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File: 43 KB, 640x640, 1474496875939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12262115 No.12262115 [Reply] [Original]

Anime is sill for losers edition! Happy new years fellow traders!!

>I'm new to the stock market, what stocks should I buy?
Before you buy anything, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks, and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.

List of popular brokers:

List of basic stock market terminology for newfags:

Real-time market news:

Educational sites:

Free in depth technical analysis charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

Basic rundown on options:

Suggested books:

Once upon a time in /smg/

>> No.12262131

Jesus you fucking suck

>> No.12262137
File: 691 KB, 759x715, xtix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh Thanks bro

Golden Bull starts tomorrow btw

>> No.12262150

no you

one more try for bulls until testing 2300s

>> No.12262153

Explained by reasoning behind some of my stocks in >>12262040

>> No.12262159

you're long on all of those?

>> No.12262161

Yes, either long or planning to be while discounts are available.

>> No.12262180
File: 629 KB, 680x778, 1543727742521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new Golden Bull era started on Wednesday

>> No.12262183

I bet your momma gay tho.
LCI=long cock inyourmouth

>> No.12262188
File: 441 KB, 610x599, Goldenbull5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant deny this fact

>> No.12262204

Already addressed it in the other thread that was deleted due to LCI's gross incompetence.

Microsoft and Nvidia are the only worthwhile ones you originally mentioned, provided you get them at lower prices. The rest you mentioned are highly speculative, have no durable competitive advantage, are grossly overpriced, and/or have a damaged and waning brand perception--most notably Paypal.

>> No.12262227 [DELETED] 
File: 375 KB, 1536x2048, 7E221A69-DEE2-4CED-AA75-5D8FA14D1CEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started taking ~$80,000.00 ($50 working capital / $30 broker’s margin) positions in SQQQ around beginning of December, and scalped my way up $20,000.00 so far on some very conservative intraday swings. Pretty comfy profits for a market that’s fallen off a cliff.

>> No.12262246
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How can I make money shorting the plung protection team?

>> No.12262257

Short PPT duh

>> No.12262261

Buy the SPY
As the lunge protection money goes down the SPY goes up up up. Youre going to want to go long the SPY

>> No.12262275
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Post 3D women to combat the 2D gay shit

>> No.12262285

fucking gross

>> No.12262289
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Do you prefer 2D?

>> No.12262291
File: 28 KB, 619x453, Sad Frog Dumb Crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw missed the cheapies because the golden bull run has commenced again

>> No.12262296

I can understand that.

I'm a long-term bull on Tesla and Albermarle simply because as an Engineer I've taken a good look at the experience curve for Li-Ion batteries. My conclusion from that was that EV's will completely take over the car market, and that Solar + Li-Ion storage will take over power generation in most countries.

I'm buying YY because of the FUD-induced low prices. I'm buying Paypal with the expectation that Venmo will take over the world much like Wechat and Alipay did in China.

>> No.12262297

how long do i hold SQQQ?

>> No.12262301
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Obviously I prefer perfection to Imperfection

>> No.12262305
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>> No.12262332
File: 235 KB, 624x557, 1533267618299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of you guys are alright. Don't check the market tomorrow if you own any stock.

Will post a thread in the morning.

So long bulls.

>> No.12262390
File: 46 KB, 700x727, 48418014_10155751071541856_6614797519048146944_n(3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long Colgate?

>> No.12262401

that guy sounds like a fucking loser

>> No.12262403


Dude... I’m in cash at 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. with SQQQ.

>> No.12262416
File: 9 KB, 240x240, 1529526249952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exellent choice OniPai
Colgate is the best stock because it never gores down, if you buy it you will never lose money! The top toothbrush/toothpaste/mouthwash in south america, and top 3 in America. Also Owns Hills, for the petfood marketshare. One of the best, Buy it, Just buy it!

>> No.12262418

Tesla isn't a bad company product and brand value-wise--in fact it's extremely good in both, but you're paying way too much for it right now. If I was going to buy it, I'd sell puts down at $200-$225, 80-250 days out, then sell an OTM call spread at the same expiration cycle to capture even more premium.

It's very speculative to say that Solar and lithium ion storage will take over power generation given how enormously capital intensive that is.

YY is Chinese crap, which is a country notorious for misleading foreign investors and aggressive accounting. I wouldn't touch anything Chinese unless it both pays a dividend and is large part of essential infrastructure (like China Mobile) or produces tangible products that have very strong independent branding attached. Unfortunately, most Chinese companies don't meet that simple criteria; they usually prefer to copy/counterfeit and undercut.

Paypal--well, what needs to be said about that? Their brand image is poor and steadily, with the encouragement of Paypal themselves, getting worse. They've just thrown the door open and are offering free market share for viable and traditional competition. Not to mention, there's little durable competitive advantage to be had in payment processing except reputation.

>> No.12262424
File: 211 KB, 600x922, 1541973448032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3D roasties populate enough of the /biz/ catalogue. kindly fuck off to some other fora if you don't like chinese cartoons

>> No.12262469


>> No.12262533
File: 28 KB, 852x480, gyakkyou-burai-kaiji-ultimate-survivor-episode-23-english-subbed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Futures mean nothing now. We are in a new era. Chaos.

