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12254113 No.12254113[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is this mental illness?

>> No.12254125

when the dems try to please everyone, they are pleasing no one.

>> No.12254135

>central bank planning ponzi collapses and people want more socialism and communism because they think capitalism and free market are to blame.

2020 murika will vote socialist.

>> No.12254243

>federal jobs guarantee
based or retarded based on implementation
>housing as a human right
based or retarded based on implementation
>gun control / assault weapons ban
literally doesn't matter in any other way than making some men angry that their toys are taken away.
>medicare for all
You need an oppressive 1 payer system that forces patients on hospitals for it to be efficient, since state doesn't own any hospitals. this obama bullshit with forced insurance is... bullshit. forced insurance system for public healthcare is stupid as fuck.
So, mediocre (but better for the vast majority) or retarded based on implementation.
>immigration justice (what does this even mean? if justice = following laws, then evict millions) / abolish ICE
so basically what she wants is to legalize the de facto situation of there being an oversupply of unskilled perpetually in poverty labour for capital to exploit and keep poor. okay. enjoy a continuation of a low trust society with poorfags and many criminals.
>solidarity with puerto rico
don't know what this means
>mobilizing against climate change
you can see by the wording that if anything is going to happen it's going to be token and who the fuck cares anymore, if human behavior is making global warming happen then it's not going to stop unless there's a one world communist government or some shit.
>clean campaign finance
so, being indirect about taking money from big capital. okay.
>higher education for all
??? why?
Subsidizing education or providing cheaper student loans for sectors that need labour... sure. But why does everyone need a fucking "I did higher education xD" diploma when there's no need for most of them.
>women's rights
vague as fuck. empty virtue signaling
>support lgbtqia
lol you'll regret that. they'll eat your hand as you give them some for not giving them everything they ask for, and what they ask for conflicts between groups within that "group", especially between lesbians and transwomen.
>support seniors

>> No.12254257

>curb wall street gambling: restore glass-steagall
reasonable and based

Of all the "based or retarded based on implementation", I'm assuming the latter will be the case.
>statism = communism
read a book friend

>> No.12254261

you need to go outside and take a nice long walk.

>> No.12254273

>is this mental illness?
No, this is lying to get votes.

>> No.12254287

whats wrong with it exactly?

>> No.12254292

>support LGBTQIA+

>> No.12254295
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>> No.12254325
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You are correct.

>> No.12254358

> Medicare for all
Gibs for all
> Housing as a human right
Gibs for all
> Federal Jobs guarantee
Gibs for federal employees?
>Gun control
Window dressing does nothing
> Criminal justice reform
Gibs for criminals
> Abolish ICE
Gibs for the illegals
> Solidarity with Puerto Rico
More Gibs for Puerto Rico
> Climate Change
Gibs for climate change ponzi like AlGore
> Campaign Finance
Stealth Gibs to lobby groups
> Higher education for all
Gibs to academia
> Women's rights
Gibs to women
Gibs for them
> Seniors
Gibs for them
> Wall Street Gambling?
Kill free markets

Who's paying for all this? Dunno but that's what you get with a woman.

>> No.12254372

>housing as a human right
you enjoy slavery? anything that requires the good or a service of another cannot be a right, as calling it so would require slavery to be allowed

>> No.12254388

Cortez is the mirror replica of the ideology-bots in this thread. Kys all.

>> No.12254391

Or altruism, what's the point for tax-payers to spend hundreds of millions cleaning up the mess that the homless problem causes instead of dealing with the root of the problem by buildign houses and eliminating future expenses?

>> No.12254392

imagine being so retarded that you deny climate change and think we don’t need to address it

>> No.12254409

One of the only people on /biz/ not obviously beholden to an asinine ideology. Stay in your house and keep reading, anon.

>> No.12254451


Based and redpilled aside from the guns bit. Also abolish ICE, but we do need border control and we need to punish employers for hiring illegals under the table. Bernie 2020 can't come fast enough.

