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12252809 No.12252809 [Reply] [Original]

We’ve reached a point where it’s Ok for the pleb public to eat bugs. We literally eat worse then the peasant serfs of hundreds of years ago. Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.12252835

bruh shrimp lobster crab, they are all just sea bugs

>> No.12252839

Don't mind op, he's retarded

>> No.12252850

Cheap protein. What the problem is?

>> No.12252970

people are switching to dogfood containing bug protein since it is of higher quality compared to the "waste meat" in current dog food
small chicken farms start bug farms to feed their chicken since it will provide a higher quality chicken compared to grain feed
the first bug protein for /fit/izens are out.

when big farms kick off, we have way better protein in a cheaper way.
These bugs are grinded up and every extracted what you don't want.
Eating whole bugs -> meh
grinded bug flour or protein, why not

Mark my words, in the next 5-10 years, bugs make a big part of animal and human nutritions, invest now wisely to make $$$

How else will you feed all the people?
You can stack the bug farms ez pz in the sky and feed them left over stuff.

>> No.12252995

like in blader runner 2049, those protein farms with bugs

its quite possible, people already eat bugs and its easy to produce.

I think you are right ,westerners will eat bugs in the future

>> No.12253007

you're probably right but I still prefer a nice steak

>> No.12253008

Are there any publicly traded bug protein stocks worth investing in yet?

>> No.12253023

It's a more efficient way to produce protein OP, like it or not, but plebs will have to eat bugs in the future in order to survive.

>> No.12253025

it's all small time stuff still so no. You'd need to be a VC to get into these deals right now, or start your own business

>> No.12253040

the writing is on the wall for this

look at google trends 'cricket flour' 'bug protein', and witness the rumblings of something huge

its animal protein that you can create out of waste, has extremely small operating expenses, and is not environmentally impactful to any large degree

you can create 100x as much protein with the same amount of resources, and this will be important in a state of overpopulation

we haven't even truly begun breeding or experimenting with genetic engineering of crickets for optimal taste and protein content

calling it now - 20 years down the line we will have farms raising crickets that are 5x the size they are now, which are barely mobile and do nothing but eat, shit, then get grinded up into protein for human consumption

>> No.12253043

The peasants ate better than the monarchs at todays standards. The difference being that as a peadant you had to go out and catch and prepare the food yourself with primative technology. It would take you all day to prepare dinner. In modern times anyone can get any food snytime they want with near zero effort

>> No.12253045

I had to do with a startup using bug protein for something so I invested some time into that topic.
It is an interesting field and it will be relevant in the future, same with hydroponics.

Have an eye out for these two topics.

I have no idea, what I know is that the EU now legalized the use of bugs in food in 2017/2018 and bug farms are now rising up all over europe.

I am looking out for a company developing the tech to make it possible on a bigger scale, stackable and automated.

For the guys making money with blogs.
Bug protein, bug farm, information on that stuff is still small.
Push out ton of posts and do some SEO to be THE ressource on google for bug related stuff.

>> No.12253046

crickets are healthy and sustainable

we should actually be eating and farming them on a mass scale

>> No.12253057

yeah I can see a bug bubble

you can easily make millions just by being aware of this in the current moment and keeping an eye on it

feels good

>> No.12253059


fuck crickets
flour worms and black soldier fly larves it will be

>> No.12253065

maybe some celebs will start eating bugs in puoblic and make bug eating go viral and trendy

I can see it so clearly, its so obviousy. people will be mad about eating bugs it just makes sense

>> No.12253068


it just needs to become a fad, and then we are off to the races

I have some spare capital lying around and might experiment with creating some blogs / advertising for bug proteins


crickets are the bitcoin of bug protein

flour worms and fly larva are shitcoins

>> No.12253078

You are dumb. Insects are an excellent source of protein and have been eaten around the world by humans for as long as humanity has existed.

Eating beef us unsustainable.

>> No.12253082

fucking disgusting. if you didnt watch the cow grow up and die yourself you can be sure it's garbage cancer shit meat.

>> No.12253089

It's been eaten for centuries in Asia fag

>> No.12253101

the main thing that bugs me about eating bugs, is that when you eat say a chicken, you know theres no weird shit in it

eating a cricket whole means eating its brain and bones, and its entire system

its just fucking weird. I understand that its normal for asians but I cant imagine it being pleasurable, the texture of it

>> No.12253102

There is one thing left to debate:
Is it ethical to mass produce larves and kill them?
Are those bugs animals for the vegans?
Would vegans considering eating bug protein?

nothing tops growing up on a farm, playing with the chicking in the morning and having it on the plate in the evening.

>> No.12253114

also Im pretty sure that I've eaten some ants when I was a kid. maybe it was a prophecy of me eventually eating crickets hmm

>> No.12253115

So we're going to be living in Snowpiercer?

>> No.12253117


who cares what vegans think?

>> No.12253118

thats why they will be dried up, grinded down, oil separated from the protein and other stuff and all left to use is some bug flour.

>> No.12253123

Lotsa people eat sheep heads m8. Eyes n all.

