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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 36 KB, 400x288, Nigger_3efad1_2284263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1224164 No.1224164 [Reply] [Original]

OK /biz/ here's my idea. Tell me what you think.

>Open car dealership near ghetto
>Sell expensive bling-type cars that all the bruthas love
>No credit check but a high downpayment and high monthly payments
>Typical customer will pay for a couple of months then stop
>Unknown to them, the cars are fitted with gps. We know their whereabouts at all times
>Reposess car
>Clean it up. Rinse and repeat

It would be like selling the same car over and over again!

>> No.1224172

I think you're fucking retarded.

>> No.1224189


This works good only for products that you can't damage like jewelry. Cars, not so much.

>> No.1224202

these already exist, they're called buy here pay here lots

>> No.1224212

niggas are gunna rob the fuck out of you. you'll need some hardcore security

>> No.1224630

>Unknown to them, the cars are fitted with gps.
that's illegal as fuark
it's much better if you insure heavily against losses and sell the loans to collecting agencies.

>> No.1224648

Yeah OP, there's money to be made there. A lot of it. I own a repossession company. Six repos from six different people for the same vehicle is my record.

Mid-tier credit unions and even some lower end prime lenders employ these tactics to a large extent.

Nope. "Security Devices" clause in the contract. The contracts don't always define what the device (GPS unit) is specifically.

>> No.1224651

yeah well first time they go to a garage to pimp their new car it's gonna come out.

>> No.1224653

>Implying implications that they have money for actual pimpers and not Jamal who will hotglue on a spoiler

>> No.1224655

Very rarely. 1 out of 300 maybe even less. They're really, really cleverly hidden. Of the few that were discovered it was the GPS was poorly installed after I repoed it.

>> No.1224657

you can't hide them from a mechanic. they are plugged into the power they consume power, they can be tracked very easily. there are instructionals on the web how to remove them even without triggering an alarm.
trust me your target demographic will have it removed without you knowing it faster than you blink.

>> No.1224658

hell this is an excellent business i think i will open up a shop specializing in this kind of stuff.
for a $100 or two remove the gps tracker and put it in a bag and give it to the owner to place it wherever he wants to.

>> No.1224664


I'm not saying you can't remove them, it's just rare that they're actually removed.

Doesn't matter, I still find them with or without. Just makes it more challenging (and I charge more). All for them to go "god damn, how did you find me!?" when I show up to take it anyway.

>> No.1224666

interesting how do you find a car that they let's say sell for cash to a chop shop?

>> No.1224671

I mean cars still on the road. I've had debtors run it over the scales somewhere shady that will do it without title or cut it up never to be found. That's rare too but it's happened.

>> No.1224673

Trace it to the chop shop?

>> No.1224678

and then what?
> I've had debtors run it over the scales somewhere shady that will do it without title or cut it up never to be found.
i imagine the down payment is scaled to not make this actually profitable it's just they wanted to screw you right?

how about this scenario?
two guys from two different state buy the same exact cars with these conditions and they both remove the tracker and switch the cars. so basically you find the car but it's weirdly not your car if you repossess it you are basically stealing and go to jail.

how do you find the car you sold?

>> No.1224696

Could you do the same thing renting fancy watches and handbags?

>> No.1224726

Depends on how it's financed, but generally yeah they're just gouging people for as much as possible. Over and over again.

At a buy-here pay-here you're already paying at or above what the dealer has into the car before you roll off the lot. Even if you never make a single payment they've made something or at least broke even.

As far as your scenario we check the VIN before we take cars. We don't just hook something without even checking it.

How I find it without a GPA is what I'm paid good money for. Old fashioned skip-tracing. It's an art form almost and takes a lot of trial and error. From basic internet searches to more advanced methods to outright knocking on doors and getting what I want via social engineering. I could write a book on it there's so much to it.

>> No.1224731

Better: Start online casino, integrate shit tier loans (so-called SMS loans, effective rate 700%)
Also, no age checks to start account, only to withdraw.

>> No.1224754

How are you going to keep the jiggaboo's from trashing the car?

>> No.1224780

>At a buy-here pay-here you're already paying at or above what the dealer has into the car
then who the fuck buys there? i mean if you are selling the vehicle at the price it's worth on the market then why would anyone take on loans to make your profit?
>Old fashioned skip-tracing.
so you are a facebook stalker?

>> No.1224781

>no age checks to start account
fairly certain that's against the law at least here it is.