>> No.12262612
File: 38 KB, 540x359, 3DPD irl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

futures have never meant a thing

they impact the first half hour, maybe first full hour of market hours, and that is it

what an informative on topic post!

>> No.12262615

Kek, they are trying to convince the desperate mongs to buy in so they can gracefully exit the market by
dumping it on the poor.
Worst part of it is that people fall for it every time, hook and sinker

>> No.12262651

I will hodl my SQQQ no matter what. Fuck this golden bullshit. Market is about to crash, Nasdaq to 4000 at least

Gunna be rich and get everything back I lost with Facebook and Celgene

>> No.12262665


>> No.12262667

>>It's very speculative to say that Solar and lithium ion storage will take over power generation given how enormously capital intensive that is.

I agree that it is speculative. With that said, I expect the capital intensiveness of the storage part to go down significantly to the point where coal and natgas will become uncompetitive.

The main reason for this is that the battery demand from EV's pushes batteries further along their learning curve. There's still a lot of untapped potential in manufacturing batteries at a cheaper price. The process is very snowbally, so the upside on the bullish scenario ends up being really high.

>> No.12262668


>> No.12262672

this is my favorite time of the year, its where we place bets on the year to come. I was short bonds and long the VTGN and well... I dunno We got more market days and time to make our yearly plays, but most of this shit has been just shit posting.

>> No.12262677

Anyone else holding reverse ETFs?

>> No.12262684 [DELETED] 

Should I do it?

>> No.12262691
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Should I do it?

>> No.12262696

for the record, to sit next to RKG even if i pay the whole trip out, she'd died before i get there, doesn't matter much but to lose an ally like that is not something we can afford to lose. I would be willing to kiss passionately and cook way more than enough food we'll go shopping and stuff... I'll give you a nice shower or bath, clean the areas you cant reach.. Tie your hair up for you so it doesn't become a problem and you can beet me with bamboo for an hour or two....

>> No.12262700


>> No.12262718

see you're crowded on that trade, the liquidity and market makers who can fill your orders will manipulate the price... and what ever fuck it you're just retarded.

>> No.12262731
File: 933 KB, 500x379, 1534812798566.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain more, I am indeed retard, but willing to learn.

>> No.12262748

we have a period of high volatility so if uou're unretarded aka NoT ObaMa or Hilarry Clinton. You trade vix or you can trade obscure tiny tickers with level 2.

>> No.12262759

high voltitility vix fucks your god damn options across the board from market makers, so cash holders selling them win more, and buyers pay more premium.

>> No.12262773

you can look they have a vix of vix and a vix of gold and a vix of oil, honestly do what ever you want... I don't read anything, but have fun with this https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rq9DS_rEFIy8JrEeiDDqRhrviAy0Nnqj
some anonymous made it and happy new years. I smoked over 100 pots and did like over a dozen hookers. Curewntly high on cocain too.

>> No.12262780

All you need to know is that the golden bullrun is coming

>> No.12262783

market is going to mars bitch, and thosoe assholes who tole me exploring space construction are still morons.

>> No.12262856

Yep, EW shows us heading directly for 2277 in S&P. Enjoy the ride.

>> No.12263009

So here's a list of relatively cheap(<50$) large-mega cap stocks that might be good to trade for the coming months.

FCX 21.4M
ABX 22.2M
VALE 22.2M
NEM 7.7M

FOXA 12.2M
SIRI 28.2M

KO 17.3M
KHC 8.1M

KMI 17.8M
SLB 20.2M
PBR 19.4M

BBD 13.9M
BAC 97.1M
NLY 15.5M

TEVA 16.1M
BSX 7.8M
PFE 30.7M

AAL 8.6M
GE 150M
LUV 4.8M

MU 42.8M
AMD 101.3M
ORCL 30.7M
CSCO 33.9M

S 15.2M
T 51.9M
CTL 14.3M

PCG 10.3M
PPL 8.5M
FE 7.6M

>> No.12263174
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I'm usually a bear, but I really hope tomorrow is a bull run. I don't really have any reason or evidence to say why it should be, I just fucking hate that commie fuck and hope he continually gets proven wrong. Someone who thinks that normal heterosexual sex is actually homo shouldn't ever be proven right, even if by accident.

>> No.12263221

No one shakes with their left hand.

>> No.12263288
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>> No.12263367

Adding to shorts today. Delusional bulls are delusional. Look at the ten year, twenty year chart. Stocks don't go up forever. Look at manufacturing data and truck sales. This is peak capitalism. Only way this can go is down for the next 2-3 years. I'm shorting until the bottom. Longs better hold for ten years or more, better yet sell now preserve capital and buy sdow SQQq rwm, etc. Checkem

>> No.12263376

If you think this is the end why not just buy guns, food and gold instead?

>> No.12263390

It's not the end of civilization. It's an economic contraction like in 2000-01. Look at the s&p, retard. Disclosure, I do hold Barrick gold only b cause I'm not a cucked faggot.

>> No.12263403

Yield curve inversion. The market is green just to fuck with bulls. You're going to wish you listened to my posts in a month, doubly so in one year. Checkem

>> No.12263460

I have lots of AMD

>> No.12263484

How do I short the blacks?

