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12243510 No.12243510[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can I have a legitimate answer. I'm in the UK and have obviously heard of the stereotype they're thick as shit and on 4chan that certainly seems to be the case.

At my uni exchange students often come over from MIT, I've asked them and apparently there's borderline no drumpfies at Harvard/MIT and the stereotype is pretty true for young people.

>> No.12243549

How dumb are Britanistanis that they are obsessed with the bad orange man living in a different continent while their own country turns to shit?

>> No.12243582

this, you guys aren't allowed to own butter knifes and some english teacher looking lady made sure you could never be independent. fucking do something.

>> No.12243595

Bait thread. Not even an honest assessment of potential policies trump has that are not mainstream that people might favor over the status quo i.e. immigration

>> No.12243613
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basically you gon get gassed shills together with your masters and theres nothing you can do about it

any other questions?

>> No.12243823

Trumptards don't let paki's rape their kids en mass

>> No.12243830

they're typical far right extremists, basically aggressive NPCs. nothing special just everyday retarded sheep.

>> No.12243866

I’m pretty alpha. Attractive, clean, IQ in the 130s, and a pretty big dick. Sieg heil Donald Trump.

>> No.12243886

They aren't all total morons, but they have the vast majority of idiots on their side.

>> No.12243887

>believing students from the greater boston area hyperliberal concavity

>> No.12243917
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>> No.12243923

I have rarely met a trump supporter irl that isnt a boomer im convinced most of the magapedes online are bots

>> No.12243955
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According to exit polls Trump voters were most concentrated among those with annual incomes $50,000 and higher, with more correlation the higher the income. So the stereotype of the retarded poor hick is probably less true than the stereo type of your typical retarded ghetto dweller voting for Democrat gibs. Colleges have moved to actively discriminating against conservatives (both faculty and students), which is why both quality of education and life outcomes of college grads are falling at such a rapid pace. Elite schools still get to select from the absolute cream of the crop, so it is possible to maintain quality. Elite level conservative students either keep quiet about their political leanings or take their skills elsewhere.

>> No.12243974

even though the incel trumpers you see around here are retarded its nothing compared to the braindead boomer trumpers, its the kind of people that would fall for the billion coin

>> No.12243980

What the hell, I'm in London get me out of this expensive shithole

>> No.12243987

^Thats how dumb they are. Rural retards. I can't wait until 2020 when a LATINA QUEEN takes over and white men are forced to realize OH WAIT maybe we DIDN'T stop all the scary mexicans

>> No.12243998
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Are drumps in touch with reality at all?

The income thing is probably due to boomers instead of republicans simply being more successful. In fairness Dems bring more educated is likely due to college being more popular now then with boomers

>> No.12244003

That fellow looks and talks like Carlos Matos.

>> No.12244015

I've met young Trump "supporters" but when I talk politics to them they have none of their own ideas, they just echo what their boomer parents say and don't even comprehend basic principles let alone why their boomer parents are often flat out wrong in their own assessments.

I have never, literally NEVER met a Trump supporter who can make a case for themselves, with the one exception being my very wealthy friends who voted Trump because Republican policies typically benefit their personal pockets more at the expense of poor people who they don't care about. I can at least understand that as a rational position even if I don't agree with it morally.

>> No.12244040

Trump supporters are uneducated, live in rural areas with no upward mobility, unironically believes in YouTube conspiracies, and most of all blame nonwhites and governments instead of taking personal responsibilities.

>> No.12244044

They're retards. Absolute fucking retards.
They're worse than the SJW faggots.
They all have a victim complex the size of Trump's proposed border wall.
They're inbred cousin fuckers.

The only Trump supporters you'll run into here or on /pol/ are stormfags and/or russians getting paid to shill on his behalf.
We need to come up with a solution to the slavic problem or the world will just continue to go to shit

>> No.12244045

>At my uni
You're dumb enough to fall for the college meme. I pity you
>t. no degree, one cert, $120k/year

>> No.12244111
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Your chart actually captures the decreasing fortunes of those who start college, but don't finish it. It is also a decade out of date. The push to get more unqualified people into college really started ramping up in the late 2000's so it will be interesting to see what an updated chart will look like in the 2030's. You are aware the college attendance is falling for exactly this reason right? Too expensive, not enough value.