>> No.1224784

I fucking love this thread. It summarises 4chan perfectly. It's like a /b/tard grew up into an adult and has no time to go on /b/, but is still a /b/tard at heart.

Anyway, instead of a GPS, install scanners all over the ghetto, install a small discrete barcode on the windows of the car or it's roof or wheels or something like that, and let the scanners detect where each car is. Passive system, unlikely to be found by mechanics or removed.

>> No.1225121

A lot of people that can't afford to buy a car. I forgot the statistic but something like over 50% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck.

I was one of the few people cheering for the recession (and glad it hasn't really ended). During 2009-2011 the size of my company tripled to keep up with demand.

Yeah, we use social media too.. idk if I would call it stalking though. I mean, they did friend "Jamal 'da soulja' Jackson" after all.

>> No.1225168

This is not what you want to hear but consider it anyway.

Why not just start a regular stealership, make money, gain experience, and see if your idea is actually feasible.

Sounds like too much work and not enough "get rich quick" right?

>you can't hide them from a mechanic. they are plugged into the power they consume power, they can be tracked very easily
Of course you can hide them. This isn't 1958 where cars only have 10 wires.
A mechanic won't find it unless specifically looking for it. And even then, it could take him hours, if he finds it at all.

>> No.1225174

i'm no mechanic but i could find it in about 30 minutes with a multi-meter.

>> No.1225177

Many dealerships selling cars to untrustworthy people have an interlock system, where when the payment goes through, they get texted a code that disables the interlock for another 30 days when they enter it.

They get a slight discount on the high interest rate if they agree.

>> No.1225184

Implying niggers can even read

>> No.1225191

unless of course it has independent power supply but then it will be bigger than a brick or two.

>> No.1225198

Couple of risks:

1. They destroy your car
2. Someone dies in the car leaving a heavy cleaning bill
3. They fucking kill you

>> No.1225201

4. Police repossesses car for investigation, meaning you can't get it back until that is over

>> No.1225202

5. Car is driven and bailed on the other side of the country, making it costly to retrieve

>> No.1225218

The really stupid dealerships. I refuse to work with any who employ such a system.

None of that matters. They got their money the second you rolled off the lot.

With the exception of #3 if you're going to be a DIY repo-man. In which case you just hire someone like me to handle that. Even scrap value of the car will at least cover my fee. Plus you only pay it if I find it so you can't lose.

>> No.1225266

Here in Florida, we were doing that in 2001, when affordable GPS was made available. It's called Buy Here, Pay Here. We charge 18% interest, the max allowed by usury law in Florida. Then we charge origination fees, dealer fees, and lots more junk fees. We bury them in the car and they have to pay weekly or biweekly. Also, gotta hide the GPS really well.

>> No.1225275

You don't understand this biz at all. We're taking 5k cars and flipping them for 10k. You have to self-insure and use repo men to retrieve the assets when you can't collect.

>> No.1225281

yeah well not having consent from people to track them is illegal for sure. i don't know about the us tho but i imagine if any of your customers took you to court with this shit he would skin you alive.

>> No.1225291

more like try to sell their house to the bank. have fun.

>> No.1225302


Do you live in one of those countries where you can go to jail for saying something racist?

>> No.1225304

It's in the contract, and the marks are shitskins and white trash that can't read.

>> No.1225308

what if they explicitly ask if there is any non-factory modification to the car or anything installed? you lie or tell them? if you lie can you be sued?

>> No.1225315
File: 47 KB, 625x351, 3q5ui3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selling to blacks is lots of fun. I've had a lot of sales jobs selling shit on contract, e.g., auto finance, security systems, real estate, insurance, water filtration systems, and more. The closings are always the same. Blacks sign everything first, then they want to read through the contract that they just signed, you know, to prove they're savvy /biz/ness people, kek.
Just to fuck with them, whenever they start that reading the contract shit, I always say "TOO LATE NOW", in a really loud and obnoxious tone. When they look up from the contract, I lean in and whisper, "you've already signed it, we gotcha, sucker!" Then I stare them dead in the eyes for about ten seconds with a smug look. Just before they chimp out, I burst out laughing and say, "I'm just playin', it's all good." Then it's sighs of relief and mutters of "ooga booga" all around.

