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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12254959 No.12254959 [Reply] [Original]

I just paid $10.65 for a bacon cheeseburger at 5 guys. No fries. Just a water cup.

Earlier today, my 24 oz monster cost $4.08

I live in South Carolina.

This is fucking absurd.

>> No.12254968

>buy garbage processed popular meme food
>pay premiums

gas yourself

>> No.12254982

I just paid 8 dollars for a burger and fries at McDonald's. I was blown away I had to double check I wasn't in an airport or something I could believe how expensive it was.

>> No.12254993

>eating overpriced trash
This is why you are poor OP.

>> No.12255003

>posting this cursed meme here at this time

Gtfo nigger

>> No.12255005
File: 95 KB, 1058x904, 1545854603974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to Wendy's the other day and had to pay $20 for a bacon burger. what the fuck is going on with the inflation. good thing all my savings are in BTC

>> No.12255012

member when a pack of smokes cost $3? I member

>> No.12255015


This. If you're not eating grits and oats for breakfast and lunch you're not going to make it.

>> No.12255028

ITT tards that think things are 'getting expensive' when the reality is the currency is losing its value!

>> No.12255034

Just went to taco bell and paid over $5 for a full meal. Frick drumpf

>> No.12255058

wtf are you talking about. there's like three dozen posts every day on /biz/ about inflation, fait, devaluation and how the whole house of cards is about to collapse

>> No.12255065

>eating breakfast
not gonna make it

>> No.12255082

I noticed this when I went to the store the other day. Almost $5 for one bag of shitty Doritos, the fuck? Since when? I bought some Lays and the proportions get smaller and smaller, ever year. In addition to that I swear the price goes up 50 cents every 6 months.

I've been buying store brand EVERYTHING and it still costs me a fortune. Literally $6-7 for 1lb of cheese.

It might not sound like much but all these things add up. By the time you get to checkout, your grocery bill is twice what it used to be.

true, and they are hiding the rapid devaluation by giving you less for your money

>> No.12255090

It’s not inflation, all your shit food and drank is just getting the healthcare costs society will inevitably bare for you priced in. Free market, goy.

>> No.12255094
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Oh I forgot

>> No.12255121

i can get a nice salad at a salad bar with meat in it for under 10 dollars. you're just being scammed because they know you're addicted to fast food

>> No.12255139

When my dad was a kid you could get a free carton by sending in a coupon

>> No.12255142

End result makes it feel the same since many people don't get an increase in pay to feel balanced out.

>> No.12255156

But gas is cheap!

>> No.12255159

1000-2000 gallons of water, over 200 pounds of dry food, cost of transport, electricity, storage and production for 1/2 lb of patty. $10 is cheap as fuck.

>> No.12255161


Those people on /fit/ are retarded. 100-150 calorie bowl of oatmeal in the morning starts your metabolism. That 16-8 diet or pure water fast is a sure fire way to yo-yo your weight.

>> No.12255196

Welcome to the 21st century Americans.

>> No.12255201
File: 2.10 MB, 1280x720, farm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get ready to grow your own everything. Trump triggered FED boss.

>> No.12255206

If you begin your day with a bowl of oatmeal, your metabolism will be geared towards burning carbohydrates all day instead of burning fat.

>> No.12255234

You could have spent the same amount and made a dozen of them at home.

>> No.12255269


This is the USA. Healthcare costs aren’t priced in for shit. The whole US economy is one giant ponzu to extract wealth and value from the underclass to the wealthy elite.

>> No.12255282

nonsense. it's always been and will always be like this for suckers.

>> No.12255285

oh stop, we're talking about a hamburger, not a whole cow faggot.

>> No.12255308

Even when I was an idiot drinking Monster I was still only paying $2.50 or less in San Francisco. KYS or shop elsewhere.

>> No.12255311

>bbbut a guy in the gym told me

>> No.12255325

But anon, Drumpf made it so you'll get back $100 on your tax returns this year. Who cares if everything is 200% the price it was just a few years ago? You're rich now!

>> No.12255353

>not stealing pallets of food left overnight outside warehouses

not gonna make it.

>> No.12255378

>thinks 200 lbs dry food is all a whole cow needs
fucking moron

>> No.12255399

>drump posting on a hyper a hyper capitalist cigar afficanido SharePoint
Yikes kiddo. You must be 18+ to post herr.

>> No.12255411

*stabbing self in head*
This is absurd. This isn't good for me at all

>> No.12255415

>calls fasting pseudoscience
>supports his argument with yo yo dieting
You're a fucking tool. Keep splurging in that three meals a day bullshit, I am very sure that humans adapted to a consistent diet like that in 100 years. IF is a fucking meme but not as much as three meals a day and muh metabolism activation. Try to activate your metabolism without any stimulant including sugar and talk to me again you retarded cuck.

>> No.12255421

Oy vey goyim, go back to sleep. Stop analyzing our currency. We push it on you and we demand you treat us with respect.

>> No.12255439

OP, don't you dare using a picture of the mighty sminem again

>> No.12255450

Do you tKe protein shakes when fasting?

>> No.12255470

I had a 3 8 oz glasses of a shake that consists of milk, kale, carrots, and bananas, and I plan on fasting the rest of the day, is that gonna fuck up my metabolism?

>> No.12255495

it is actually 20 cents a quarter.
the shop gets it for 1.35 and sell cheetos for 1.89

>> No.12255498

Chicken breast is $5 per kilogram in my country of Shittovia, I can make 4 meals out of it. With other $5 I can buy a kilo of rice, 400g of frozen veggie mix and a liter of yogurt. I can eat like a sultan for $10.

>> No.12255560

Sorry kid but in Americza that's a Peasant meal

>> No.12255573

>DRUMPF caused hyperinflation over the past eight years by uh being mean to minorities
Brainlet. You sound like the dumb cunts who blamed gas prices on Obama or Bush.

>> No.12255592

>paying 10 bucks for a salad

>> No.12255730

In Latvia min wage stays the same but all prices are almost doubled over past years. Everything sucks here

>> No.12256384

Tas tāpēc, ka esi nabags

>> No.12256418
File: 1.30 MB, 500x376, Wimpy_Ghost_Burgers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my burger ;__________;

>> No.12256443

post in-store prices

>> No.12256487


My thoughts too. Canada thread?