>> No.12263637
File: 5 KB, 210x80, 45433672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is CGA a buy now. Near all time low. Lots of cash. Yahoo 1 year target is a 10x. Will trump make a china deal?

>> No.12263640

umm, short gold, short nke, short yum brands, or you can just fire a nigger today like me, i got all the documentation on why i don't even have to offer a severence, nigga's gonna lose his job and the benefits that come with it.

>> No.12263642

all you golden bull retards are wrong, this is the second employee im letting go in this month, i hope you fucking understand what you're witnessing.

>> No.12263657

that depends on whether you fired him for legitimate reasons or just 4chan cred

>> No.12263667

He has a trip. He fired no one and reeks of I'm lonely give me attention.

>> No.12263668

What's your industry? Are you saying the employee is being fired because of the economy?

>> No.12263671

Wut ????

>> No.12263675

I keep saying how there has been no new work for the past 6 months at minimum. My company's size has halved. no one believes me here. most likely because 90% of this thread is unemployed and not looking for a job.

>> No.12263684

Who needs new work when you got new york. Amirite?

>> No.12263687

>unemployed and not looking for a job.
that simply the reality of low-end employers. you have to compete with welfare and mommybux to get workers now.

>> No.12263689

Stop loss before this shot show begins

>> No.12263698

check the ticker DJT

>> No.12263699

GE has the largest volume for a stock that's supposed to be going down that I've ever seen. Wondering if all the bad news I've heard about if should be taken at face value.

>> No.12263705

> 'new work' blue collar detected

lawn care demand tends to dip in winter time anon it is a seasonal business

>> No.12263708

Crowded trade bro. Realistically their divestiture will close and they'll have 0 net debt, trading for 3-4X FCF. If they beat earnings, the stock will moon and you'll get fucked.

>> No.12263709

you're a fucking moron

>> No.12263716

im not doxing my self on 4chan for the last fucking time. I'm trying to run a business, and you fucking morons are too busying waxing your carrots to cartoons to understand what it takes to deal with the ebb and flow of reality...

>> No.12263717
File: 9 KB, 266x189, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it true? Everyone said it was a dead cat bounce but today was amazing. Could this truly be the beginning of the golden bull?

>> No.12263720

When will the ppt stop working and uncle powel comes in with a firehot iron stave?

>> No.12263723
File: 212 KB, 992x745, Screenshot from 2018-12-28 12-51-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aphria's response to the takeover bid. Basically saying they're worth a lot more than was what was offered.

>> No.12263728

jan 30.

>> No.12263739

we're so good at trading we don't need to run a
shitty business involving shitty humans

>> No.12263740

its just dead wood and easiest to let go, honestly he's gonna hate it, but i love to wait until friday afternoon to do it, to make sure the easiest and least resistance/gossip and shit durring the week. Just so happens its new years, and i bet you that nigger is late again like he is every fucking day.

>> No.12263751

oh man running the business is almost as much fun as shit posting with you guys everyday. you're missing out on actual fun, like christmas parties, wanting to bone the broad you know you shouldn't and the opportunity to shit can niggers and other idiots.

>> No.12263753

Punctuality takes no skill. The absolute easiest part of an employees job.

>> No.12263758

yep he was warned a few times, dead wood.

>> No.12263768


>> No.12263769

worst part, he shows up late then 10 am rolls around, and he's all im famished i need to get breakfast and then goes and leaves on the clock. I hope he fucking enjoys it because its the last fucking breakfast he will eat in my building.

>> No.12263775
File: 942 KB, 1400x1602, b64609065fbbcda792d8193250298c30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yusss EURO yussss
1.16$ boy eoy !

b-buts it still 4 day until new year @_@
and you not even use anime girl picute with happy new year on it T_T

pic related, dogs of dow happy new year!

>> No.12263779

So if anyone wanted ask me what to invest in I'd probably go with MDLZ, FOXA or CSCO. These stocks haven't dropped over 10% (in a day) in 3 months. Dunno about today though lol.

>> No.12263783

all i want to do in 2019 is to put my face in the snatch of some one with lupus, and maybe my penis too...

>> No.12263791

csco is solid nasdaq shit, honestly not going anywhere, MDLZ is similar, and FOXA well that's your real news, so i dunno. I dont give a fuck do what ever you want with your money.

>> No.12263810

anyone shorting JCP? it's following the same path as sears. sears had those crazy +40% days though.

>> No.12263827

yeah those companies are solid growth choices for the coming market, not great for trading, but those are where you will see umm, whats the word. strong fundamentals and bulls with golden balls on their antlers.

>> No.12263837

Solid but theyre all expensive besides FOXA.

>> No.12263839


The golden bull is here

>> No.12263846

we were shorting jcp last year, but the spike after holidays happens, honestly they have a better web order business than sears, but they never had the market share of sears so should go by the wayside eventually, during this pullback, you will see them file chapter 11 as well, which puts more reits on the line which hurts more businesses and malls should just be filled with hookers, beer and casinos. people can get everything else at home.

