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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12263223 No.12263223 [Reply] [Original]

The quality of Link threads has just been so garbage this past 2+ months.
I think its the wave of people that have joined recently, who are not excited about the tech and are impatient about the moon mission.

Who else is here that has been holding for 8-12 Months who has noticed this trend?

>> No.12263236
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LINK is actually trash and a lot of people finally figured it out. Target price 15c, it's dumping right now unironically. Maybe I'll buy it if it hits ICO price.

>> No.12263241

fight me faggot

>> No.12263242

I am and I wanna dump just because of these newfags

>> No.12263246
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>the tech

>> No.12263248

I feel you. Its painful now. I already feel this thread devolving into it.

>> No.12263255

There was a point where the board had like 5 posts an hour and posts wouldn't go into the second for like 3 days, and the discord faggots were still posting their fud pasta constantly.
It doesn't surprise me that most early buyers have left or gone quiet when those retards post non stop regardless of whether anyone is even reading their shit.
They'll all come back when main net is announced, though. Everyone is just twiddling their thumbs at the moment except for the discord faggots who are constantly performing for each others attention and don't really care about whether any actual anon is paying attention to them.
t. Block 469

>> No.12263261
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Been holding since september last year.

Threads are garbage because everyone knows that something as the chainlink mainnet would not release during holidays so everyone Fuds to keep the price low.
I expect that shill threads, larps and more positive memes will return early next year.

>> No.12263268

>It doesn't surprise me that most early buyers have left or gone quiet

notice Damu is gone. Haven't seen him post sense.... September, most likely.

I doubt its all discord shills. Post like>>12263236 probably, being the majority of it is retarded brainlets and boring copy pasta. Its absolutely shit now m8.

>> No.12263274

Look at this bagholder cope.

>> No.12263283

Damu sold

>> No.12263286

Everybody knows its true potential, it doesn't need to be seriously discussed anymore. Linkmarines are holding and waiting

>> No.12263289

nope, doubt that. I just dont think he visits this board much anymore because of how shit the threads have gotten.

I really don't see much of a point myself. I see where he is coming from.

>> No.12263290

I was at no point talking about discord shills, they are not important and play no role in this.

I was talking about all the intelligent chainlink holders that make decent memes, inform the brainlets and actually care about the project.
They are all in hibernation and accumulating at low prices.
The rest is shitposting and fudding as usual.

Last good chainlink meme was the radical muslim sergey and its success is a bullish indicator of incoming bull times.

>> No.12263296

LINK is greyzone now. It is inarguable "legit", in that it isn't some biz prank. But it's also clear that the price action will be disappointing. What would be the average holder forecast for 2019? 1 USD? 3? Which makes for low excitement.

>> No.12263298

Most of us went underground.

>> No.12263304
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>They are all in hibernation and accumulating at low prices.
>The rest is shitposting and fudding as usual.


>> No.12263312

>But it's also clear that the price action will be disappointing. What would be the average holder forecast for 2019? 1 USD? 3? Which makes for low excitement.

Price speculation is inherently worthless. No one is able to predict the future. We just know we have the most promising project in this space, and that is all we can hope for.

>> No.12263321

Holding for almost a year now, i really miss Assblaster,sherlocklink,riddleanons posts. I miss larps form the late 2018.. linkwhales, drunkanons posts, landlord, even that stupid family member larper, i dont even know if they are real or just larps, i dont even know if chainlink is real at the end of the day or if its all one big larp but i really miss these threads and that "insider power" feeling when reading them.

>> No.12263341
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They were all larps dude, there was a ton of stuff that gave away assblaster. He was just shilling his low cap shittoken, which got others to take notice of LINK too. I agree with some of his reasoning but he was fake af. None of the """connections""" concerning LINK are real.

This shit probably won't even hold 15c.

>> No.12263342

Damu occasionally warns against swing trading large portions of your stack

>> No.12263356

>i dont even know if they are real or just larps,

Just write them off as larps, anon. We dont need "insiders" to tell us this project is gold. Fuck em in all honestly (but peace be upon Assblaster).

Damu still coming strong with solid advice.

>> No.12263381

Yeah fren, everything indicates they were just larps making things up just to pump their LINK ICO bags... i am financialy ruined and i am market selling my last stacks of LINK as soon as possible.

