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12239220 No.12239220 [Reply] [Original]

>Wealth inequality keeps growing
>Hating capitalism seems to be a rapidly growing trend
>Major changes will occur within our lifetime due to automation, mass immigration, wealth inequality, etc with results we can't predict

Anyone else worried that their wealth may be expropriated? I'm getting concerned about working so hard and investing just to lose it all because poor people get mad. Are my concerns unfounded? Are we safe?

>> No.12239226

If you’re funds are in a bank you are fucked if in a brain wallet crypto you are okay

Fuxk commies

>> No.12239228

>Anyone else worried that their wealth may be expropriated?

None of us are near rich enough to worry about that. Stop having the crabs in a bucket mentality of holding down everyone because you believe one day you won't be down here with the rest of us

>> No.12239229

The rich are stealing from you every single day, and you're worried about the poor. Very good goy.

>> No.12239230

your concerns are valid.

bitcoin unironically will be the future. welcome anon.

>> No.12239250

If you turned on the news and saw someone pushing a new bill to make investing with the intent to make capital gains illegal because muh evil capitalism would you be surprised
How long till its racist to own a home

>> No.12239264
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>> No.12239274

Are you a Rothschild by any chance? If so you should indeed be worried.

>> No.12239283
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Speak for yourself

Although I'm not worried

>funds are in a bank
Bitcoin is a safe haven

>> No.12239301

just be on the lookout for revolution sentiments and move out of the country. relocation of wealth will never happen unless things start getting violent. if anything taxes will just increase.

>> No.12239303


This honestly. Communism is usually most beneficial to the rich. The poor get fucked regardless.

>> No.12239320

Ah, the communist-capitalist Jewish cartel

>> No.12239329

Can't things easily get violent with all the upcoming issues we'll be facing?

>> No.12239332


>> No.12239377

If commies try to take my stuff then I will kill their families, then them. It's really that simple.

>> No.12239439

Communism doesn't expropriate personal property. Your anime figurines are safe.

If you're an oil company CEO, or Jeff Bezos, or a Goldman Sachs reptile you have every right to be concerned about the imminent rebirth of communism

>> No.12239444


>> No.12239445

I was concerned about my stock portfolio. Would that not be expropriated?

>> No.12239447

>Communism doesn't expropriate personal property.
Lmao that's exactly what it is. They'd NEVER go after the 1%, the 1% are majority Jewish.

>> No.12239474

Maybe if your stock portfolio is worth 10 billion dollars

>> No.12239477


Stocks are ownership of the means of production.

You do realize you and the rest of society would gain much more overall if wealth were redistributed, right? That's the point of wealth inequality. Increasingly few people have an increasingly disproportionate share of the value that we have all generated through labor and use that capital to pump us full of advertising and keep us insecure, medicated, and distracted.

>> No.12239496

Uphold Maoist-Rothchildist thought?

>> No.12239497

Yes I think i understand that socialists differentiate between personal property and private property but the problem is that this definition seems to have made more sense in the past, now owning stock and some portion of the means of production is very easy and someone with average job can do it. Where is the line drawn or will i lose my whole portfolio?

I probably wouldn't gain much more though from wealth redistribution. Ima be honest my job really produces zero value for society lol

>> No.12239510

Absolutely. There's ample historical evidence that mass migration leads to conflicts and potentially war, especially if Islam is involved, which does not appear to be the main problem in the US - but there are others.

Keep the scenarios in mind but don't let it distract you too much. Try to find counter measures. Relocating may become attractive, and in that case e.g. crypto is good to hold, but some anonymously purchased gold could also help.

Do some basic prepping. Avoid high risk investments. The US are probably better off in many ways, e.g. home expropriations are more likely to occur in Europe or at least earlier.

>> No.12239511

Why would you stay in the country if you have $10 billion and the country becomes hostile to you? Communism never gets their rich people, they leave. It goes after the middle class every time. This is NOT hypothetical it's what has happened every time.

>> No.12239545

Both economic systems suck we need something new and (((original)))

>> No.12239576

yeah... but what if they have nowhere else to go to....

>> No.12239588

I'd personally kill every single communist and their families before I gave them a single cent.

If they ever caught me, I'd send everything I own to the null address.

>> No.12239608
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>implying I'm not writing checks to the local ML organization in order to get in on the ground floor
I am going to get rich off of socialism if it ever comes to that.

>> No.12239615

>etc with results we can't predict

Pretty sure it just increases wealth inequality short term then long term provides tools for more people to advance with disruptive technology.

>> No.12239620

Code is law technocracy.
It has all of the advantages of pure capitalism with all of the advantages of central planning at the same time.

>> No.12239648
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>> No.12239654

Listen fatty, the swoletariat is real and jacked antifa supersoldiers are going to wreck you if you don't hand over that Link

>> No.12239657

Wealth inequality keeps growing because we went off a gold standard and they confiscate our wealth through inflation with fiat.