>> No.12263868

well fox like released a streaming service that's premium only, and they cut like huge contracts on some of their biggest anchors. so less payroll = well more revenue. and um i doubt the largest cable news provider can lose in a recession since, all the republicans live and breathe by what is reported from their journalism.

>> No.12263869
File: 131 KB, 929x937, jokesonyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

40k rad robinhood bagholders
>average price paid 1.62

>> No.12263886

You're the only one capable of posting good threads. Don't blame it on him.

>> No.12263897
File: 247 KB, 1700x2200, Figure2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I find remote stock related job?

Alternatively, are any of you big business owners interested in hiring a remote worker who is great at math/engineering? (Proficient in MATLAB, AutoCAD, Solid works, and a well developed understand of statistics, calc 1-4, matrix opperations, game theory, probability, and chaos theory models)

Also slightly autistic, so I can pick up new things fast, and I can shit posting with the best of em

>> No.12263898

See, I never knew this about FOXA. All I know for a fact is that the most it dropped by in 3 months is around 2.5%.

So it might not be the ideal stock for the cowboys looking to make 20% gains a day in this general.

Only thing I know is that I like stocks that don't move around too much. Can't stand those that have days where they loose over 10%.

>> No.12263909

Pls no. I don’t want to go down another 20%.

>> No.12263918

> How do I find remote stock related job?
Trade profitably. You're welcome.

>> No.12263936

yeah i doubt you'll see much action on price level, but they're not really going anywhere and is safe for buying long term. I doubt they pay a dividend, but honestly if you're trying to be protective it's a solid fucking choice, since like cisco can make or break on an economy even durring a downward recession that won't actually hurt fox as much as it could potentially hurt other markets. Don't get me wrong you're still looking at potential losses, but if you want a company with minimal risk, fox is going to be around for at least another generation.

>> No.12263939

You shouldn't invest in these micro-small cap companies/firms. For example say some hotshot investor or company decides to buy millions of shares at a discount price. This news will send your shares plummeting. This happening to large-mega cap companies is far less likely.

>> No.12263941
File: 224 KB, 1532x1089, wagie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no new work as mentioned above. pic very related.

>> No.12263948

now that's not how the markets work faggot.

>> No.12263965

you wanna know why rite-aid is fucked, the didn't want to employ the pharmacists that sell the drugs, or pay them enough.

>> No.12263977

When will Trump nuke Israel?

>> No.12263984

A lot of people would like to nuke their boss but I don't think he's going to do it.

>> No.12264014

Ok. I slightly got that wrong, wasn't a buy it was sell that messed me up, but I stand by my aversion to micro-small cap companies. They're too liable to getting their investors in big trouble.

That sucks to hear man. guess it'll be a Walgreens/CVS dominated retail pharmacist market from now on. Unless AMZN does something to intrude on that in the future.

>> No.12264019
File: 34 KB, 720x900, 48377581_2240924569476082_7377218720201965568_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not enough starting capital to make a living from it

>Local econemy is so shit that wagie jobs only pay minimum wage
>Need 3 years experience to qualify for minimum wage job
>No welfare neetbux because I'm a white American
And internships don't start until June or September ( assuming they even party at all, and assuming someone hires me) so I need something to do for at least 6 months

Maybe six years if it goes well

Also thanks to local heroine problems I can't whore myself out for money, it's a field that is wayyy too competitive for an amateur like me

>> No.12264035

sounds like a load of bullshit excuses to me
>Need 3 years experience to qualify for minimum wage job
just fucking lie like everyone else

>> No.12264057

Depends on the field. His field is engineering. He'll be caught before even hired. Everyone knows someone at any company he lists as a lie from current projects or previous co workers etc.

>> No.12264062

Trade highly leveraged coin futures profitably, it'll 50x your buying power.

>> No.12264065


>> No.12264073

>I need something to do for at least 6 months
I was more aiming at that part of his whinge

>> No.12264084

>Also thanks to local heroine problems I can't whore myself out for money, it's a field that is wayyy too competitive for an amateur like me.
Also you would be surprised by the whoring industry there is always room in it. High turnover. Too bad i'm not into guys or traps.

>> No.12264089

reach out to Dick Rocket (yes that's his real name) or a similar outfit that prepares stock research. Basically you just compile news histories for "literally who" stocks, and you get a reasonable wage.

>> No.12264104

Pharmacists are glorified retail cashiers. Doctors prescribe and pharmacists just check their work. A computer would be perfect for the job.

>> No.12264114

pharmacists are brain dead.

>> No.12264115

China deal talks soon

>> No.12264139

Is it time to buy BGFV? It’s at an all time low

>> No.12264144
File: 237 KB, 588x434, 1510590620304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>sounds like a load of bullshit excuses to me
78 applications sent out to retail/noncareer jobs in past 2 months
2 callbacks
0 interviews

excuses is all i have left
local fast food joints arnt even looking for new employees

and Temp agencies wont work around school schedule, even if i am willing to 2nd or 3rd shift

>just fucking lie like everyone else
said, cant really lie in engineering field when everyone knows everyone in the area

>even without leverage

yea if i buy a winning lottery ticket it would fix my problems too, but im not counting on that happening (plus i think you have to buy a lotto ticket in order to win)

i cant compete with $2 for 15 minutes of fucking, and whoring doesnt have good enough health insurance to cover the cost of catching aids

>>reach out to Dick Rocket
is it a company, or private whale who hires out contractors?