The whole reason college degrees become so important outside of professions is that the government outlawed using IQ tests for employment in 1971, and graduating college was the closest IQ correlated factor (at the time) that corporations could legally use without violating the 1964 civil Rights act. As the bar is ever lowered to include more people, the college degree loses it's usefulness, which is why most silicon valley tech companies don't care about degrees, they care about your portfolio of work and if you can pass their entry tests (which are now a better screen for IQ than degrees).

>.t run multiple businesses and just tryin to tell you how it is

>> No.12244127

>I'm in the UK
post a photo of your hand m8.

>> No.12244139

I wish I had no Slavic DNA

>> No.12244180

At this point, two years later, you have to be double digit IQ. There were some smart people on board with him in the beginning, but you have to be a total retard to keep thinking he's doing anything good for anyone but himself.

>> No.12244190

Perfect example right here. This goblino can barely speak English.

>> No.12244201
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>US farmers vote for Trump
>Trump gives billions in tax breaks to corporate pals
>Trump hires Goldman Sachs execs as US regulators
>Trump creates trade war that fucks over US farmers
>US economy tanks
the absolute state of americucks

>> No.12244208

Harvard is literally a fucking meme. It’s full of SJW’s that are willing to pay an upwards of 200K for a liberal arts degree.

>> No.12244258
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After the bar was lowered for attending college in the late 2000's, the bar was lowered for graduating college earlier in this decade, with whole fields of study being invented that require no empirical level of competence to graduate from (gender studies, ethnic studies, etc) where the only path of employment is the creation of new worthless departments at colleges that haven't been infected yet. This actually shows up in the data as a well paid employed person, but like all Ponzi schemes, eventually the general population catches on, and when the deflating education bubble accelerates, all of these people are going to be wiped out and left with nothing but non-dischargeble student debt. Graphs showing college degrees being worth it are held high by professional fields of study like medicine, law, petroleum engineering, etc. These fields also have a more even split of conservative vs progressive, compared to more non practical fields such as English study or gender study, which are virtually 100% progressive (leading to the overall metric of the "educated" being biased towards progressivism). If you want to delude yourself with misleading headline statistics, be my guest. You are only preventing yourself from making it by avoiding grappling with harsh reality.

>> No.12244282

69D chess my friend. We didn't get swindled by a con man. It will all work out in the end ;^^)

>> No.12244314

Late 2000s? Think mid 90s and the you gotta get any degree anon, from all the boomer faggots

Right about the same time they opened the h1b doors and had the pajeets and chinks take over the university system.

Engineering is a dead end due to all of this

>> No.12244317
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>education bad!

t.high school dropouts coping

>> No.12244334
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All the educated smart young people seem to hate drumpf. Pic related.

>> No.12244351

>implying a liberal arts degree will ever be able to pay back a 300k student loan debt

>> No.12244374
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I unironically have a 4 year liberal arts degree after falling for the "do what you love" meme. My current success has basically nothing to do with my college degree, unrelated field, unrelated skills. I'm in the 1% of wealth and income for my age and wish I could have 4 years of my life back I wasted at college.

>> No.12244408

nolinkersbtfo is an absolute savage, the deluded linkers panicing in his wake are delicious. Pity he never gets any likes cos everyone hates him.

>> No.12244421
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quite a bit

>> No.12244527

>liberal arts degree is the only degree you can get from college
imagine the cope

>> No.12244596

oi mate you got a license for viewin' 4chan? already tweeted the coppers about this here post didnt i.

>> No.12244641


>> No.12244716

Epicly homosexual LARP

>> No.12244722


I don't know about that. I'm 40 years old, Master's graduate, stable full time employment since I was 18, even while going to university. I own my own home and have modest savings, pay taxes and stay away from any trouble with the law. I'm a Trump supporter. I feel like it's time someone stood up to the media and the extreme political correctness and victimhood mentality that the Democrats have encouraged.

The media bends over backward to perpetuate the "Dumb Trump and Trump supporters" stereotype. US media adores liberalism and is an active participant in fighting against all things conservative, while occasionally pretending they're unbiased. They gave Obama a pass on all sorts of ridiculous political stupidity, and did their best to do the same with Hillary. The political correctness movement has made it so that the only group who can be criticized publicly are rural, conservative Americans, especially if they are white or Christian.

