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12252987 No.12252987 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any place I can buy a house for $30k or less for one person in the us of a in a place that isnt a complete shithole?

>> No.12253004

I dount it, as I paid 25k for my small garage

>> No.12253010

You might be able to buy a small piece of land and a used trailer. Nut yeah it would probably be in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.12253016

Just buy a tent from academy, they’re like 200 bucks max.
Just quit being a pussy and live there.

>> No.12253036
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>Is there any place I can buy a house for $30k or less for one person in the us of a
>in a place that isnt a complete shithole?
Oh no no no

>> No.12253052

I dont care if its the middle of nowhere I just dont want it to be a complete shithole that ill get murdered for stepping outside, or if its really in the middle of nowhere it should have internet access at least

>> No.12253054


>> No.12253058

>in the us of a

>> No.12253204

Any rural town

>> No.12253221
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Trailer Living Magazine

>> No.12253833


You can buy houses for ~15k eur in villages in the middle of France. Most are from the 14th century and built to last. Many villages have high speed internet. No sandniggers and rapefugees there yet so it's mostly safe.

But everything will be at least a 1h drive from the village.

>> No.12253870

Unfortunately im an amerifat, something equivalent to that here though would be great

>> No.12254102
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Tallahassee, FL
You can buy a shithole in frenchtown for under 30k and then use the remaining to renovate it. Then you can rent out the other two or three beds to college students.
I'll be doing that when my apartment lease is up - have three guys lined up to room with me and I'll be using the cash I've saved in the past two years to put a solid down payment down on a 60-70k house.

>> No.12254128


Depends on your definition of “shithole.” Most of the truly rural USA has that. You’ll have to pay up front since banks are reluctant to loan less than $50k on a mortgage.

>> No.12254158


Same in the US, but lower quality construction and OP may be dependent on shitty satellite internet. I used to live in an area like that once and the garbage internet, lack of garbage pickup services, and 1 hour commute to a town all sucked, No shitskins, but the fundamentalist Christcucks and pillheads were nearly as bad. It made me very glad I could own a gun there just for peace of mind.

>> No.12254171


Go to realtor.com and search areas with the price range you’re looking for. In a few minutes you’ll see what you can get.