>> No.12254455


>> No.12254461

>*knock knock knock knock*
>Good morning Mr. Anon, apologies for coming at 3am.
>We've determined that Achmed here doesn't have any permanent accommodation.
>He has access to housing through five homeless shelters, three smoking buddies and his mosque, but he doesn't like any of them.
>In order to bring him off the street, he's been assigned accommodation within your studio apartment.
>You are required to replace your couch with a second bed and provide Achmed with a set of keys.
>Attempting to appeal this decision in court will be seen as an attack on his human right to housing, and your property will be confiscated.
>Have a nice day. Achmed, feel free to help yourself to the fridge.

>> No.12254484

Okay, so explain why you want to abolish ICE

>> No.12254485
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No, it's just the result of decades of replacement migration policies.

People coming from countries that are stifled by socialist policies come to the US for a better life, and then vote their own kind into office who then try to implement the very same policies that fucked their countries of origin in the first place.

You can't have a free society without a population that understands and upholds its values and principles, and only a few select people have shown that they're capable of doing that.

By and large, the black and brown masses of the world are always going to vote for more gibs and big government because it's the only thing that makes sense to them. Demography is destiny, and they'll get their results in due time.

>inb4 whites vote for this shit as well

Yes, but take a look at the numbers. You'll realise that some groups support these things overwhelmingly, while some do not.

t. not even a burger

>> No.12254487

any decent society has most of that (outside of housing/job guarantee). Even so, they have policies to help with those two. burgers are so idiotic they think this is a dream or something

>> No.12254499

Worked/interacted with people that do something similar. They do shit until they see that they've hit a weak spot. could be a flashing of cleavage, could be some gratuitous virtue signaling. Could be some valorous single action. After that happens, they start pushing for their real agenda, which is unabashedly self-serving in a completely psychopathic way.
If you know what to look for, you'll start detecting those 'people'. After you'll find enough of them, you'll be creeped out beyond imagination after being able to fend off their disgusting tricks.

>> No.12254515


Alexandria 'Communist' Ocasio-Cortez's Platform

>More free stuff for everyone!

>> No.12254547


Peasants don't stop becoming peasants when they magically cross a meme line border. They will vote their corrupt overlords back into power as soon as possible. It's in 1000's of years of their DNA and evolution.

Liberty is difficult and requires one to own their successes and failures alike.

>> No.12254556

gambling addiction is a mental illness, and we built our entire society around it so who cares

>> No.12254578

Is America a decent society?

>> No.12254589

Haha fuck no.
t. burger

>> No.12254595

It's expensive and unrealistic. But I don't know that I'd call it mental illness. (What is a "federal jobs guarantee"?)

>> No.12254610

>medicare for all
working class will have more money for consuming and the rich won't notice it that hard
>Housing a human right
Stops wasting millions of tax-payer money per year and raises property value and gives people a chance to develop allowing more economic prosperity
>Gun control /Assault weapons ban
Reduces gang violence and unecessary casualties whilst the population can still defend itself (hand guns aren't banned I assume)
>Criminal justice reform end private prisons
Stops locking people away for profit, less petty crime arrests such as possesion of soft drugs costing tax-payers less money
>Immigration Justice/ Ice
w/e you get this one for free idk what the fuck this is.
>Solidarity with Puerto
Opens up trade and half the american population is puerto rican anyway
>Climate change
I don't believe in that, you get this one to.
>Clean campaign finance
Reduces corruption and financial schemes designed to rob the middle class
>Higher education for all
reduces poverty, also costing the tax-payer less in the end
>Woman's rights
I believe they already have all the rights
>Support LGBTQIA+
Wtf is QIA?
>Support seniors
You're fucking pathetic if you let your parents rot
>Curb wall street gambling
Middle class benefits

Apart from a few issues, it's pretty populistic but this isn't actually bad. Overall it means less tax money waste and a boost for middle classes and allowing the lower class to move up the ladder.