>> No.12253141

Vegans already shit the bed once they realise their tomato plants need to be fed bone meal
If they don't they are hypocrites

>> No.12253169

the moments are these when you tell them that beer and wine is not vegan (except special vegan stuff) since for the filtering process animal products are used.

Dead silence everytime.

>> No.12253202

Bugs are the food of the future if we want yo feed our massive and constantly increasing population.

>don't require much space or water
>higher protein yield
>don't attract diseases like the bird flu since they're so far away from us on the evolutionary tree

Other than "they're fucking bugs" I really don't see how this is bad, OP

>> No.12253248

True dat.
Oysters and lobsters were fit only for peasants.

>> No.12253270

>he doesn't eat bull dick

not gonna make it

>> No.12253893

imagine being so desperate for flesh you would literally eat insects

probably silence cuz everyone already knows this and they probably looking at you like you’re a retard
as far as bone meal and other byproducts, since we arent growing animals for the sole purpose of harvesting bones, meaning we will always have them as waste products

its hardly an issue

>> No.12253902


>> No.12253908

bugs are for shitskins. if theyre not going to voluntarily cull their vastly oversized population they're going to have to eat shit to survive.

>> No.12253946

This will go mainstream. How do we invest in this? This can be the new nutrifag trend
>rich bug protein powder
>rich bug protein drink
>rich bug protein burgers

>> No.12253948

>im too special to be affected by overpopulation
how many people like you do you think there will be in 2030?

>> No.12253960

>too special
of course not, but i am too wealthy to be affected by it.

>> No.12253972

the first person who figures out how to sell bugs to white women, will become extremely wealth

>> No.12253974

Bugs don't even have muscles. how can their protein be anywhere near as good as animal meat? protip: it can't.

>> No.12254001


t. brainlet

cricket protein is even more nutrient dense than poultry or beef

it has zero downside, except the gross factor

>> No.12254016

kim kardashain or some other famous dum slut needs to start eating bugs

maybe they could copy the whole angelina jolie being in love with impoverished niggers thing

like have kim kardashain or whatever dum slut go to cambodia and become so "in love" with their culture and eating bugs in general

zoomer roasites will follow

>> No.12254020

Isn't Bill Gates' foundation investing in fly farms for the sake of chicken feed already? Afaik the majority of chicken feed right now comes from ground fish bones, the idea Gates' foundation is looking at is to feed chickens ground up maggots essentially.

>> No.12254028
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It also would conserve water and land

>> No.12254241

>It's a more efficient way to produce protein OP, like it or not, but plebs will have to eat bugs in the future in order to survive.
maybe it's time to eat the rich instead

>> No.12254314


>> No.12254321

fat is what makes the meat good, if i want protein I can have whey protein

>> No.12254343

ligaments ,veins, whatever. Im not a biologist Im not sure whats inside a cricket

>> No.12254367

You can still have the steak you dingus, just not every day and for cheap. As it should be. Bugs will replace the "meat every day" part of your diet. Could be bug 4 days a week, one day a nice steak, one day fish, last day game or whatever. Cow and pig meat every single day of the week is bad for your health and bad for the environment.

>> No.12254375

Based red ID

>> No.12254376

meat every day is too much, better to swap it for beans or chick peas or something

meat once or twice a week is good

>> No.12254475

This. Cows aren't the best feed converter but even compared to those that are, rabbit, this is pretty great.

>> No.12254723

Regardless of where you live, we WILL see peak human population during our lifetime.

>> No.12254735
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>Bugs don't even have muscles.

>American education

>> No.12254751

yeah, sure

>> No.12254778

Back to /pol/ shitstain. On /biz/ we can actually tell when you're 14.

>> No.12254904

Caveman meat and eggs daily w/veg best diet

>> No.12254974

As long as we keep all the third worlders out we'll be fine. Keep voting in right wing leaders, folks.

>> No.12255169

It's supposed to be exotic to make you feel special. We actually eat so well that it's considered special and weird to eat bugs.

>> No.12255316

Are there any publicly traded bug farms to invest in?

>> No.12256088

A better investment imo is synthetic meats. Would you seriously rather eat bugs over lab grown meat. Check memphis meats and of these other things. One of the labs is from Israel so you know something is going down.

>> No.12256391

I was in China 2 months ago. They eat EVERYTHING. I saw street vendors with armfuls of scorpion kebabs, still live. All kinds of insects. I ate jellyfish, shark fins, weird meats, probably cat and dog

>> No.12256406

describe scorpion kebab pls

>> No.12256478

Scorpions on a skewer, about 5-8 on each stick.
Some cooked over flames, some still writhing trying to get off the stick.
The guy had thousands of them and people were lining up like they were getting a hotdog.

>> No.12256481
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omg ewwww...... I don't want to eat bugs!!!!! MOMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

>> No.12256496
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I'd eat those drones

>> No.12256512
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They had a bug dish in South Korea when I lived there, beondegi. Never tried it, looked disgusting.

