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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12227089 No.12227089 [Reply] [Original]

/pol/ here. The US is planning to abandon Israel in January. The stock market will crash (as you are seeing) and they will then revert to a gold backed currency. There will be a period of instability but things will improve later in time. If you are in the stock market, get out. Crypto and gold are your best bet.

>> No.12227096


>The US is planning to abandon Israel in January


>> No.12227110 [DELETED] 

We are pulling out of the region.


>> No.12227143

Sup /pol/? What do you think about Walmart’s $14.88 price point?

>> No.12227171

Hi and ty /pol

But as biznessmen we kinda knew that if FIAT goes recession with stocks that the other places sheep are going to look into investing are metals and crypto (for hype) and this is our ticket to earn from unsuspecting normal working people!

Thanks anyways and happy xmas!

>> No.12227188

You don't understand. The US government is abandoning the Federal Reserve.

>> No.12227192

Explain yourself Jethro

>> No.12227193

>withdraw troops
>stop financial aid
what else is there?

>> No.12227196

thanks for the transfer of wealth, trump did a good job!

>> No.12227206

How do you earn from.sheep investing in metals and crypto without looking like a sheep investing in metals and crypto yourself.

>> No.12227207

is this unironically good for Bitcoin?

>> No.12227210

based /pol/ always lending tips to other boards.

thank you and merry christmas

>> No.12227215

the US is not planning to abandon israel

>> No.12227216
File: 39 KB, 634x424, Phugge-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls sirs get the shiny rock. is the new vindaloop standards soon dont miss out sirs

>> No.12227222

This sounds amazing. Trump will MAGA

>> No.12227226

Explain then and dont be a cuck bro!

Is it your first time newbie? You buy low and sell the hype geeez...

>> No.12227227
File: 158 KB, 1238x650, 1545688583079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Rothschilds are terrified

>> No.12227258

are the alien overlords going to execute them for failing to enslave humanity?

>> No.12227271

What the fuck are there actually legit breadcrumbs here? There's no way we can go back to the gold standard, gold would have to be worth how much to make this happen? Anyone got figures? There would have been a gold pump already if there was a kernel of truth

>> No.12227287

Fed reverting to gold would be bullish for me but I don't belive that one bit.

>> No.12227292
File: 523 KB, 1027x1767, Screenshot_2018-12-22-22-50-44-163_com.android.chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the US goes back to gold standard, Rothschild's will dump the price of gold.

>> No.12227342
File: 82 KB, 480x300, abraham-lincoln_trans_NvBQzQNjv4Bqeo_i_u9APj8RuoebjoAHt0k9u7HhRJvuo-ZLenGRumA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best scenario would be to issue greenbacks from the Treasury. Just like Lincoln, Jackson, Kennedy, well you get the point.

>> No.12227347

Get in before them?

>> No.12227352

Yes. Glowniggers are posting them all over. They've been planning this for a while.

>> No.12227359

Wrong. I split half my time between /biz and /pol David Rothschild twitter rant is funny but like there is this narrative on /pol that Trump is going to end the FED and Mnuchin has been to Fort Knox etc
and all that's true, yes but Mnuchin was weathering the storm about Trump not wanting to fire Powell just days ago. So I don't buy it.

>> No.12227360

there's a reason why we call you people /pol/tards
get the fuck out of here you mediocre piece of shit

>> No.12227362

If that truly happens they will have lost and will have very a very limited space to act within.

>> No.12227378

(((They))) fucked Donald.
(((They))) deserve it.

>> No.12227411

Don't care how much you like Trump, America will never give up on the Fed and Israel. Trump's no Hitler.

>> No.12227422

>Fed decides to curb the massive amount of money printing
>Stocks crash and Trump gets mad
>Fed gets abandoned
You realize that you can't arbitrarily print gold or bitcoin, right?

>> No.12227433

wouldnt donald get an heroed if this is true?

>> No.12227453
File: 82 KB, 950x558, gw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't underestimate them. The revolutionary war was fought because the colonies started printing their own currency (colonial script), and stopped using the Bank of England's manipulated currency. The Bank of England then set up printing presses in the colonies and flooded the colonies with counterfeit money, causing a depression. Then the crown levied heavy taxes on the colonies, and the rest is history.