>(yes that's his real name)
yes Dick is a real name, my drandpa's name was Dick
actually its kind of my middle name now that i think of it

>> No.12264156


>> No.12264184
File: 221 KB, 568x479, greenmoneywojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12264185

I've heard from friends if you are Stacy then you would get more like 100 for those 15 mins.

I dividend bro awake? I'm looking for a new addition today. Maybe IP if it would turn red again.

>> No.12264196

when you get change for a 50 when you paid a twenty its a great day, when grandma gets a bottle of viagra when she needs something else. Well she dies...

>> No.12264205

payday next week, girls
then I can start DCAing in

>> No.12264305
File: 10 KB, 279x232, 44D1EF0E-9B27-4C44-A46A-7C415FE41F5D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 days off for Christmas
>2 days of nothing to do but schedule a couple of contractors
>4 days off for New Years
>work for 3 days
>off for the weekend
Idk how to handle this. Every job I ever had makes you work through all this shit.

>> No.12264317

When do you guys think the peak of this run will be? I need to sell some boomer funds so I need to know a week in advance.

>> No.12264321

Lets be honest, you're probably going to jerk off for most of your free time.

>> No.12264356
File: 29 KB, 235x479, doughboy_doubt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Confederate/Judeo-Christian politics
>supporting the working class
This guy usually raises interesting questions to ponder, but this one is just flat out retarded. Unless he's just referring to modern working class people who just have Confederate shit rather than people who legitimately believe in the politics, and theres no deeper meaning than the face value. But then that means this is just a simple comic about a person not shaking hands with a person covered in dirt. I dont see how that shows a contradiction in their supporting the working class.

>> No.12264357

I forgot to post this again, listen to it everyday!

>> No.12264374

i forgot to get my shekels from jew tube. eat dicks and learn from some one who fucks, and for the record nigger is late again as usual.

>> No.12264389

You're scum and I will happily skin people like you alive in the upcoming civil war :^)

>> No.12264435

>the overwhelming majority of investors lose money to a small minority in their investing careers
Please explain why you're all not just dumping your savings into ETF index funds when they have been proven to be more effective than nearly all other types of securities. I sincerely doubt any of you in a 10 year or more time frame beat the baseline index of your own nation.

>> No.12264452

i think the majority of people here with more than 4 figure accounts are doing this, but that shit is boring (as it should be) so it doesn't get discussed very much.

>> No.12264453
File: 89 KB, 640x551, they are back....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the thrill of making money due to my own decisions
for the hard lessons that can be learned from lost money
for the one in a million shot at winning big

and for the hope of forcing professional money managers to become unemployed

>> No.12264467
File: 614 KB, 1500x1001, CW4_5952_RH-518c3a929ad7b4b3b18387eaf06ff45e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watch Bloomberg because of Alix Steel

>> No.12264477

she has a scary chin

>> No.12264480

Fair enough. I guess the whole conversation is just 'which eft' replied with 'vanguard' ad infinitum.

>and for the hope of forcing professional money managers to become unemployed
In Australia this has already happened. All the retail investors are pulling their money from traditional financial institutions and dumping into their supers.

>> No.12264492
File: 374 KB, 1432x808, TVIX 12282018 5m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>T-minus 25 minutes

are you prepared?

>> No.12264499

are YOU ready to make money

>> No.12264512

Trump is losing his mind on Twitter. Should be an interesting morning

>> No.12264514
File: 8 KB, 217x232, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up and down it goes, where she stops, nobody knows.

>> No.12264516

Futures way up.
Epic bull trap on the way.

Dump it.

>> No.12264517



>> No.12264518
File: 215 KB, 608x593, 1531953180007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaaaaaaaand we are back!

>> No.12264520

he's gotta keep pressure on the dems, he won't ruin it...

>> No.12264523
File: 1.11 MB, 1024x1290, youve met with a terrible fate havnt you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12264535

Why the fuck is he talking about going to pre-NAFTA when he recently renewed it?

>> No.12264544

Art of the Deal, homeboy

>> No.12264545

Fuck if I know, but markets are always fucking irrational with anything they can be irrational about.

>> No.12264561

It's not irrational. It's standard brinkmanship.
Start with an insane bullshit offer and coming down from that or conceding on other issues will look like a compromise

>> No.12264562


Are we actually in a bull market now?

>> No.12264571

yeah.. tell all retail traders you know to buy

>> No.12264573
File: 120 KB, 607x503, 4L_ZE8X5Ka6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>futures falling

Oh no no no no no lmao

>> No.12264579
File: 100 KB, 615x477, 1531348745526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the overwhelming majority of investors
Other people's outcomes are only relevant if they're following a similar strategy to you.

>> No.12264586
File: 327 KB, 1431x807, TVIX 12282018 1m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>preparing for blast-off...

>> No.12264591
File: 104 KB, 1200x781, -1x-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, just found out about this. The world really is a house of cards, isn't it?

>> No.12264600

> and that Solar + Li-Ion storage will take over power generation in most countries.