>> No.12256522

>trying to make it sound like they're weird by trying to compare your normal food of assorted animal lips and buttholes blended together and put into intestines

>> No.12256546


This is the truest thing in this thread. People (especially westerners) hate the idea of eating insects in any form or fashion. The simplest solutions are the ones that get chosen and synthetic “clean” meats are the future. We are already able to produce artificial tendies and steak (not at a mass-scale yet) that is comparable to meat in texture and flavor. Look Just Foods, Beyond Burger, and Impossible Meats up if you don’t believe me.

We will also be seeing the rise of plant based meat that is more life-like and flavorful than ever before. New plant meats utilizing heme (plant blood) are already paving the way for mainstream consumption of alternative-meats. These will be hitting major metros all over the US next year and are already at over 5000-7500 restaurants across the country. They will be vastly superior to the highly processed vegan meats that are available now.

Bottom line is that both of these options are infinitely more preferable and profitable than insect proteins. People want meat, not bugs.

T: I’ve done marketing for some insect based stuff before. People hate tasting it so much it’s ridiculous. Really only seen as a novelty/niche.

>> No.12256565
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I agree, people don't see the standard of living is falling.

>> No.12256574

Actually where I live we have laws about serving offal or using it in meat products but yeah I know a percentage of it is tongues and assholes.
It was weird for me, going to a restaurant and seeing dog brain soup or goat lungs with peppers on the menu or getting fried sea horses as a starter.

>> No.12256581

I hate how the per bag is in smaller font do they think we're stupid

>> No.12256616

Problem is bugs are limited in size by oxygen content of the atmosphere which is why bugs in the dinosaur times we're bigger because there is more oxygen but this can be remedied by artificial environment

>> No.12256627

did you try em? because of this thread I googled how do instects taste like and some guy was writing how scorpions are the best

>> No.12256632

how long before i have to buy smuggled meat

>> No.12256642


Ok how do I invest in cricket farms now

>> No.12256655

Scorpions are not insects.

>> No.12256656
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>> No.12256668

idk why but a scorpion looks more edible than a cricket or larva to me

no I want to eat one

>> No.12256697

>bug feed for the goyim
>kosher meat for the rulers

>> No.12256784

Why we cannto collect animal/human feces and extract the protein from it and clean it for later use

>> No.12256790

I didn't eat any. Just wasn't feeling it at the time.
They seemed popular though

>> No.12256798

what is it

>> No.12256814

Im pretty sure Ive read about it in the past

I bet the chinese/japanese have don it

>> No.12256847

we'll get to eat maggots while the jews have to eat foie grois and filet mignon, to save the environment or something

>> No.12256849

>child in 2150:
>people used to eat cows instead of bugs?
>bleurgh, how disgusting

>> No.12256876

eating cows is pretty fucking stupid if you think about it, its just too expensive

in the future when you have some sort of synthetic food, the wont believe we ate animas

>> No.12256890
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No shit, modern life is definitely a mixed bag not a straight upgrade over the pre-modern world.
You work more per day, have fewer holidays, definitely pay more taxes than the average peasant, and if you compare it with something like XVIth century Germany / Low Countries, you likely eat worse than them.
On the other hand you don't die of the flu, you live in a comfy 21 °C all year round and even your cheapest clothes are comfier than what royalty wore.

>> No.12256923
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oh yeah and let's not even talk about stress levels

>> No.12256927

Synthetic foods is just a special cell culture, but when you really think about it, it's not possible to beat evolution at its own thing - manufacturing edible things at a minimal energetic cost.
The real issue is that cows produce many things that's useless for meat but necessary for survival in the animal form, that's a task for genetic engineering

>> No.12256937

You forgot that your life has no meaning. Even rich people off these themselves these days

>> No.12256949

Cows aren't butchered just for meat.
There are plenty of products that use the rest of the animal.

>> No.12257005

>maybe it's time to eat the rich instead
Wouldn't work as there's not enough rich people to feed all of the poor bastards. It's either bugs or famine.

>> No.12257092

on the risk of sounding like a parrot, that again has more to do with stress than anything else
no gf aside, i don't think my life is a lot less meaningful than Jonas's the cooper's

>> No.12257216
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>delicious insect snacks
>crunchy roasted crickets

>> No.12257253

You're a pawn and a conformist. Why don't you go buy some fucking gasoline or groceries you fucking NPC?

>> No.12257288

>One of the labs is from Israel
call me /pol/ but if they are behind that I should be suspicious.

>> No.12257365

suspicious that it might be a good investment opportunity?
then again, SodaStream didn't become a worldwide hit either so it's a hit or miss

>> No.12257478

It's an arachnid, like a spider. Probably why it seems more appealing than insects.

>> No.12257494

they are pushing this shit on TV here, probably preparing us for when its all we can afford with our fiat monies

>> No.12257504

being higher on the food chain makes them less efficient for mass-production

>> No.12257517

I bet you eat sperm because it's lower on the food chain than insects.

>> No.12257523

yeah but a spider looks disgusting

>> No.12257959

What if people really do become like what they eat and we all turn out like insects like the asians.

>> No.12258901

there's literally nothing wrong with this, retard