Capitalism is

1. No or little income taxes

2. Gold standard

3 no central bank and market set interest rates

>> No.12239679

... No.

Wealth inequality exists because capital passivenly generates more capital. The people who labored to create that value are not fairly compensated, unless they have a share of the capital (the means of production) under which they labor.

Wealth inequality has nothing to do with the gold standard, and nor does this thread

>> No.12239687

Hey can you answer me here

Are my stocks going to be safe?

>> No.12239783

Then they use their 10 billion dollars to hire the entirety of blackwater or whatever other "security contractors" to overthrow their government

>> No.12239824

Lol what wealth? Dis nigga serious? They can take everything they want, I got nothing.

>> No.12239834

You're just jealous that I have an "in".

>> No.12239848

Buy index funds, ride the wave of capitalism, if it dies we're all fucked anyway

>> No.12239865

>t. brainlet who doesn't live in a shithole that actually went through the process
Anyone from Eastern Europe can tell you that you don't understand exactly how fast the levels of JUSTing escalate during a communist takeover.
What starts off as "the elite" very quickly turns into "anyone who is free of debt and has a year's/6 months' worth of salary saved up.

>> No.12239877
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>> No.12239904
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>deports traitors to vietnam
>helps Cuba's communist government reassert itself
>made peace with NK

>> No.12240031

Read the constitution dumbass. Having a Jew central bank and no sound money is why our country is in an economic mess.

>> No.12240034

Make sure you have at least 250 ounces of silver and a few ounces of gold.

Just fucking do it

>> No.12240044

In 1964 under a gold standard min wage was 1.25$. 5 silver quarters taken to a coin shop today you'd get about 16$ for them.

So someone in 1964 had the purchasing power of someone making about 16$ today.

Which is why you never heard the term "income inequality" under a gold standard.

So someone making min wage under a gold standard has about 1.5x the purchasing power as someone making min wage today.

Get fucked

>> No.12240088

Hah. Based and redpilled. A likelier event is the dollar collapsing. We’re back to feudalism. God save the Linkies

>> No.12240148

I was thinking more if it was a worldwide push. But ya if you have ten billion you probably already have citizenship in ten countries and a private jet to get you out when the huddled masses come for your bitcoins.

>> No.12240252
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>Communism doesn't expropriate personal property.

You are very wrong.

>> No.12240467

so basically we're not in capitalism at all?

>> No.12240594

It's crony capitalism. The government isn't transparent at all and is ran by politicians who are almost all bought. Better than communism though since at least you actually have a chance to make it.

>> No.12241616

they won't be able to take away my shitcoins

>> No.12241653

National socialism is capitalism.

Bolshevism is capitalism.

Mao was capitalist.

Also, there is no good, or bad capitalism.

Maybe danish have it better than Venezuelan but the same principles of Capitalism apply.

>> No.12241662

it was the gold standard that mostly fucked the US into the great depression though. Obviously Fed fucked it up and didn't respond appropriately, but the gold standard was also weighing it down

>> No.12241708

Rich social democracies won't go full commie because they will just gradually "reform" and the population is too comfy to really put big pressure or revolt.
Burgeristan conditions for workers are so bad that revolution would be on the table though. The powers that be are great at manipulating people to misdirect their anger, so maybe they'll cuck the revolution with a deep state caused big reform or fake revolution (change you can believe in taken up a level ecks dee)

>> No.12241721


>so basically we're not in capitalism at all?

Yes we are.

You guys don't know what capitalism is.

Capitalism is a mode of production were exist two class of people. The producers and the owners of the means of production.


He is talking about a prior version of capitalism.

History doesn't go backwards.

>> No.12241736
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>Read the constitution dumbass.
Cmon dude. Really. Think about what was said and think about how relevant this is in a response.

>> No.12241758

It's pointless to convince these trans-rich wageslaves that going to an effective living standard above current median wage level for everyone, while they themselves are currently at maybe half of that, is in their own interests.

In their heads, they're all "going to make it" in the rent seeking business and profit off the work of others. Oy vey you're stealing their future rent seeking derived wealth!

>> No.12241776

bullet in

>> No.12241810

Yeah well they cry about wage cucking all day then they get mad as fuck when you criticize capitalism.

But most of the time they don't understand capitalism and think that Bolshevism was communism when in fact it was State capitalism. The owner of the means of production in Bolshevism is indeed the State.

>> No.12242208

Pretty much everything except housing cost way more back then when you adjust for inflation though. You can buy a lot more with 8 bucks today than you could with 16 bucks back then adjusted for inflation.

>> No.12242710

Nah we are just going towards a cyberpunk dystopia filled with cheap opioids and sex bots. That's why you need to make your money now. Before the AI close out the window.

>> No.12242734

once mass automation happens is when everyone gets to live real life not a misty haze.
if it does happen then a dictatorship has to happen. to much profit to be made for people to be hoarding it has to be distributing properly

>> No.12242812

Post nose with timestamp