>> No.1225319
File: 45 KB, 625x412, 3q5s91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what if they explicitly ask if there is any non-factory modification to the car or anything installed?
"Don't worry about that, Jamal. Did you bring your checkbook or your ATM card to make the payment?"
>you lie or tell them?
customer: "Is there GPS tracker on the car?"
sales rep: "Don't know, Tyrone. Let's go inside and get the key and take it for a test drive. Did you bring your driver's license with you, today?"
>if you lie can you be sued?
You can always be sued for anything. What matters in court is the contract, e.g., what's in writing.

>> No.1225321
File: 564 KB, 1833x1031, 20151003_092307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this already exist all over Phoenix.

Gotta watch out the section 8 in AZ in just a check. There's section 8 recipients in my 200k home subdivision. he receives 1200 a month a makes up the difference in cash to the landlord. Anyways he moves once a year and right before he moves he hits 2-3 rentacenters and arrons. I got a 70 inch tv from him for $200 ( I give him labor work sometimes). He has done the same with titleloans.

Better yet OP.

When you pay cash for a vehicle the usually make you give a social. I bought a 2000$ truck from a dealer and had to give mine. Now this runs a problem the nig nogs that work the trap house. Have a lot that sells ranges, s class and esclades. Word will get out quickly that some nig's man man OP will hook you da fuck up and aint fucking with that government shit.

>> No.1225322
File: 182 KB, 419x610, 1460881169775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seriously asking if used car salesman lie

wew, lads

>> No.1225324

>if you lie can you be sued?
In court:
Customer: dealer lied to me, he said there would be no gps tracker on car.
Dealer: oh yeah? well the customer lied, too. he said he would make his payments on time.
Judge: Court finds the customer broke the contract by not making timely payments as agreed. Further finds tracker device is normal protocol for recovery of assets. Verdict is for the defendant.

>> No.1225325
File: 883 KB, 1652x929, 20140703_125719(0).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have it in the contract as loan insurance. either you have the GPS or pay extra towards "loan insurance" which could be like 75$-$100 a month.

Wellll shieeettt since you put its like dat i guess just throw dat gps in boss

>> No.1225327

Tell them it has a free anti-theft system included, and you are throwing in active monitoring for free for the first X months (life of the loan).

>> No.1225330

I'm in Orlando, Florida, we get a lot of cars like pic related but Miami is far worse. They have so many exotic cars and boats and planes in Miami, they've even spawned a few reality tv shows to showcase the repo men.

>> No.1225336

The car doesn't belong to the customer until it's paid off.
That's the part you're having difficult understanding.

>> No.1225365

>>Open car dealership near ghetto
enjoy death

>> No.1225405


Are you ironically writing like a nigger or are you actually a nigger writing normal?

>> No.1225443

you dumb as fuck. youre going to sell a car, show up and get shot for it. this shit happens all the time, baka.

>> No.1225452

no, anon, you dont repo the car yourself. you hire the repo man because he's the expert. nobody gets shot

>> No.1225459

Then they just gonna show up to the shop and follow you the fuck home. Theres a reason no one fucks with them niggas in the ghetto

>> No.1225467

1 they remove/disable gps
2 they fuck up the car so bad it costs you more to repair than you made from them
3 they take it to a chopshop and part it out
4 dealership gets robbed everyday
5 you end up paying more in towing fees than you make
6 ????
7 no profit

>> No.1225487

According to numerous studies, average Black IQ is 85 (in the USA) and the frontal lobes of the negro brain, responsible for abstract conceptional reasoning, are smaller, less fissured, and less complex. This prevents Blacks from reasoning, and using logic.

>> No.1225490


>> No.1225497

>1 they remove/disable gps
repo man still finds it
>2 they fuck up the car so bad it costs you more to repair than you made from them
the downpayment already covered the dealer's cost, everything else was profit.
>3 they take it to a chopshop and part it out
chop shops steal new cars, they don't buy old 'buy-here/pay-here' POS-type cars
>4 dealership gets robbed everyday
"I am the one who knocks" - every used car dealer
>7 no profit
and yet tens of thousands of successful buy-here/pay-here car lots debunk your claim

>> No.1225500
File: 449 KB, 1006x560, 111111111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not do what this guy did:

Watch from 30:55

>week by week finance
>have this box thing that requires a PIN to make a car functional
>when you recieve a payment each week you text them the PIN
>if they dont pay they dont get the PIN and can't drive

>> No.1225501

if you're smart enough to locate a hidden gps tracker in your car with a multi-meter, than I would venture you're smart enough to pay your auto loan and not trash your credit with a repossession

>> No.1225508

because when they can't afford a payment one week, they'll pawn parts off for quick cash.
Ask anyone who's ever volunteered in black Africa what happens after they build a water well for a village to have fresh water. Spoiler: with a few months, some easily fixable problem will cause the pump to stop working, and subsequently, the natives will disassemble the entire structure and attempt to pawn it to whitey in some other village.