Unironically, the best opportunity to sell was in Ocober at 50cents, we all should take our loses and forget this rollercoaster of larpmotions, this board and this chainlink investment and everything that comes with it, from larps to 1k eoy meme has ruined our self-conscious.

>> No.12263384
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>excited about the tech
>everyone Fuds to keep the price low.
>Linkmarines are holding and waiting
>Everybody knows its true potential

How long until we get a bingo in here?

>> No.12263397
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>> No.12263401

And to add, im really really proud on some oldfag marines trying to hype and pump chainlink back to at least 50 cents so we have another opportunity to cash out and forever forget. But its also devastating seeing newfags marines falling for their larps and fake partnerships

>> No.12263406


>> No.12263412

Vanishing of Damu is the biggest sell signal in chainlinks history since 2014

>> No.12263419
File: 269 KB, 1013x1000, 1545628529557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope lulz, you got pnded on you fucking retard.
Looking forward to taking your bags off you back at ICO price.

>> No.12263440

Close your eyes, try to clear any thoughts you are having
Take long, slow, deep breathes and put all your focus and attention onto your breathing
iiiiiiiinnnn.................... ooooooooooooouuuut

good. Do this for a few minutes, then -
VISUALIZE yourself becoming rich through your LINK investment
ANTICIPATE the things you will buy with your new found abundance of wealth
IMAGINE as though it is all happening now in the present moment, for the present moment is all that truly exists
FEEL the way you will FEEL when that moment comes and you make it!

Now open your eyes, look in a mirror, and recite these affirmations (use/add your own that is relevant to the reality you want to create once you make it)
It's important to do this when you wake up and before you go to bed, but do it as often as possible. Also hold the image and idea of us making it and LINK being worth $1,000 or more in your mind as you fall to sleep.

I love you all

>> No.12263443

He's been posting crops of his avatar but with no trip. I keep asking him what's up but he never responds.

>> No.12263447
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Why is everyone so worried we're all gonna be millionaires in 3 days. 1k eoy

>> No.12263606

True in my case. This is probably my 5th post in a link thread since June, but in Nov-March I’d spend hours upon hours discussing & diving into breadcrumbs.

>> No.12264011


This desu

>> No.12264039

>fud to keep prices low
Cope, link is shilled here constantly and people are just responding to the turd they see

>> No.12264056

Been in Link for over 12 months
nothing has changed at all you overdramatic faggots

Were you not around during Sibios where the main FUD was that sergey was a fatass that spent all the ico money on mcdonalds?
Or how everyone was getting over him being a philosophy major?
What about when every LINK thread was about how many shadow forks you can create?

There has always been a few tech geniuses who info dump paragraphs to convince people how great LINK is. And if by any chance this has slowed down in the last two months, its because theres no news worth mentioning.
Except, this is not the case, lots of people were talking about being namedropped by the government and bill gates.

So no
LINK threads are the same as always. If anything it seems the cycle is, for every 2 months, a new LINK meme is born, and during that time it stagnates a little.

oh, and discord faggots have always been discord faggots. I never associated with them

>> No.12264067

Op not see id

>> No.12264083

You are a MANIAC

>> No.12264090
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>> No.12264094

That's a lot of companies that will never use Link

>> No.12264101

What do you expect from 500 autistic neo-nazis egged on by a team of paid shills on a Japanese cartoon image board?

>> No.12264103


>> No.12264126
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>> No.12264132

Imagine selling in 2017 because of this FUD and end up buying 2x more today.

This is a friendly reminder that you can sell today and buy 2 times more eoy 2019

>> No.12264143

Or don't buy at all and don't lose your money.

>> No.12264146

math checks out

>> No.12264148

I noticed this as well. The rally to $.50 brought in a lot of undesirables.

>> No.12264235

$1000 EOY

>> No.12264478

110k holder here. I'm stepping away from this board for a while. There's no new breadcrumbs. No news. No reason to be here. Just a bunch of new fags and that alla akbahr LINKtard who thinks he's special. See you after mainnet drops in Q2 biz.

>> No.12264498

Can't have proper discussions here anymore, there are people who are dedicated to shit up every thread with their anti link garbage 24/7. Some people really don't want you to own link

>> No.12264513
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>ignore the fudsters trying to get in lower

>> No.12264525

Link holder since Oct 17.

Sad to say it but all serious LINK discussion is on either Reddit or in the official Slack.