Isn't Lithium mining rather limited? Since you're an engineer: Why can't other ions with only a slightly lower redox potential, e.g. Calcium, which are more widely available, be used for mass storages that don't need to be mobile?

>> No.12264619
File: 191 KB, 1041x1041, 757576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we may be in some sorta unknown territory.

>> No.12264625

There is a reason why it's called "MSCI Asia ex Japan"

>> No.12264633

He's an engineer so he's a moron like every other engineer answering to their managers. Check out McLaren's new battery for Formula E: http://globalminingobserver.com/inside-formula-e-battery-season-5-197/
Solid state, 0 lithium

>> No.12264634

SSo, TLt, Muni, util, and REITs. Climb the ladder to the Moon

>> No.12264642

Index funds cannot cannot consistently beat non-index strategies.

>> No.12264645



>> No.12264647
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>> No.12264648

t minus 20 seconds!

>> No.12264652
File: 64 KB, 600x411, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is going on

>> No.12264655

this we in some sort of algo AI hegemony market

>> No.12264657


>> No.12264658



Already sold my SQQQ stack and am now a BULL on NASDAQ

>> No.12264664
File: 582 KB, 800x450, ee9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12264665

Ballsy move there kid.

Best of luck!

>> No.12264666



>> No.12264674

hahaha, urge to buy is rising.

>> No.12264678

damn its not lookin good

>> No.12264679

aaaaaaaaaaand SPLAT

>> No.12264682

>/smg/ is confident we're bullish
time to re open my shorts

>> No.12264683

This is a trap 100%

>> No.12264692


Bear trap

>> No.12264696


>> No.12264699

I've read that article before. The difference here is that they can't use the most efficient batteries because they're fucking fire hazards if something goes wrong.

But that wasn't my question - it was about why still has a raging boner for lithium-based storage when it isn't sustainable from a mining point of view and why not slightly worse, but cheaper alternatives are used.

Think of it in the same way of copper and silver - silver is a slightly better conductor, but copper is used pretty much everywhere instead because it's much cheaper.

>> No.12264701

Short SPY Long LCI



>> No.12264703
File: 73 KB, 701x891, standard-reduction-potential-chart-potentials-std-pots-shortlist[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him but it probably comes down to a few factors:
nothing beats lithium as a reducing agent
(He ions could, but not at all stable at room temp, and its an even more rare element than Li)

also, lithium can be quite dense, and no extra valence electron shell to deal with (so very energy dense, the number one quality one looks for in a "good" battery)

batteries are held back from low energy density, its the only part about modern "technology" that hasnt improved in leaps and bounds in the past few decades (compared to every other component's continous exponential shrinkage (transistors, resistors, processors, ectera))

the next battery tech will either be a complex composite material (made of C, SI, or H in some complex form), or wireless energy transmission will supersede the need for large batteries to power mobile machines/devices

there are no more elements to make a better battery, the next innovation needs to come from a completely new design, a new battery "format". a new mechanism of storing energy

>> No.12264707
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>> No.12264710
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>> No.12264712


>> No.12264717

Theres a thread up in /o/ about an upcoming 2022 Toyota solid state battery car

>> No.12264730
File: 72 KB, 615x615, 1536899771314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool man.. thanks for the link

>> No.12264731

Good news for my SPY iron condors.

>> No.12264744

tl;dr how a solid state battery works

>> No.12264745


>> No.12264757

Wtf's with German stock exchanges? Why aren't they trading?

>> No.12264760

It's a bull day today not gonna make any money :(.

>> No.12264783
File: 19 KB, 845x304, good start.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having a good start today

>> No.12264785


>> No.12264789

Yep only green days forever from here on out!

>> No.12264793

When is it a good time to buy $MNGA?

>> No.12264795
File: 41 KB, 654x960, 1543516613837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought puts on EA 77$ strike price.
lets see if im gonna regret it.

>> No.12264808
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>> No.12264814
File: 40 KB, 482x490, 4L_W1xnZ80j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it comes

>> No.12264816
File: 223 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20181228-095033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at that RSI respect
Fucking beautiful pottery

>> No.12264817


>> No.12264829
File: 15 KB, 250x248, flat,800x800,075,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are in a recession
>bear market
>buy gold
>orange man bad

>> No.12264830
File: 54 KB, 657x154, b359c153ff5542365e09fa526d5517c8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12264833

>unironically this

>> No.12264834

Idk man, EA, ActivisionBlizzard, and Bethesda are all in a cutthroat competition to be named the worst games company of 2018. So you might want to diversify your puts into ATVI, too.

>> No.12264835



>> No.12264838

still better than stroking it to cartoons

>> No.12264847

looks like it’s gearing up for another run
Now would be ideal, don’t want fomo to set in.

>> No.12264856

Last market day of the year so the markets close early

>> No.12264858

Red indices

>> No.12264869

Nah we bull market now

Else I would make money with SQQQ but it's all red for bears

>> No.12264874

What stocks to buy right now?

>> No.12264875

Yeah, I just read. Fuck I'm locked in. If the market doesn't move my way I'll get just'ed. Monday is closed as well.

>> No.12264876

Got in a comfortable position at .25
sitting on 30k shares. Hopefully it pays off, wish me luck.

