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12240936 No.12240936 [Reply] [Original]

What's your 2019 EoY prediction on Electroneum? Pajeetcoin heading to 0 or best alt?

>> No.12240939

mobile mining lol...
total shitcoin

>> No.12240961

xtl releases actual mobile mining and etn goes to zero.

>> No.12241050

I like it at the beggining when the coin has no exchange and it was purely mining, i remember shilling on discord and telegram.
We used to do OTC trading, very cool, small community, then the english guy, the CEO decided to pay cryptopia 35.000 US$ to list the coin there, and it went crazy, that shitcoin exchange practically bring the price of ETN up and many new miners join.
the price lirerary went parabolic in a few months, and the CEO didnt list the coin anywhere else, so the only place was cryptopia.
then the exchange became to scam their users and many deposits and withdrawals got lost, the users lost faith in the coin, and it all collapse,
i will not blame cryptopia, because we all know its a shitcoin exchange run by new zealand pajeets, but i will blame the CEO of ETN .he didnt list the coin on other exchanges, it dsnt have to be a big exchange, call it binance, etc, but he can list it on hitbtc, tradesatoshi, crex24, stex, cryptobridge, you name it.
the coin was literary imploding in shit in cryptopia and he did not do anything about.
so basically ETN right now its a shitcoin that will not go anywhere, maybe if they rebrand it and do a swap for a TRON token.

>> No.12241085

Been invested in crypto since 2013. Bought ETH at 50. First XRB at .90. Through my whole portfolio, electroeum is one I consider a massive risk. Whilst mobile mining does sound stupid, there are people in the third world where 3-4 electroneum will make a difference in their life. These guys don’t have the time nor the resources to browse biz and discern through the bullshit and accumulate bizcoins waiting for “the bullrun” etc...for them electroneum will make an immediate difference. I’m holding for now. But in all honesty, ETN, REQ and ARY are the coins I hold where my guess is as good as yours but I’m happy to take a punt as it’s money i’m “happy” to lose. So far, my gut feeling has allowed me to make more gains then I ever expected and I’m happy to take the chance.

>> No.12241164

It doesn't actually mine on a mobile. It's a simulator and it's been crashed because of people like me running 100x versions of bluestacks and emulating the miner.
I warned biz about this the day it was released.

>> No.12241177
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> mobile mining game

$0.00 anon

ETN has no devs, get yourself some turtle.

>> No.12241179
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>> No.12241264

Xtl mobile mining blows everyone's phones up, goes to 0. People jump onto ETN and price his £1.

>> No.12241302

KYC company store wallet
are you retarded

>> No.12241602

First mover, good marketing, partnerships, KYC....I think we all know who's retarded in this thread (hint: it's you).

>> No.12241809

KYC is a good thing, they are getting MASSIVE partnerships because of it. You wont be seeing any other crypto getting partnerships with Thailands biggest mobile service provider ONE DEVELOPEMENT

>> No.12241850

partnership is keyword for scam coin, and they are never coming you dumb ass
KYC is the kiss of death, it kill the peer to peer nature of it, it makes it impossibly hard for normies to adopt it and it makes it useless as crypto

>> No.12241889

people that think this is a shitcoin seem to know nothing about what the coin is building and whats its already succeeded so far. It has huuuuge partnerships and they are developing the infrastructure to connect trillions of dollars to the rest of the world. its not about the west, they are putting the 3rd world first. no one has put this much effort in connecting the 3rd world with a digital economy. They may not have a good price for the coin atm but they have still been succeeding with the development of the coin and company. the price at the moment doesnt matter in my opinion but we could be waiting years before massive returns.

>> No.12241910

I would like to know, who is the person behind this post? Tell us a little about yourself anon.

>> No.12241929

My god you're an idiot. Can you walk into a bank and open an account without any Id? How about get a legitimate job with a company without giving them your name? No. It's for fraud protection, tax etc. KYC is necessary. And partnerships are a great thing. Stay poor faggot.

>> No.12241953

pure trash.

no big shop is going to accept etn as payment unless they have a banking relationship that allows it to be converted instantly to global currency, yes small village users may use it to swap services etc but again say I pay my mechanic in Etn , is he really going to risk holding a volatile crypto as payment for his work?
It's a seriously flawed model that is going to throw lots of coins around and spend millions on marketing to try to get as much adoption as possible.
Further they will be required to do KYC over $150 volume in a few months, so how is that any different from them going to a bank and giving their documents and getting an account ? Only villages with no banks need apply .

Good luck making a fortune with that.

>> No.12242124

was not in the white paper
ETN is a fork of monero
ETN was cool, it is dead now

>> No.12242160

In the end the CEO will just come put and say, we tried, did not worked, oh well lest move on, it is too early for those cryptoes anyways.

Notice how this "coin" has a CEO, and the whole value proposition is based of partners.

Richard will run out of money, he is already siphoning into another project.

>> No.12242927

What other project are you taking about??

>> No.12244119

That's the absolute worst CryptoNote coin. Stay away from it.

>> No.12244185
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>ETN lol
>imagine not buying XTL and just wait the obvious flippening.

>> No.12244223

The mobile mining for etn sucks. Rewards were reduced significantly and it doesnt actually mine in the background anymore. It only mines if the app is running actively and still with reduced rewards.

>> No.12244242

>another useless shitty fork

>> No.12244333

1.6M market cap vs 55M
6 sats vs 200 sats
rank 600 vs rank 60 in cmc
No Premine
Active and talented devs vs no devs/complete illiterate devs
Only on one exchange (TO)
Working products vs simulated airdrop
Upcoming news

I don't know if mobile mining will ever take off, but I know where to place my bets.

>> No.12244355

This. It's a shit tier project. Wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole.

>> No.12244577

The absolute definition of a pajeet shitcoin. I spent months mining this shit for the hell of it and didn't even get more than $10 out of it. I'm sure that is a yearly salary for someone in Punjab.

>> No.12244810

Both scams. I really don't see any reason to chose any one of them instead of Monero.
Also, the dev of XTL is literally a pajeet.

>> No.12245499

Always do the opposite as biz tells you to anon

>> No.12246775

In this case, do the opposite of what the shills of this shitcoin say.