This place is just the same 5 discord faggots spamming copypasta over and over.

>> No.12264537

Please put all of your money into link so we can laugh when you an hero. Knowing linkies are going to kill themselves is the only comfort I get from seeing the constant, pajeet-tier shilling on biz

>> No.12264560

There is no need to discuss anything anymore. All of us who have been holding for a year or so already know we are going to make it. How absurd is this? I wonder how someone who just discovers link views this

>> No.12264572

Notice how these people are always extremely antagonistic, they will try to destroy any attempt of having an actual discussion

>> No.12264584

lol if he only knew

>> No.12264646

There's nothing to talk about, except it's fucking shit. They still haven't even released it. Why don't we have a deep discussion about IOTA or Ripple? No? Because they are fucking shitty retard. LINK is a worthless token without it's own blockchain ffs. Maybe people just got tired of bagholding. I guess you'll hang on a little longer.

>> No.12264673

Chainlink is a middleware

>> No.12264686

Yea right

>> No.12264724

Damu is based as fuck. Weird stuff - that some anon who posts/shares info here is basically a friend. Internet magic

>> No.12264735

Pay close attention to their modus operandi. You will see them increase their efforts when the price drops. They want you to capitulate.

>> No.12264746

I can't check the same box on bagholder bingo twice anon, can you try larping about the singularity or do not even bagholders believe that shit anymore?

>> No.12264747

I still browse but rarely post anymore. I had been obsessed and passionate about it for months but now I feel like we've exhausted all topics and implications. I used to research dots all day long, but I don't bother anymore. All there is left to do for me now is wait.

>> No.12264751

>who are not excited about the tech and are impatient about the moon mission.
I've been in LINK since the beginning and I give less and less of a fuck about the 'tech'
just can't wait for link to go to at least $5 or maybe double digits to dump this shit and never hear about muh smart contract or oracles ever again

>> No.12264782

This is the moment that the black pill finally drops for a linkie. It's best for you to all be like this guy.

>> No.12264815

worrying about damu not being here, what has he brought from info or Nice threads, nothing at all, just tripfagging around as the other larps

>> No.12264825

Imagine being the kind of person who needs attention so bad that they become a tripfag and religiously fud an alleged shitcoin on the business and finance section of 4chan. Hi "Uncle Oldfag," easily recognizable by your "quality" posts as always.

>> No.12264933

>imagine thinking there is only one person who calls out chainlink for the shitcoin scam that it is.

>> No.12264947

> h-heheh I'm not the same retard with the same style of baseless drivel, honest
> l-linkies are delusional badholders etc
> I have anons best interest at heard please listen to me sirs
Yes very good Rakesh I will do the needful and sell 100k.

>> No.12264964
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>past 2+ months

>> No.12264978

Vitalik knows nothing about running a successful business. He's an autistic freak who got first mover advantage. Sergey is renting himself a legit office in a major US city and buying out competitors while Vitalik rants online about how CP is harmless and rubs his dick during interviews.

>> No.12264990


Scrapping around for as many ways to try insult me as possible with no idea why. THE ABSOLUTE MENTALITY OF A LINKIE. BTFO FOREVER

>> No.12265015

> if I just keep saying linkies are btfo it will be true
> lets just avoid the fact that the only thing remarkable about me as a tripfag is the extent of my obvious brain-damage
Oh okay buddy. You're just getting more and more convincing with each well thought-out and intelligent post. I have sold 200k now thanks to you.

>> No.12265030

just fuck off with your shitcoin and your bags mate, we don't care.

>> No.12265050

I’ve definitely noticed it too OP. I even tried to raise spirits by posting a thread a week or two ago, since people usually say hi to me when I post and the threads I started in early 2018 got loads of replies. But didn’t really get any replies this month. The board is dead, all the hardcore linkies are gone... but I doubt they sold. They’re just absent

>> No.12265072
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I wonder how many people killed themselves this holiday season.

>> No.12265080

Sure, I noticed. Back at the beginning of the year the threads were so comfy I felt high. Soul-warming we're gonna make it frens feels.

Now largley garbage. But that's ok because it's a barrier to entry, Reddit won't come and read those good old threads.

Even the memes fell off.
Except Gosner and Sergey by the fire is dope, and a couple other new ones.