>> No.12264880

thats just depraved

>> No.12264891

ABX just merged with Randgold. They will become the worlds biggest miner. Thank me later

>> No.12264894

going to have to predict a bearish breakdown before 12:00

>> No.12264903


>> No.12264907
File: 133 KB, 850x488, a-Schematic-roadmap-of-battery-development-and-b-table-of-a-comparison-between[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But that wasn't my question - it was about why still has a raging boner for lithium-based storage when it isn't sustainable from a mining point of view and why not slightly worse, but cheaper alternatives are used.
its not just a chemistry problem, its a materials science problem

what would the new aquious solution be?
what would that cathode and anode be made of? (that wont degrade with use and time?)
how would the safety concerns be addressed?
and why use less power-dense material that works worse overall?

a major problem that solid state batteries run into is dissolving solid cathodes and anodes (and liquid/gasious cathods/anodes wont be stable connections)

the chemistry and the elements is not the issue

the internal battery structure is the problem
the multiple cycles (10^7 cycles or more) is the problem
the safety (or lack of it) is the problem
the standard operating temperature, and voltage requirements is the problem
the scalebility of mass production is the problem
the scalebility of the batterie's size is the problem

Replacing LI with Sa or K means every single part of the battery gets fucked with too

its not a single equation's relationship between 2 variables

its a matrix of dozens of equations with dozens more variables

also solid states tend to be unsafe when scaled up since the division between cathode and anode parts tend to short (since there is no actual physical barrier, just a phase indicating where the "barrier" would be), and a large solidstate battery that is very power dense will cause massive explosions when shorted (the entire batteries chemical potential energy being released as kinetic energy, all at once)

the precision needed makes the cost rise exponentially, to a point where the battery would cost 100 times as much as the device it is connected to

>> No.12264911
File: 98 KB, 600x800, 1544999238068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. I'm thinking the boys are back in town.

>> No.12264915


>> No.12264924

bulls rule

>> No.12264931
File: 113 KB, 720x740, Screenshot_20181228-100515_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bears on suicide watch

>> No.12264939


>> No.12264943

zoom out fampai

>> No.12264946

We will hit new ATH in the next 30 days. I think this will be the GOLDEN bull run

bears on sucicide watch. post your short stacks

>> No.12264948

if not surely in for a red monday

>> No.12264951
File: 72 KB, 954x946, 1543516613838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought calls on ABX.
let's see if i get justed

>> No.12264952


>> No.12264963
File: 99 KB, 1200x864, 1528018316511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine shorting the bottom

>> No.12264966

no movement on $MNGA
FUCK YOU ANON!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

>> No.12264968


>> No.12264971
File: 173 KB, 1200x756, 1536914033319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Dogs of Dow have Awoken!

>> No.12264975

can you imagine not buying the dip when based Trump told you to?

>> No.12264977


>> No.12264979

>the bottom.

>> No.12264988

imagine posting this picture^

>> No.12264993
File: 97 KB, 968x681, matador btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-b-b-but some people on 4chan told me this would be the Greater Depression, how could they possibly be wrong

>> No.12265000

bear will be 2019 king

>> No.12265003

Stop buying!!

Let the market fall!!!

i want cheap retirement stocks.. all you guys are doing is providing liquidity for big institutions to dump on and shorts to reposition themselves..

>> No.12265009

Pension funds are done reallocating from bonds into equities. Bear incoming.

>> No.12265010

markets are bullish by nature, bears are the exception my dude.

>> No.12265011


>> No.12265023


>> No.12265031

I am such a noob at trading

>long all the time will the market crashes
>people convince me, I start to buy puts
>suddenly bulls enter the stage
>lose even more money

>> No.12265042

fomo, I hope you learned something

>> No.12265045

penny stocks are great for options
they are so volatile and some of them are predictable as fuck if you know how to read charts and good with algos

>> No.12265056

>and good with algos
what if I'm just good with the calculator?

>> No.12265067

That's where I am right now

>> No.12265075

They are the exception but they get uglier and stronger when you fight their natural occurence. These PPT pumps are going to end sooner or later.

>> No.12265084

unironically: hone your force powers until you can trade intraday penny stock momentum by eye-ball, for only a few seconds at a time, using only a simple market scanner to find setups.

>> No.12265093

there are three ways to make money:
1. be first
2. be smart
3. cheat

>> No.12265100

Reminder: expect atleast another 2-3% upwards rally in the last hour of the day. Pension funds still need to finish rebalancing their 67 billion. This will continue until the end of the year.

>> No.12265103

thats just a tin foil hat conspiracy theory

>> No.12265104


>> No.12265105

>Options trading as a noob

>> No.12265114

>This will continue until the end of the year.
So this evening?

>> No.12265121

Indices falling, print more tether!!!!111!

>> No.12265127

Monday evening.

>> No.12265133

its just gonna be "one of those years"

>> No.12265139
File: 264 KB, 540x429, sleep or take a nap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>they are so volatile and some of them are predictable as fuck if you know how to read charts and good with algos

what timeline

1 day?
1 week?
1 year?
1 decade?

using Fourier analysis? Rayleighs method of dimensional analysis? simple Differential Equations?

by looking at one stock on its own (in a vacuum)?
by looking at one sector?
by looking at one stock compared to the market as a whole?

or picking based on headlines and memes, no TA whatsoever?

