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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12262196 No.12262196 [Reply] [Original]

Look at the type of threads being posted. What a bunch of nonsense. Even worse get a load of the low tier comments on the threads. Holy fuck how retarded can someone get? Chainlink? Hang yourself. Req? Get your boy pucci rekt. Vishnu? Keep larping and putting the F in Fantasy while we put the F in you cunt.

>> No.12262202

sirs, Vishnu is very real.

>> No.12262208

sir how dare you insult vishnu.

>> No.12262217

do the needful sir

>> No.12262232

OP please apologize I beg you. You have no idea how malicious Vishnu can be. I will weep for your loved ones

>> No.12262380

>vishnu was ever funny
>still carried on
>do the needful is not something even 1 in 100 pajeets would say
Only literal retards left for the most part and a dead market

>> No.12262394
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>> No.12262396
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you bloody bastard shit son of mother bitch how dare u insult Vishnu

>> No.12262398


Epic stuff

>> No.12262409


Is this real???

>> No.12262435

You do realize that this BTC and BCH have no future anymore, right?
Code was fucked up so bad, they don't even know how to fix it anymore.
Yes, alts will stay for some rides, eth and tokens will stay for a while. Read again - for a while.
You won;t see btc hit those numbers like the last year. Stop obsessing over /biz/ and imaginary x5000 in a month.
You don't realize that some people are heading to jail right now, did any bizlet told you about it? I guess not.
Crypto is doomed as a whole for few years. It will be hard to recover.

>> No.12262437
File: 270 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181223-231445_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for posting this. I considered making basically the same thread, but I didn't want everyone to call me a faggot, which you of course are, OP.

>> No.12262446
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send bobs sir

>> No.12262460

nigger, do we go to your subreddit and tell you to stop posting pickle rick?

>> No.12262473

Do the needful bitch

>> No.12262579

this. How did something like chainlink even catch on in this shithole?? It should've been on /g or /sci but there's NONE in there and instead you have a group of literal zoomer brainlets who don't even know how economy works and have never ran a business constantly parroting about "muh 4th industrial revolution" and "muh decentralized oracles". It really drags down the credibility of chainlink when only biztards are interested in it but not actual nerds who get hard on pentesting cybersecurity systems and writing for loop codes on an invoice managing software

>> No.12263317

This is accurate FUD.

>> No.12263345

Lightning network is by far, without a shadow of doubt, the biggest scam in the history of crypto. Not only are layer 2 solutions to shore up weaknesses of layer 1 completely shit, its far better to use another coin. But LN is based on completely fucking terrible design on every front making it absolute garbage.

DO NOT LISTEN TO FAGS ON HERE. Pay attention to what I said because the moment you think about having a super complex bullshit layer 2 solution that poofs transactions randomly vs just using another coin its OBVIOUSLY fucking true that another coin that is just better is a superior. Bitcoin right now has more value being left alone than it does with some garbage fucking layer 2 nightmare that has a 20% failure rate.

Anyone who says otherwise IS A FUCKING LIAR. No debates, no fucking arguments, they fucking suck at life and need to self murder for the betterment of man fucking kind. The lightning network is a UX design DISASTER. It takes some already hard to get outsiders involved and raises complexity exponentially.

I don't even fucking give a shit what shills on here are going to try and say to this post either. They are worthless humans with zero fucking IQs desperately hoping to convince people that LN is a good idea. These are the same people who think Raiden is the only way for ETH to ever scale properly and completely ignore Serenity. Or that coins like NEO somehow fucking need the LN even in spite of the coin already having super fast transactions HAHAHAHA

LN is fucking trash. Its bad from technical standpoint and its bad for UX design. This is not a discussion I am just fucking telling you how it is.

>> No.12263431
File: 437 KB, 600x654, IMG_1599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking any board on this autist containment site is meant for serious discussion
>being so dumb you can't read obvious sarcasm and satire
>having such a massive ego that you can't take banter without sperging out like the NPC you are

Link 1000$ EOY