>> No.12265085

> another angry faggot who never learned how to use a filter
I really am in the company of geniuses this fine morning. I just sold another 100k thanks to your uh... witty reply.

>> No.12265089


>> No.12265096

Can't you see /biz/ is getting tired of seeing some russian philosopher all day for a whole fucking year. While you're still wrong. Fudders are still right to this day. Yet we have to endure all the smug idiots who are fucking wrong.

You guys are absolutly retarded and should just fucking gas yourself.

>> No.12265102

>Insider power feeling
I know that feeling too. It's like "I don't know why, but I believe him" and even if he is a larper he's accidentally telling the truth

>> No.12265205

100$ in 2019 still possible?

>> No.12265347

It’s not a sure thing but it is possible.

>> No.12265360

Cult mentality. The leaders visions are real, even if they can't be!

>> No.12265364

We can eat deep dish while we do a deep dive on deep fakes. Have you seen the photo of Obama's mother squatting over a beer bottle? Some say it's his real father. I'm on the fence.

>> No.12265438

Higher chance that you will win the mega lottery. Sell all your links and buy a load of tickets. That's the only way you even stand a chance of making it. This shit coin is not a way.

>> No.12265481

> b-buy lottery tickets instead
> sell everything please I beg you sir
I wonder if you'd sit or fetch or play dead for some linkies. Good boy.

>> No.12265553


>> No.12265595

> c-cope
Oh right, even though your group needs like 3 different threads just to beg for cheaper bags? You fucked up your trade guy. If you made a little study group and invested as much effort at looking at basic shit like fib retracements you could still make money but instead you spend your time producing 3/10 and under fud threads.

>> No.12265736

all old link holders are in discords now. All the breadcrumbs and speculation are posted there first

>> No.12265743


>> No.12265752

Still coping.

>> No.12265785

> if I double down on saying he's coping we can disregard the fact that I need to beg in 2 separate threads with my friends for cheap bags

>> No.12265849
File: 197 KB, 595x594, 1544064952599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was around last month

>> No.12265892

Paranoia + cope

>> No.12265934
File: 3 KB, 247x290, there was an attempt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, now it's paranoia + cope instead of just cope. What an interesting and unpredictable development. I may have underestimated your intelligence.

>> No.12265939

LINK wont moon anymore and i tell you why : because every crypto already mooned

ETH - Bought in 2016 mooned in 2017
NEO - bought early 2017, mooned late 2017
NANO - bought early 2017 mooned late 2017
XRP - bought early 2017, mooned late 2017


Its almost year and a half and it did NOTHING, it went to fucking 1 dollar because btc pumped from 5k to 20k in couple of weeks. LINK already had its chance... Imagine buying ETH in 2016 and waiting for singularity untill now and still not getting it... Crypto is all about mooning and nothing will moon again, Link graph is unacceptable and a massive sell signal...

>> No.12265996

i really fucking hate discord and everyone in the link discord, but everything from /biz/ w/r/t link gets posted there and it's quicker to just go there to see if anything's happened than to bother checking the catalog on /biz/, especially since the quality has gone to hell to a degree that no one could have anticipated. I don't think anything has changed about link itself though.

>> No.12266020

The only way LINK could see massive gains in 2019 is if BTC goes to 0.

>> No.12266031

Tainstinkies rip

>> No.12266036

What’s the group called

>> No.12266066

The Itty Bitty Kitty Committee meets every Tuesday and Saturday to discuss kittens and kitten related accessories.

>> No.12266124

> another angry faggot who never learned how to use a filter

>> No.12266268

Yes "based" anti-linker. Do you know what a filter is? It's what real nolinkers use when they don't want to see link threads. You can type in certain keywords in order to stop yourself from seeing posts using them!

>> No.12266319
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>> No.12266335

>> if I double down on saying he's copi
Yes "anon" Do you know what a filter is? It's what triggered little faggots use when they don't want to see based trip fags. You can type in certain keywords in order to stop yourself from seeing trip fags!

>> No.12266503

> implying that ridiculing tripfags and making them angry isn't common practice around here
Why would I filter out an opportunity to shit on someone so desperate for attention they would need to use a trip? It's funny as fuck. Meanwhile - link threads seem to actually make you angry.
Looks like I'm still winning. What a surprise.

>> No.12266532

Most of us at this point are just sitting comfy waiting for the market to return. Not worth accumulating more at these prices, though if we see dips below 20 cents again you can be sure you'll see big buys coming through.