>> No.1225512

That's when you sue them, and believe me the cops will be more than eager to arrest some local black gangbanger.

>with a few months, some easily fixable problem will cause the pump to stop working, and subsequently, the natives will disassemble the entire structure and attempt to pawn it to whitey in some other village

If this is true that's truly disgusting.

>> No.1225522

Experienced buy-here/pay-here used car lots know that they will have to sell and repo the same vehicle several times before it finally finds a home, so the cost of damage to the vehicle from abuse is already factored into the sales price.
Retail stores do the same thing when they calculate how much merchandise they anticipate 'shrinkage' (merchandise lost to damage/returns/theft) and then raise their prices accordingly.

>> No.1225548

whats your point?

>> No.1225593

If you're making stacks off the nogs, a few guards at $13/hour shouldn't be a problem

>> No.1225605
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the point is that most negroes just don't have the forward-thinking capability to track people or plan out some sort of intricate revenge plot on a dealership because of a grudge.
They're not even clever enough to pinpoint blame on the Democrats who promised them free shit for their votes and then subsequently abandoned their communities and left them to fester in decay. So there's no chance an angry negro will go after a dealership owner. What will likely happen, instead, is the black will show up at the dealership with his baby momma and her six other nignogs, and then they'll rant and chimp out until security guards or the police escort them off the property or haul their asses to jail

>> No.1225644


>> No.1225649
File: 631 KB, 2048x1536, 20110714-00244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't bother suing these types. Getting a judgement and collecting on a judgement are two completely different things. You can't get blood out of a stone. Plus you've already made your money or broke even - why bother?

Using anything to disable the vehicle is stupid.

>debtor misses payment
>lender disables car (often having no idea where it is)
>debtor may be out and about.. has car towed to mechanic
>"damn finacing company screwed me, heres $100 to take it off
>pay more money to repo guy to track it down (taking away from your bottom line), possibly never finding it

Or worse yet..
A few years ago this debtor was pissed off the finance company disabled his car at work. He had it towed home and decided to scrap it the best he could. Pic related - it's what I picked up for the finance company. He even punched holes in the gas tank to take the fuel if I remember right.. kek

>> No.1225745
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gee, I wonder who could be behind this post

>> No.1225764

>make absurd racists comments
>get called out on it

It's the jews fault I swear

>> No.1225880

the truth has now become a hate crime.
thinking for yourself is modern heresy.

>> No.1226018
File: 767 KB, 500x281, spofa3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating jews
>on /biz/

>> No.1226065

that's bullshit. OP, this is already an industry. Any car dealer that does it's own financing is this sort of scum.

>> No.1226068

that's just not true. Many dealerships already do this.

>> No.1226080

i would never buy a car on loan lol the entire concept just fascinates me. what stupid people go into... they don't give a flying fuck about privacy and shit.

>> No.1226290

Buying anything except 80's Mercedes is almost always a dumb idea.

Also, you still haven't told me how you're going to locate the device with your magic megger.

>> No.1226337

the theory is you find the device by consumption if it's always on, if it's only on when the ignition is on then it's harder you have to disconnect everything manually and see what circuit still consumes. follow the wires and find everything.

>> No.1226341

failing that you can try to detect the sat up-link signal with hardware specifically made for it.

also you can check the usual places where this can be hidden in a car if it has a standalone power source. that is the underside of the car any anything that has window and plastic above it and no metal.

>> No.1226355

>i played gta v

>> No.1226373

It's not illegal if you put it in the fine print

You really think nogs are gonna read that?

>> No.1226395

Op, what you are looking for is

>down payment is your cost
>every monthly is pure profit
>still repo and small claims, but you this enhances profitability, you don't lose money ever since the down covers your investment in the car.

No, this is not a new idea

>> No.1227955


>> No.1228848

>what stupid people go into...

They're not stupid necessarily. Just poor. Most of the debtors I encounter are going through divorce, bankruptcy, career losses etc and don't have a choice. If you've got no money and you need wheels to find a job your choices are limited.

>detect the sat up-link signal with hardware specifically made for it

The most likely way you'll find it. You still haven't thought of things like sat radio and OnStar (which both produce a signal). Like I said earlier.. they're really cleverly hidden.