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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12253887 No.12253887 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin is the electronic rupee that was just the first step. The people of Lalachi started to build wider poo roads, bigger and more sacred cows.

>> No.12254264

Creg memes are getting out of control.

>> No.12255278

Good people are a good remedy here. There are assets in the store. Creg Sanjay Right is unique. Bitcoin is only the first step in the computer rupee, and the cheaters are beginning to create more powerful computers, busy streets, more expensive and expensive animals. Survival requires these things. After the rooting is completed, the polishing is slow
After staying in Mumbai in 2008, Creg stopped producing vishnu and began working on his computer. It will smoothly change the street, create a "varnish" and let the rest pass through the Indian Ocean. Vishnu wants to increase the size of the big bull.
The Blockchain Foundation of India (BFI) removes Vishna (they have visibility into their music). They cut and cut the shield of Vishnu (Vishnu). They started using vishnu in the Punjabi language to optimize content and remove complex compilation code. Segshit is the last end of the pipe that destroyed Poolp and BSV (waterproof plastic). Because of this, Bitcoin cash is refused, so Creg tends to create a free site and recapture the code number and make a bullshit.

>> No.12255361
File: 588 KB, 750x1093, satoj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good, sirs

>> No.12255384

Take the sirpill