By and large, Trump supporters are the producers in the economy. They also are largely rural or suburban, conservative, and often (though far from always) white and Christian. They've gotten tired of being bullied for the past 2 decades and they see that bullying going asymptotic these last few years. Most are far from wealthy but they're tired of seeing their tax dollars fund all sorts of things not in keeping with their values. They often differ from European and UK values in that they believe all political power is inherent in the people through the US Constitution and that as a default position ANY form of government regulation is either a bad thing or at least a dangerous one that needs to be monitored.

(Former) Hillary supporters want unlimited immigration, extremely "progressive" ideas like third wave feminism and government funded abortions and sex change operations, and lots of social program spending.

If you really wanted a "legitimate" answer, I hope that helps you.

>> No.12244753

10000s of thousands of your school girls are groomed raped and impregnated, the police dont investigate because muh islamophobia, you literally had a girl get kidnapped, raped and made into kebab which was sold to people
and you live in an orwellian nightmare come true
>orange man bad
go fuck yourself with a rusty spoon nigel, its the only weapon you can procure

>> No.12244766
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>wants to convince us trump supporters aren't dumb
>makes a dumb post

>> No.12244773

Wrong board

All the business owners I know are Trump supporters

>> No.12244785

All the liberals ITT are literally just retarded college students. They'll learn someday, but for now talking down to people and acting smug feels too good

Primo example

>> No.12244791
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>1 post by this ID

I come back to /biz/ after 4 months and now /biz/ is even more reddit than reddit itself. I thought the golden age of /biz/ could return during the bear market, but it appears the redditors have stuck around.

>> No.12244794

>Hurp I supportard Trump MAGA HURP hhurururuhur dems make me pooor

>> No.12244803

Literally seething retards

>> No.12244805

yes, one day when we will become old, demented and bitter we will become conservative too

>> No.12244816

You mean like Bernie? Some of you stupid fucks never grow up it seems

>> No.12244818

You can still be an edgy fuck and not like having a dumbass retard as president

Only if you have toxoplasmosis.
Anywhere from 33% to 50% of the human population is infected with it.
Look it up. It's the cuckservative infection

>> No.12244854

Toxoplasmosis is literally the open borders/vacation to Somalia disease. I bet it's the reason those dumb cunts decided to camp in Morocco before getting their heads chopped off.

>> No.12244867

Oi m8 ive got a high court writ here for that butter knife

>> No.12244871

It comes primarily from cats. There's plenty of cats in the USA - especially in rural america
You're thinking about ebola.

>> No.12244901

Toxoplasmosis fucks with your ability to assess risk. I remember reading that like 70% of people who get in deadly motorcycle accidents are infected with it. It makes people think that violent 3rd world retards are just as civilized as you or me, until they're getting a raped and beheaded of course.

>> No.12244917

LMAO I have 100% read this pasta before

>> No.12244935

all the liberal enlightened alt-centrists that think there is no basis or intelligence on the "right" of politics must not interact with the reactionary movement often

>> No.12244937

same i also hate trump

>> No.12244988

It causes behavior disorders. You can become depressed, nihilistic, and probably more cynical (it seems like a natural progression from those two)

"In a series of case reports of patients presenting with acute toxoplasmic encephalitis, one patient was reported to have nihilistic delusions consistent with psychotic depression (Torrey and Yolken 2003). A case presenting with symptoms consistent with depression who failed to respond to antidepressants did so after adequate treatment for the T. gondii infection"

>> No.12245071
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>Muh Russians

>> No.12245089

We’re talking Trump specifically, not right wing politics. I’m libertarian/right wing and still think Trump is a complete retard.

>> No.12245100

i don't know, i'm a grad student in a STEM field and got 170/170 on the GREs, which theoretically correlate with IQ, and i'm pro-Trump because I support deportation of indios, reductions in third-world immigration, lower taxes, fewer wars, and not implementing climate change non-solutions like global carbon tax frameworks. this seems like a reasonable position to take. i don't really care if Trump is offensive on twitter.

>> No.12245152

The biggest retards on earth are:
>trump supporters

If you fall into any of those categories, you’re retarded

>> No.12245165

Both sides have total retards supporting them.

>> No.12245180


>> No.12245189

>muh both sides
people from all sides think Trump is dumb, you don't even have to care about politics at all to know that you only have to hear him talk for 4 minutes

>> No.12245256

>We need to come up with a solution to the slavic problem or the world will just continue to go to shit
How about we first solve the issue of Anglo-Germanic patriarchy?