>> No.12227469

>You realize that you can't arbitrarily print gold or bitcoin, right?

/Biz will make a new crypto currency that we can arbitrarily print.

>> No.12227481

Fuck that shit
Rothtachi wa mou shindeiru

>> No.12227519

I don't believe the central bankers will win, but they will unleash hell on Earth before they give up, so get ready. Gold, silver, guns, ammo, Bitcoin, and food storage, and access to fresh water. They will not go quietly.

>> No.12227558

Based, good advice.

>> No.12227561

I'm not sure how it played out under Nixon but I can't imagine the rest of the government not being 10x more savage to anything he wants to do than they already have been, if he doesn't get shot.

>> No.12227571

If we go gold standard wouldn't equities simply be revalued in gold uh, dollars? They're a tangible stake in a tangible company.

>> No.12227579

Good, fuck Zionists

>> No.12227600

Gold standards don't work
If trump pegs the usd at .0001 ounces everyone holding dollars loses 80% of their wealth
Then in another 20 years they reduce the peg in the next financial crisis
Wake up

>> No.12227619

what about crypto?

>> No.12227626

idk bro,
the stock market isnt properly allocated
theres a bunch of fake stock , people just literally invent stock out of thin air and sell it, free money
theres no way to know who owns what

most of these companies are led by criminals and poison the earth and the people as their bottom line
its all worth 0, or maybe even negative.

maybe some stocks are actually worthwhile
but fuck that.
put them all on the blockchain then well see whats actually valuable fucking ponzi scheme

the only reason people invest in stupid fucking stocks is because the fed keeps printing money and devauling everything while pamping stocks with the same fake money thats causing inflation fuck those people

>> No.12227640

gold standerps ar ea fucking meme bro
all u can do is go back to actual gold and silver
go to bitcoin
maybe the treasury can print some notes and back it with some economic indicator or assets like a basket of things idk
but fuck it
fuck trusting people to say their currency has value because they say so
its all just toilet paper in the end


>> No.12227645

didn't the US send 40 billion to Israel just last month?

out of interest how much attention did that receive in the us?

>> No.12227727

From the point of view of a person no one can stop you using gold as money
From the point of view of the state i dont see any way of establishing a non inflationary currency without destroying foreign communist governments.
Bitcoin can kill communism because it lets every person on earth choose their monetary policy as its not as sanctionable as gold

>> No.12227776
File: 76 KB, 309x336, 1545571981920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinks he knows better than us

>> No.12227827


>> No.12227875

>theres a bunch of fake stock , people just literally invent stock out of thin air and sell it, free money

I don't disagree with you anon, but most of the loans made by banks these days are fake computer money being created out of thin air that doesn't even exist in reality. It's worse than the printed money.

A decent amount of society knows about this, yet nobody does shit about it.

>> No.12227915

Russia bought a lot of gold in the past.

>> No.12228018

They still are. So is China. We’ve been secretly storing it as well.

>> No.12228168

this guy is going to get murdered after he watches his whole family get skinned alive in front of him
I wouldn't want to be a jew in the next decade, they're about to be annihilated

>> No.12228283 [DELETED] 

>Trump dindu nuttin
>Listen and believe
nah, fuck it.
I'm a communist now.

>> No.12228291

none of this makes any sense whatsoever.

>> No.12228305


>Listen and believe
nah, fuck it.
I'm a communist now.

>> No.12228313

Crypto and gold are my best bet? Really? Crypto has no value Gold is the only thing you should be buying right now.

>> No.12228333

Buy silver

>> No.12228346

>muh orange man good
>muh the reason I live with my parents is because of the Jews
>muh shiny rocks

>> No.12228375

Nope silver isn't regarded as highly as gold. Gold is the best thing to get right now. People who buy silver over gold are poorfags.

>> No.12228384


15 years ago I did computer repair work for one of the Rothschilds who lived in a large city near me. He was part of the family, but wasn't involved in the banking part of their business.

The guy owned a company that one of my family members worked at, and he asked the employees for someone to fix his laptop at home. My family member gave him my contact info (fuck you for doing that), and the Rothschild dude called me.

