who enjoys watching his wife getting fucked by a black guy

>> No.12264529

That’s right

>> No.12264937

OP! Look here . . LOOK LISTEN!

You have to worry about tenants. And as a landlord you are responsible for your dumb ass tenants. If they slip and fall on your icy driveway, you're fucked. AC goes out, you're fucked that's big $ down the tubes brother. And don't forget about roof and foundation damage. Most of the tenants that you'll probably get our low-tier, will damage the fuck out of the property before they leave, and you'll have to spend all that profit fixing up their bullshit. If you love real estate so much get an RET. They're like mutual funds before big real estate things like Office Buildings Etc. Unless you know what you're doing, and you can hire a goon to keep the tenants in line, getting into real estate is very risky with low-reward. Don't be a fucking retard OP