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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12253940 No.12253940 [Reply] [Original]

my family is european old money (nobility) and im not seing a cent a of the money until i inherit my part at an age where i probably dont care anymore


>> No.12253951

You probably have a nice car and a good education. You've already seen many more cents than you actually deserve, sir.

>> No.12253970

Why do you seek validation on an anonymous anime site? Didn't you get pampered enough in your childhood?
Also where in Europe? If you can get me a comfy job at a large corp I can be your friend. I can get one on my own but I won't say no to a shortcut.

>> No.12253971


yes my education and everything was paid for, i grew up in probably upper middle class conditions

no i never owned a car to be honest, i live in a city so i never needed one

>> No.12253976

How much was your bicycle

>> No.12253983


cannondale cujo 2

>> No.12254003

yes shortcuts are a thing but my family is mostly well established in the art market and medicine, which i am not interested in at all.

its somewhat of a wasted opportunity, my uncle is the 3rd generation of a really high ranking doctor, big coincidence right

>> No.12254010


What are your goals in life?

>> No.12254034


i have no idea, ive set the goal of 50mil some time ago but i dont really care about that anymore

probably having power over people, i like being in control

>> No.12254042

this is how you keep generational wealth though, you don't give it to the manchild that frogposts still hoping to get rich because he was too stupid to miss out on bitcoin. you wait until they resemble a mature human and then let them have it.

>> No.12254055


eh, true

>> No.12254057

Is this a zoomer fantasy? I can’t imagine wanting power over ppl you have to spend time overseeing or managing.

>> No.12254072

what's europe like? I qualified for irish citizenship by descent and I was considering moving back. Life sucks here if you aren't obscenely wealthy
>t. south african

>> No.12254084

Exactly why your family decided to dole out an inheritance over time. Common here in the US, child gets expenses approved through a trustee until 18, then reasonable education and living expenses paid until 25 or 30, sometimes requiring completion of a college degree or some other proof of self-improvement or you have to wait an extra 5 years.

Ridiculous that you'd bitch about it, though, you have a safety net that almost anyone would envy. Make your mistakes or make your fortune, your family's investments have got your back when you either fail miserably or don't particularly need it.

>> No.12254089


dont copy anyones opinion on it, you should travel there and decide for yourself

>> No.12254130

Kids. Anyone who has ever had to manage people knows that direct reports are hell on earth.

>> No.12254146


>> No.12254254

Hi OP, so do you have a big dick or is money all your going to fall back on?

>> No.12254481
File: 642 KB, 691x730, tekashi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shockingly similar situation here. you have to man up and become alpha and demand your share now. I manned the fuck up and became alpha by frequenting outcasts and ex felons

dont waste your life away working like a fucking animal slave when you were born to be a lord

>> No.12255163

People are shitty. The more people you have reporting to you directly, the more shitty people you have to deal with.
>wahh, I can’t make my shift because my babysitter cancelled
>wahh, I need to take a leave of absence because my dog is sick
>wahh, I need a raise because I show up every day and do a marginal job