>> No.12254620

They're called the projects.

>> No.12254624

Trump platform: More free stuff for billionaires.

>> No.12254626

Back to pol faggot. These are all good things. You're just a bad person.

>> No.12254656

It's more like a social investment. If you can get people of the streets and into schools learning skills that will be more beneficial than letting them rot and wasting tax money cleaning up the mess it leaves behind.

>> No.12254683

>imagine being this deluded

>> No.12254697

but muh trickle down, anon

>> No.12254710

>Trump platform: stuff that allows for the cohesive while to work

>> No.12254722

>imagine not being able to refute the arguments and having to resort to name-calling to affirm your own outdated beliefs.
Not going to make it.

>> No.12254727

>blatant shilling ITT
How long you guys going to keep this up through, 2020?

>> No.12254770

Whereas the fruits of these "investments" will then go only to those who financed it, right? Kind of like with things such as contraceptives = the money which was saved preventing retards from causing problems will go to those who paid for it. But w8. I am sure these very retards will soon cause even more problems to be paid for. And the money should go to them again instead. Rinse and repeat. Anti-social is aryan.

>> No.12254802

>”free market”

If the market was “free” my government would have let everything fall in 08.
Capitalism is going to fail because it’s practicioners have failed to learn from the ghosts of communism, and rig the system in favor of the few. Communism doesn’t work when it’s used to ensure the rich can hoard resources, neither does capitalism work when it tries to do the same.

>> No.12254823


They can add more letters every day but it is still pronunced "mental illness"

>> No.12254827

> Trump platform: garbled words that don't add up
Yes, actually

>> No.12254843

Try adding up the 'program' from OP and see what you'll get.
hint: gibs for all

>> No.12254852

Based and red-pilled, however
>Housing as a human right
How is that going to help when the USA probably is the main global breacher of human rights?

>> No.12254860

The ones financing these investments are everyone and we all benefit. You’re a ducking retard if you don’t see you’re going to be paying for these things anyway. Here, let me give you a real life scenario: on average, a homeless person runs up to a million dollars in medical bills ANNUALLY.

So, what’s a cheaper option for us American tax payers? For a million dollars you could provide housing to multiple homeless people. There are examples of this being put into practice, and it’s often paired with a program to get these people back into the workforce. We’re going to be paying for it anyway, so why not turn it into an actual investment? Hospitals can’t just gas these people, so what would you rather pay for?

A. Capital for housing and employment opportunities for people in need?

B. Capital to paid the unpaid medical bills of people in need (I.e. the bloated multimillion dollar salaries of hospital “administrators”)

>> No.12254869

wait, why are you posting on /biz/? this isnt /his/

>> No.12254871

this anon gets it, it isn't even about opinions on this matter. It's factual that it is more efficient

>> No.12254879

>it’s not slavery, it’s altruism!
>nobody’s forcing you to do this, it’s just that shit will go badly for you if you don’t do what we think others deserve from you

>> No.12254886

>Hospitals can’t just gas these people,
Most depressing thing in this thread.

>> No.12254888

Even far-right nutjobs are starting to support the majority of that platform, they just do it under the guise of Evola instead of Marx. All the same principles, with a dash of ethnic cleansing thrown in.
The policies being redistributive in nature does not automatically take away their merit. In fact, the burden of proof is on you to prove that the present system works better.
Pro-tip: you can't.

>> No.12254918


Creation of the Bush government during the police state expansion. We had a border before ICE and we'll have a border after; we don't need another dickhead agency like the DEA to trample on our rights. Secure the border with good scouting -- constant drone surveillance would help us dispatch border agents where they're needed to apprehend crossers. (Also legally ensure drones can't be used for surveillance X amount of miles from the border.)