>> No.12266556
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The reason that Q4 2017 / Q1+Q2 2018 had such quality threads is because anons were hashing it out amongst themselves to see if the LINK argument was a bulletproof one. From a third party perspective it looked like a bunch of 'True Believer' linkmarines making threads to bring new linkmarines into fold. In actuality, it was a bunch of not-quite-sure prospective hodlers all trying to work up the brass balls they needed to go all-in, during a period of time when the LINK team was radio silent and had very few real partnerships yet.

Since the events of Fall, the new website and team members and partnerships and talks and, most importantly, the TC acquisition, the CL team has frankly obsoleted breadcrumb and use case threads now. All the evidence anyone every needed to go all-in is right there in the open now, so there are no more fence-sitters anymore. You're either balls deep in it or you're a no-linker by now, there's no in-between anymore and no minds left to be changed.

The irony is that it looks like sentiment for LINK has dropped off a cliff because the quality discussions have disappeared. In reality, the opposite has occurred. Sentiment for LINK is so bullish that nobody needs to make threads to reassure themselves about it anymore. Once you're all-in on a sure thing, there's no point to talking about it anymore. You just kick bait and wait for the riches to start pouring in.

>> No.12266570

I'm still here. I just got bored, so I started schlop-posting and dabbing on jannies.

>> No.12266576

>Implying that you are actually making me angry

>> No.12266614

> responds as angry about link as ever and still doubling down
Reaaaaalllyyyyy proving my point there buddy. Again - my standards aren't high for you, so I can assure you I am still not disappointed.

>> No.12266619

200 IQ post

>> No.12266650

But your "bought" dates are all arbitrary anon... all those were around well before. if link moons eoy 2019, you could assign it a bullshit bought date of mid 2019 to fit with your shitty analogy. I'm sure you're just posting fud to scare low IQ link holders, but you can do better.

>> No.12266656

I bought at ICO and I'd cut off my dick before i used a faggot chat room where everyone is a namefag, fuck that. discords are the worst thing to ever happen to biz

>> No.12266687


I'm surprised more people have not been discussing the Patent and Trademark that was approved on the 25th or read into exactly what was trademarked.

>> No.12266719


This is the calm before the storm, saw the same shit with ETH and Bitcoin, real quiet before the true moon and only shitposts for months to discourage the late adopters

>> No.12266734

They don't even have to. That's the real brilliance of chainlink. All those companies can sell their data to chainlink even if they never have a need to make a smartcontract. Literally free fucking money for them.

>> No.12266743

It's called divide and conquer

I'm actually more qualified to talk about this than most anons.I'm employed with a cyber-techno machinations company, I do a lot of security analyst programming type work. Open source, decentralized, APIs, partnerships, you name it. We'd be one of the first companies in line for something like Chainlink, if the decentralized smart contract space had more value over traditional data exchanges. There's a catch though, an underlying flaw more deeply embedded in the bedrock of LINK than the very code itself. The flaw is with the concept, and it's this: Companies won't actually go through the hassle of trusting their data API's through crypto.

Now I can already hear your keyboards going frantic, but hear me out. /biz/ hates banks, and traditional data providers. But actual companies, businesses, and investors do not. There's an old saying you might have heard of: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!". The idea that any of our bosses would give us the go ahead if we approached them to put our companies valuable data in a smart contract on a cryptocurrency called Chainlink, that they've never heard of, we'd be laughed out at best and fired on the spot at worst. We already have API data buyers and providers we trust.

'But Chainlink is trustless!' I hear you cry, but is that really a good thing? Just listen to the sound of it. Businesses don't want to spend millions of dollars on something that is trustLESS, they want something trustFUL. 'But the reputation system!', doesn't that defeat the whole point of your coin? If companies only trust nodes with high reputation, what's the difference between trusting banks and data providers that already have reputation, in real life not on a computer screen.

LINK is going to share the same fate as ETH will. A lot of 'real world application' hype, with a lot of 'crypto world application' reality. This billion supply coin isn't going to come close to the $1k that Etherum hit. Happy gambling though anons.

>> No.12266752


Hi Astro! merry christmas and happy new year!

>> No.12266811

Not astro but have a shit new year.

>Still thinks im angry.
You must be autistic

>> No.12266868

Fitting that during a bear market we go to hibernate.

