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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12237477 No.12237477 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think he lurks here..?

>> No.12237503

maybe, he is peak normie like most of you faggots after all

>> No.12237600

>>12237477 (checked)

>> No.12237811

Is he actually out in public telling people to buy the dip? Holy fuck, there really is a depression coming, isn't there?

>> No.12237851

he's right you know

>> No.12237864


>> No.12237876

why buy now and not wait 6 months for us to hit rock bottom?

>> No.12237880

Fuck this stupid faggot, I’m not buying shit until they take this retards twitter away

>> No.12237904

He's unironically right

>> No.12238000


>> No.12238080

>If I swear enough I'll look like a man
What do they put in city water that produces these people?

>> No.12238084


>the orange con man says to buy

Obvious sell signal.

Looks like we are no where near the bottom yet.

>> No.12238099

Buy the dip pls sirs.
-President of the United States

>> No.12238107

It was supposed to happen later next year, but they pulled the plug early, probably big shit coming early '19.

>> No.12238136

When we pulled out of Syria they tanked the market and Israel started coming out with some "totally proof" about Russia wanting Trump to be President. It's mostly disappointing to see relatives fall for it.

>> No.12238143

Did I offend you snowflake?

>> No.12238158

This is sad.

>> No.12238165

>Here is the real Orange Pill: There is a Vishnu living in the oval office

>> No.12238183
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He predicted the housing dip down to the day

>> No.12238184

Andraes warned of this. They will rally their own people into stocks/usd as everything falls.
Yet people keep trusting these politician scammers.

>> No.12238185
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>> No.12238195

He started a mortgage company right before the housing bubble burst. He isn't good at business AT ALL.

>> No.12238205

He doesn’t but Barron does. How do I know? The answer will shock you

>> No.12238226

Fuck off Barron.

>> No.12238233

I wish I could ...

>> No.12238270

>tfw you will never get rich from LINK while your dad MAGAs

>> No.12238279

/biz/ goes to the White House

>> No.12238282

>orange con man begs for someone to get on the other side of his short positions

>> No.12238302
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>> No.12238500

I'm virtually certain one of his sons shitposts on /pol/...you can probably guess which one.

>> No.12239098


>> No.12239117

president shilling his bags

>> No.12239139

swearing doesnt mean shit you jackass

>> No.12239142

Baron obviously holds crypto

>> No.12239166

Pretty sure that anon was talking about Jr. to which I agree.

>> No.12239627

Daisy Hogg, is that you?

>> No.12239645

diversity, reality, and actual stress. your bubble is about to pop retard.

>> No.12239664

Seeing how the OECD total put/call ratio was blown out to over 1.8, we could be in for one big short squeeze because the institutional investors who issue those options let them expire worthless the vast majority of the time. I know it’s funny when ‘le ebil bad oranje man’ says it but I think he could be correct, at least for a short term upswing before Q1 financials come out in the final days of January and a bit after

>> No.12240650
File: 60 KB, 300x224, Schiff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not Buying the Dip when Trump tells you too
Good luck Anon

>> No.12240707
File: 83 KB, 1000x1000, 2u5etikk3tm11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy the dip

>> No.12240748

these videos are really creepy when you think about "who is behind the camera" and that he paid these girls to walk around being cute in a cryptocurrency tshirt adding creepy music

>> No.12240755

Why would Trump be on 4chan let alone the internet? I don't even have the time to leisurely type away all day.

>> No.12240774

not to mentioned underage

>> No.12240786

>Do you think he lurks here..?

He didn't mention cheapies yet.

>> No.12240833

Would donald buy link? He wouldn't. He's not my president.

>> No.12240837

Consider suicide.

>> No.12240841

checked and keked