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1223272 No.1223272 [Reply] [Original]

hey, didn't know if this is correct place to post but.

i hate my job and want to go back to school. i figure i'm good enough at what i do now to start my own business and i know i'd make just as much money as if i got a good paying job in another field but i just am sick of it.

all that being said i goofed off in high school and college and drank beer, smoked dope and partied my ass off for 8 years. now i want to do something more challenging but i don't have the highschool prerequisites for a stem program. how do i get into university if i'm a college dropout with a bare minimum highschool diploma?

>TL:DR I fucked up ad didn't take school seriously and now i'm 25 and want to go back to school. how to get in.

>> No.1223284

Go back in time and don't be a fuck up

Seriously though, the grass is always greener.

>> No.1223287
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well.... barring time travel do you know if someone can take high school courses after they graduate?

also are you suggesting i shouldn't bother and just start my own business instead?

>> No.1223300

yes you can take night classes or maybe summer school

>> No.1223364

I'm saying that you should look more closely at the opportunities that are more readily available to you

To me it sounds like you're overly romanticizing the outcome of going back to college.

>> No.1223456

Figure out the kind of degree you want to get in college and look at the classes that you will need to take.

Take classes at a crappier college or community college that will transfer to the college you want to get into. Do well for at least two semesters and then apply for the college you want to go to.

There's no guarantee that the college you want to go to will accept you but the above is a path that has worked from some people. You should talk to the college you want to go to and ask about their admissions process.

Oh, you'll probably want to take the SAT or ACT, too, and get a good score.

>> No.1223467

>well.... barring time travel do you know if someone can take high school courses after they graduate?
What you're looking for is community colleges (or night schools or whatever--we don't have those around here). They basically let anyone in, even if you have to talk to them about your intent this time, and give you a second chance. But you have to be smart about it. If you're not going to get an associate's degree in something, then take only classes that transfer. Pick the college you're aiming to go to and find out what transfers to them. Ideally, you should go talk to them as well. Find out what you even have to do to get accepted there, and see if you even need to prove your intent. They have huge admissions offices and recruiters that will talk to you, so go talk to them. Then do what you gotta do.

If you can't even get that far, then take certification classes (Microsoft, etc.... there's a million of them out there) till you can prove yourself there.