>> No.12266882

Why? just curious

>> No.12266937

anonymous boards bring the best discussions, the best battles of ideas. Nobody has any history, nobody has any credibility or qualifications to rely on, nobody even has an identity. It's idea vs idea and everyone else gets to judge the ideas purely on the way they are articulated, completely divorced from who is saying them.
Discords and other places where people have identity instantly lose that quality. People feel like they are posting on their own behalf and have a reputation, an ego, even if it's pseudonymous.
It's even worse in the case of the discord/biz situation because it means people move their discussion to discord, and then shitpost here for other discord users entertainment, and the people who just want to be anonymous have to now put up with their stupid shitposting while not even getting the benefit of the discussion that would usually happen here but is now happening there.

>> No.12267000

This post single handedly return my faith in this board. Just like /b/, you leave because it's a shithole then one day you find a hidden gem

>> No.12267029

you mean restored your faith in your worthless funding token. face it, the only reason you even bought it was because you got peer pressured by other anons who got tricked into buying it.

chainlink is nothing special, and is going nowhere. had you been around biz long enough you would have realized not to trust the bagholders here.

>> No.12267117

>Weapons grade autism
>peer pressure

How much of a normalfag you have to be that you let what other people think affect your decisions, financial or otherwise?
What we have with Link is that some other autismos brought link to the spotlight and made us aware, then we did our own research, then we crossed referenced our research with another anons and came to our own conclusion. And we all concluded the same. Even if it turns out to be a financial failure link is the most promising crypto right now and for the foreseeable future.

>> No.12267165
File: 316 KB, 1194x731, 1539991627386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great post. My thoughts exactly.

>> No.12267166


After the 4channel migration, the old core of biz/ moved away to a hidden place to share the shit and come here just for their junkie shitpost addiction

>> No.12267174

holy fuck that's a lot of sexy autism

>> No.12267347

a riddle anon dropped some clues and no one bothered trying to decipher it. it's a tricky one, I have no idea.

ea ls ut in al ce.

>> No.12267527

>hating chatrooms
I never understood this... Do you not have friends? It's just like having a group whatsapp chat but more active & you don't know them personally. Only lonely friendless grumpy autists would dislike that.

>> No.12267986

this anon is based and redpilled

>> No.12268230


Highly unlikely and I say that as someone who's all-in.

>> No.12268292


LINK threads have always been shit.
Bear market = less posters.
Quality posts go down as unique poster volume goes down.
Less original memes = more stale copypasta and low effort fud.
Posts that would have not survived the bull market due to meme darwinism are allowed to survive and be seen leading to more garbage threads.
Less volume means garbage threads stay alive that would otherwise be filtered out by post volume.

>> No.12268293

Linker fudders are faggots. Go build something.

>> No.12268364

This anon speaks the truth.

>> No.12268400

Well said fren

>> No.12268869
File: 141 KB, 1556x558, linkfudstr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12268876
File: 747 KB, 900x680, 450x3409604d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're in stealth mode. you'll be buying our bags at $1000/link by EOY

>> No.12269155

this this this
chainlink btfo!!!

>> No.12269756

you actually should shut the fuck up because I cannot imagine some attention whoring tripfag calling himself "based" who isn't a total loser.

>> No.12269795

lots of people call me based though so i think you're just a salty jealous faggot. Go fuck yourself

>> No.12269858

>Everybody knows its true potential
potential is irrelevant when it will never be realized because incompetent scam team.

you are low IQ

>> No.12269872

>Vitalik knows nothing about running a successful business. He's an autistic freak who got first mover advantage. Sergey is renting himself a legit office in a major US city and buying out competitors while Vitalik rants online about how CP is harmless and rubs his dick during interviews.
kek Ethereum had 100 devs 1 year in. Link had 3. Link is literally amateur hour and can't code

>> No.12269909

Damn, you really know your stuff. I’d heard on r/cryptocurrency that 4channel was a toxic image board, but it’s unbelievable to see how many of its users stand to be mercilessly taken advantage of if they put money into this cryptocurrency. Thanks for pointing out the projects’ glaring faults using undeniably epic logic. It’s good to know that there’s some posters out there who really care about us little guys :^)

>> No.12269919

You're most welcome my fellow redditor. Glad to be able to help you guys out from these horrible racist scammers.