>> No.12265141
File: 62 KB, 601x601, OHNO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it wasn't supposed to be like this!

>> No.12265148

I think I will buy some puts to hedge my position. Don't wanna miss out the golden bull run

>> No.12265158
File: 258 KB, 400x565, high impact sexual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expect atleast another 2-3% upwards rally in the last hour of the day. Pension funds still need to finish rebalancing their 67 billion. This will continue until the end of the year.
so yesterday? because that was the last trading day that would record transactions for 2018

>> No.12265170

TVIX still a free money machine.

>> No.12265190

The bear is like a god of old. It sleeps for ages under the market floor but when it awakes every ten years or so, it must have its sacrifices so that it can peacfully sleep another ten years. You can make this easy on yourself by just letting the floor break through a little bit and allowing him to feast on the few morons that left too much in the market, or you can keep beating him down and making him hungrier. You can throw away money trying to keep the floor that hes trying to break through intact. It might be worth it if you're on your way out of this world and dont plan to play on the market floor anymore. For the rest of us, you might want to think twice about that jerryrigged floor we're all dancing on and the beast that lives underneath it. It is not a good idea to enrage the god.

>> No.12265206

>ebb and flow of reality...
>proud to fire someone with no bennies because they’re black even though what he’s describing is exactly laying someone off and (depending on the state of course) they are probably entitled to bennies

but it’s ok because he’s black right?

>> No.12265212

>predictable as fuck if you know how to read charts and good with algos
why are you poor then

>> No.12265220
File: 68 KB, 652x641, 1542936299703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For the rest of us, you might want to think twice about that jerryrigged floor we're all dancing on and the beast that lives underneath it. It is not a good idea to enrage the god.

corrections are normal and healthy in the long term, but the market will naturally increase in size as the economy does
by nature, the market of a prosperous country tends towards bullishness

>> No.12265222
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>> No.12265225
File: 60 KB, 892x535, 1545663544896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>short this ponzi market, there is no liquidity

got it boss

>> No.12265249


>> No.12265250

Did u buy CGA anon?

>> No.12265258

admit that you like blacked

THIS. Just look at the Nikkei lol

>> No.12265271
File: 26 KB, 797x491, 1526563405409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much have you lost so far?

>> No.12265272

How to you feel about NASDAQ

>> No.12265293

Its green today anon

>> No.12265305
File: 63 KB, 567x800, Chloe_Grace_Moretz_Cannes_2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turning back down


>> No.12265308

Based. Shes my newsfu.

>> No.12265307

sounds like a lot. you're retarded if you think shilling your bags here would make any difference to that shit company's stock price

>> No.12265310

Out of the 32 stocks I set orders for I got into KMI and ABX. Wonder if the energy and material sectors aren't doing so well.

>> No.12265323
File: 111 KB, 730x1094, Yoko cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh oh..


>> No.12265325

Whats wrong? Are you shorting it or something?

>> No.12265329

no i just enjoy calling out stupid people

>> No.12265344

just a small hiccup before the rally continues

>> No.12265353

Did you win anything with it? Its your internet right?

>> No.12265363
File: 274 KB, 750x757, CACF46A2-493B-4ED0-A64E-E98E59DAD3F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait what’s happening?

>> No.12265365
File: 198 KB, 800x600, 1523852528858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cryptos all spiked at 10:30

what does it mean?!?!

>> No.12265369
File: 723 KB, 888x483, 1535995691621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did you win anything with it?
oh great, we've got employees of CGA shilling their stock here, broken english and all.

>> No.12265371

>those digits
Bulls on suicide watch

>> No.12265376

Being this triggered. Its a red day today i guess.

>> No.12265378

>we just need to cool off before next bullrun

>> No.12265405

PM is the next GE

>> No.12265407
File: 7 KB, 275x183, Baby_got_question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That volume, that market cap.
There are better stocks out there for less than 5$ and if that's too much you shouldn't be trading.

>> No.12265422

i only had some pennies in an old sock

>> No.12265424

the guy works there

>> No.12265434

>t-this volatility is to be expected

>> No.12265445
File: 513 KB, 750x742, 7B0F9520-7454-4CCE-B5FA-FC3A470AD317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s ok guys. t-these things happen

>> No.12265466


>> No.12265484
File: 30 KB, 500x500, 645646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12265526

Bogdanovich, (((they))) bought

>> No.12265528

Has finviz been lagging for anyone?

>> No.12265535


Get elite poorfag

>> No.12265537
File: 102 KB, 740x416, bogged.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off

>> No.12265560
File: 48 KB, 502x432, 1472492653108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get elite poorfag
yeah let me just pay for a site that lags out on me.. you're so smart

>> No.12265578

Is DRUS back?

>> No.12265588

fail, no subject

>> No.12265617

fuck i was just watching that yesterday.. been on RBII tho.. ETRF playing with the axe CDEL

>> No.12265644

Golden bull run, but not for stockfags

>> No.12265669
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>> No.12265707
File: 401 KB, 601x601, 1469668431035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I committed sudoku in shame