He was creepy and paranoid as fuck. I told him over the phone to just take his laptop to Best Buy and have them fix it, because I didn't want to drive an hour away to do it. He said he didn't trust anyone to do it. So I drove down to his multi-million dollar apartment in a highrise building in a downtown major US city, and fixed his laptop. I think the guy was in his 70's at the time. He was very creepy, socially awkward as fuck, and I wanted to get out of there as quick as possible.

I did this a few more times over the next year and then never heard from the guy again. I think he died.

>> No.12228486

That's true, and exactly why you should own some.

>> No.12228520

I should be skeptical bc its 4chan but this is believable

>> No.12228607


if it happens i'd want to be holding btc

>> No.12228750


>> No.12228790


>> No.12228802
File: 108 KB, 1280x962, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy Bitcoin and Gold

>> No.12228814

No joke etc. but whats the point of a video like that? You dont really get to see the city and its just like closeups of this girl looking around.

>> No.12228931

Thanks Q

>> No.12229047
File: 80 KB, 396x378, 1543548267164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is kek so full of horseshit today

>> No.12229049

whos the gril
sauce the gril plz

>> No.12229092


It's not a story I'm proud of anon. To be honest the only time I remember doing it is when I see someone mention the Rothschild name, otherwise it's a memory that I'd rather forget.

The guy creeped me out and I wasted maybe 5 sundays that year fixing his laptop. I'm glad he stopped calling me, or died, whichever really happened.

>> No.12229215


attention seeking for the roastie

>> No.12229260

We're all just a bunch of poor and stupid peasants. Why would we be able to fix anything.

>> No.12229356

Why are commodity-backed currencies, or non-national currencies, good again? Like, let's imagine we adopted BTC as a currency. Wouldn't that lead to the Chinese manipulating your currency since they are responsible for most of the bitcoin mining? Why is this desirable? I can see it as a settlement layer, but...

Same goes for gold, really.

>> No.12229509

can GBP (good boy points) replace the dollar?

>> No.12229514

>The US is planning to abandon Israel in January
lol no. Israel lobby transcends party line

>> No.12229520

They aren't anon,
we're just backlashing against the FED.
In reality the only thing that ever truly works is barter and prostituition.

>> No.12229533

What's so bad about just... issuing money in accordance with labor force growth? This seems like a logical thing to do.
>muh inflation
Your wages go up too. Just buy stocks if you're worried about inflation.

>> No.12229539

>The US is planning to abandon israel
Breathes in*

>> No.12229560

the US cant go back to gold backed currency at this point. It would make the recession worse and make normies panic as their dollars very quickly depreciate

>> No.12229604

>The US is planning to abandon Israel in January
LOL. No, we're not. We're abandoning Saud - who just announced they're sending troops to Syria.
>The stock market will crash
LOL. No.
>revert to a gold backed currency
LOL. Not happening in your lifetime.
>There will be a period of instability but things will improve later in time.
Weak hand, lame ass "prediction" that covers all the bases, so hard it's not even a prediction.
>If you are in the stock market, get out. Crypto and gold are your best bet

The only good thing /biz has proved itself good at all year is losing money. But you keep pretending you know what's going on. Keep posting "something might happen, or it might not" predictions, they're funny as hell.

>> No.12229623

>FIAT goes recession with stocks
This is THE most meaningless statement I've seen posted on /biz all day.

Bravo. You win the "retard of the day" gold star.

>> No.12229637

LOL. No, dummy. Trump is sniveling about the Fed on Twitter. I've seen no indication from anyone else in the Federal government state that they're abandoning the Fed. Which would create so much chaos, the world would never recover.

>> No.12229641


>> No.12229644

The only people talking about going back to a gold standard is 4chan. Relax. They're just all larping that they're smart.

>> No.12229649

hey i like the way u kek
ba da da
i like the wayyyy u kek
ba da da

>> No.12229652

Trump doesn't have the power to end the Fed, dumbnigger.

>> No.12230329


Their charter to issue currency can be ended

>> No.12230383

i can smell the fucking latkes from here.

>haha, i'll just say "no u" to everything like usual, works like a charm
>the stock market won't crash

already did, shlomo. you're getting desperate.

>> No.12230393

>things will improve later in time
Yeah as soon as we get Trump out of office and implement an embargo on Russia along with all of western europe, things will start picking up.
I can't wait until you guys lose internet access and Russia once again becomes a containment country.

>> No.12230443

Based and redpilled

>> No.12230510