>> No.12269926
File: 184 KB, 750x1193, 2F614D03-E444-4CB2-B797-D55E207002B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Linkies are fucking spastics.

Suicide insurance on FLO is a bag of 10k. Retirement bag is 300-500k Flo.
It’s already up 3x since I started letting biztards know a month ago.

With one instant click of the mouse I purchased 20 bitcoins of this Flo token

It was in mid November and my purchase was completed for an average of 800 but caused a spike to 1000.

Every day I sleep with glee just knowing that in a few months the 20 btc of Flo I purchased will be worth an easy 150-200+ btc.

Some days I dream of it going to $100mm cap and my stack rising from 20 to 1000 btc. I slap myself back to reality and tell myself that making 250 btc on one trade is more than enough to buy curry for this entire forum for one full month.



Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne writes letter of support for using FLO in Wyoming

New readers about Flo should check out the telegram with questions... enjoy mate.

But first they should STUDY these two articles:



>> No.12269945

Vitalik hates Sergey, you can see they are on bad terms at one conference. LINKers can connect a thousand worthless breadcrumbs but didn't notice that for some reason.

>> No.12269956

paid pajeet

>> No.12269966

Vitalik knows whats up, he sees it for the scam that it is but also the alluring potential it has to pull the wool over the eyes of mass retards.

>> No.12269971

obviously, when some low IQ fat scammer who can't code raise more money than you for "oracles", you can only be mad.

>> No.12269972
File: 80 KB, 1876x1200, 1536448655258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I imagine a generation of boomers said the same thing about the internet. At the end of the day, a business is a business. If it can save on costs, while increasing efficiency, change will be imminent or you risk losing to competition that does adapt to change.

>> No.12269981

>tfw if i didnt buy in late march i would never have the courage to double down

t. 50k

>> No.12269999

>target price 15c
>maybe I’ll buy if it hits ICO price
>ICO price 17c

In your pitiful attempt to FUD, you’ve painted yourself a retarded mong

>> No.12270004

>lots of people call me based though
your mom and grandma don't count

>so i think you're just a salty jealous faggot.
lmao, jealous of being a total cringy loser?

>Go fuck yourself

>> No.12270012


>> No.12270031

LINK has been pnded like 3 times.
The scammers moved on, you are not getting one more pump.

>> No.12270061

Its pasta anon.

>> No.12270188

>your mom and grandma don't count
my mom and grandma dont even know what based means you edgy little faggot.

>lmao, jealous of being a total cringy loser?
You clearly are jealous because otherwise you would just ignore me but you're one of my haters who can't help themselves.

says every little jealous faggot ever.


go clean yourself up piss pants

>> No.12270258

It caught on here because the research threads were a shining example of how all crypto investments should be vetted. By keeping the focus only on CL, the brainlets here didn't realize how much money they could make by applying the same paradigm to other tokens. Those that caught on, have been using this tactic to make more money to buy link, unironically. It isn't a game of counter intelligence or anything else. The sad fact is that LINK discovery showed anons how to make money in this market, actual work and research, and they instead are memeing a payday that will come long after they sell their tiny stacks. I strongly urge everyone who has not caught on to this obvious fact to leave biz for a month and put some effort into their investments, the shitposting will feel nice after some real work.

>> No.12270287


>> No.12270293

you are as much of a loser as that astro idiot and other people, including me, want you to be aware of that fact, that's all

>> No.12270354

>I jUsT WaNt YaouU T2 B aWarREe oF THaT
>Thinks i give a shit


>> No.12270944

excellent analysis

>> No.12270967

this FUD has been debunked. The private vs public blockchains meme is like asking why anyone would use the internet when companies can build their own intranet

>> No.12271002

Most based anon on /biz/.

>> No.12271437

Well said.

>> No.12271441


>> No.12271487

Link is a meme

>> No.12271506

Checked keep it up, we need more of these sort of posts

>> No.12271534

LMFAO fuarkig faggot noone holds link anymore, weve moved on

>> No.12271549

Yeah, if the internet functioned exactly the same with all the websites accessible for free.

>> No.12271657

I want to believe..

>> No.12272398
File: 2.89 MB, 280x280, 1542549687031.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chuckled at this

>> No.12272418

You remembered his filthy penis fondling video hmmm, pervert?

>> No.12272569

>Implying chainlink threads weren't garbage before two months ago.