>> No.12254922

>For a million dollars you could provide housing to multiple homeless people
They paid a billion dollars for a fucking website for Obamacare.
>often paired with a program to get these people back into the workforce
Not like homeless-level jobs aren't already entirely taken.
>a homeless person runs up to a million dollars in medical bills ANNUALLY
How is the taxpayer going to pay for this now unless the government starts paying for it.

>> No.12254924

>working class will have more money for consuming
The working class pays for medicare you absolute retard

>the rich won't notice it that hard
You’re right about that, they have the means to move abroad if shit gets too shitty.

>> No.12254933

Everyone can see multiple possible problem scenarios with this plan.

>> No.12254947

Take note non-shills, put your money in crypto and gtfo. This is the future of American "politics."

>> No.12254960

>jobs guarantee

People might want to have something like this, but we all know how this would really play out.
>If you don't have a job we'll force you to work.
>What, you don't want to work as a telemarketer or a public toilet cleaning man?
>Well in that case we're going to cut your welfare completely.
>Now...would you like to work as a telemarketer?
Companies would make a deal with the gov and working conditions would go down the drain, due to that company never having to worry about a constant source of workers they can work to death.

>> No.12254964

>you're going to pay for it, so why not pay for it?
Ah yes, excellent point, fucking retarded commies.

I am going to pay for my own shit. No need to subsidize millions of useless vagrants and beggars. Homeless people cost a million dollars to treat annually? There is an extremely simple solution to that problem. Don't treat people who have no intention of paying for services rendered.

>> No.12254966


There are problems with every plan, but list them out if you care to.

>> No.12255001

Define a good person? I think undermining our constitution makes you an inherently bad person. Why are you a bad person anon?

>> No.12255023

Clearly you’re not an American based on the fantasy land you describe. Are you Chinese?

>> No.12255025

cringeposts in this ITT thread

>> No.12255037

The Glass Stegal thing is the only valid part. The rest sounds like a liberal arts college kids utopian view of how things should work. It's like she never grew up.

>> No.12255038

>solidarity with Puerto Rico

>> No.12255043

No. We do most of that in Europe and it works pretty great.

>> No.12255075

Based poster. What are you thoughts on private prisons? I don't think they should be a thing.

>> No.12255103

homeless people are homeless because they won't get jobs.

>> No.12255138

Obamacare was a mess, that doesn’t negate the fact that our money is better spent providing these people homes. I know personally know people who work multiple jobs and sleep in their cars (bankrupted by medical bills), and the taxpayer does pay for this now. If you had any critical thinking skills you’d see how providing people with homes can save you money.
1million invested into housing for homeless.
Let’s say it only provides enough for 5 people.
These 5 people no longer have to brave the elements every day potentially wiping out the entirety of their medical bills. That’s a potential 4 million dollars saved by everyone.

>> No.12255199

Nearly half of homeless people work.

>> No.12255211

>no: free helicopter rides

>> No.12255244

>it take a special kind of multi-generational inbreeding to produce a specimen this stupid

>> No.12255315
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>gun control

Good luck lady...

>> No.12255362

>is this mental illness?
it felt like I almost received a mental illness from reading those bullet points

>> No.12255365

no, it's called having a society.

>> No.12255407

>yfw capitalism itself has rigged the system in the favor of the few
>yfw capitalism willing is trying to bring about an apocalypse to kill everything on the planet except the few who can afford to live in hermetic vaults
>yfw you're still just a usefull idiot

this was always it's end game.

>> No.12255442

>I know personally know people who work multiple jobs and sleep in their cars (bankrupted by medical bills), and the taxpayer does pay for this now
You are grasping at straws.
How is the illness caused by homelessness? How isn't paying exorbitant medical fees not inflating the cost of medical services? Isn't the problem stemming for the cost of healthcare, so the labor cost that medical practitioners command for their patient derived lambos?
Those salaries are in turn mandated by the fees paid in medical school, which is also unnecessarily exorbitant.

