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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12259170 No.12259170 [Reply] [Original]

>had a great idea for a business
>told my friend who has a dad who works at a babk
>he helped me get a 300k business loan from the bank
>got lazy
>spent all the money on gambling, hookers, and coke
How do I fake my death bros?

>> No.12259182

Cave diving, they don't need to find a body. Also disappearing in a national park.

Also FUCK these captchas, making me click 50 freakin thumbnails

>> No.12259184


>> No.12259199

Just go to a monastery or a mental institution and let time passes by

>> No.12259233

richest people in my country were doing the same to banks but with tens millions of dollars

>> No.12259234

Just say you hired a female and all went to shit.

>> No.12259258

Hes not trying to get forgiveness, the loan is in his name. He's trying to avoid paying back the money that he blew as if he earned it.

>> No.12259283
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Lmao, what did you think was gonna happen when the note came due? The coke would unsnort itself?

>> No.12259289

Default and live with ruined credit for the rest of your life.

>> No.12259334

Just take out another loan and pay that one back. Repeat forever.

>> No.12260251

just start a scam like sergey did

>> No.12260270

With 300k how do you get 'lazy'?

Just pay pajeets 50k a year to do whatever your buisness idea was. You literally dont have to do anything. Hire a 'manager' pajeet to lord over the other pajeets for 60k a year, and tell that guy to tell the other guys what to do and keep charge of them.

You don't even need to talk to the guys under him.

How do you fuck this up?

>> No.12260497

Us citizen detected

>> No.12260525

You don't know much about credit.
Credit could barely be effected after a year or so & totally purged after 7 years.
t. Mtg underwriter

>> No.12260526

you spent ALL of it on gambling, hookers and coke but you didn't get any winnings?? The fuck?

>> No.12260547

I blew a solid amount of money in my country, about 5000 canadian dollars which I loaned from my brother to start a business, and I disappeared in the cold state stealing people's things and selling them across the state border.

>> No.12260583

You deserve to be shunned and jailed, nigger

>> No.12260606

Did you get a personal loan or a business loan? If you got a business loan then it’s np. Just make up some fake expenses.

>> No.12260624

or lock yourself in your room for a decade while draining your parents both mentally and financially

>> No.12261227

>trusting pajeets to not steal your idea

>> No.12261278

>solid amount of money
>5000 Canadian dollars
Nigger, that’s like $20 US

>> No.12261497

Bahahaha you dumb FUCK

>> No.12261804

Best answer