>but much doctors are professionals who study hard.
Their remuneration is the main cause of high cost of medical services, fundamentally.

>1 million serves 5 people
>peak gov efficiency

>> No.12255476

>Hospitals can’t just gas these people
Ahh, we've found the problem.

>> No.12255490

she is revenge for trump. someone equally frustrating in the exact opposite way. instead of his annoying kind of rich (obviously dad's money), she's that annoying kind of poor (not even that poor, but goes on and on about how her mom cooked fucking beans or whatever)

>> No.12255504

>free houses
>raises property value

>> No.12255508

Based & redpilled

>> No.12255515

>Opens up trade and half the american population is puerto rican anyway
every single puerto rican person is mentally retarded and this will be an immense drag on our economy

>> No.12255549

>literally doesn't matter in any other way than making some men angry that their toys are taken away.
might as well take the right away since I don't personally exercise it

>> No.12255557

>global warming we can do anything at all
>A thing at all

>> No.12255565

I know you are right except my dad is a prototypical white man and he fucking loves the gibs. I've tried to explain to him why that shit doesn't work but it just falls on deaf ears. He also loves watermelon so I don't know what to think anymore..

>> No.12255627

>no sources
Nice claim but wrong.

>> No.12255685

She is fake poor. She actually grew up rich but hides it. Tells everyone she grew up poor

>> No.12255696


>> No.12255697

no, it's rape though

>> No.12255735

>So, what’s a cheaper option for us American tax payers?
right wing death squads

>> No.12255829

You do realize that many homeless people are on the street by choice, right? They are mentally ill and ran off from their family. You will not keep them off the street just by providing them with a trap house to smoke dust in.

>> No.12255865

gayest shit ever

>> No.12255886

Seriously,. how can anyone claim that global warming is settled when mainstream science can't make any accurate predictions concerning the way celestial bodies work at all.
Universe is electric, gravitation has minor impact. Blackholes are unnecessary theoretical construct.

>> No.12256019

>Just buy houses for all the homeless people and then no more homelessness!
Holy hell, please tell me you aren't really that naive.

But...I certainly wouldn't mind a one-time payout to get these fucking human parasites off my ass, if there were a way to enforce it and keep them from coming back for more. We could empty the projects overnight with "here's $20k for a year or two of rental assistance and whatever gibs you want to make of it - and you can never, ever receive public benefits ever again!"

As long as we're all on the same page that they can die in the damn street before they use another tax dollar, I'm cool with that. The smart ones will realize that joining a church, building a family, doing literally anything as part of a community is what gave people safety nets AND made them better human beings before the government decided to create new handout schemes on a daily basis and pretend it was a "right."

>> No.12256039

All investments are gambling anon. Do you want her to take that away. Because then everyone will be poor.

>> No.12256078

Watching Fox News? Yes.

>> No.12256100

>mobilizing against climate change
literally meaningless phrase

>> No.12256142

this is unironically genius because even if she only gets a handful of things it will be a success

>> No.12256206


Let's not pretend that a true gambling addiction is the same thing as investment strategy. That's like comparing a crack addict with folks who like to have a cup of coffee in the morning. Real gambling addictions, if you've ever seen them, are horrifying. Investment literally helps everyone. Most of us couldn't buy a house or a new car without borrowing, and then paying it back over time with interest. That creates jobs and keeps money and goods flowing through the system. We literally all end up richer. If someone wants to take some risk to try to create a new cancer treatment or bring an invention to market, and I want to chip in on that in hopes of improving my money, well hell yes it's a gamble but it's one that creates an ultimate societal good while those participating in it directly receive the most benefit (a win-win.)

Gambling is destructive when people don't know when to stop, especially when using other people's money to gamble with. Basically, when risks are no longer calculated and losses aren't absorbable.

>> No.12256244

She's /ourgal/, I support racheting up spending as much as possible