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1222601 No.1222601 [Reply] [Original]

What inspires you to make it big /biz/?

>> No.1222611

my first love returning to me

>> No.1222612
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Because I can, I don't even know anymore I don't even spend a lot of money.

>> No.1222617


Searing hatred of the girl who dumped me got me back into my 5/3/1 lifting routine after 2 years and made me work hard to get a job.

She KILLED my trust and interest of having a girlfriend too. I only want to fuck and chuck now.

>> No.1222618

my mom has 4 kids and at least 1 of us need to make her proud

>> No.1222619

What do you do? What do you make?
If you make lots you may as well buy some nice things.

>> No.1222620

So I can chill desu

>> No.1222622

Haha, nice!

>> No.1222704

So I can live how I want and everyone else can fuck off. I have a 200k goal to start my own property on 40 acres.

>> No.1222708

Nothing. It's a wonder I'm not suicidal since I make stupid amounts of money, have no desire to spend hardly any of it, and have no vision for the future. I'm envious of every grumbling husband and father for the sheer fact that they have people that care about where they are and if they're coming home tonight.

>> No.1222712

>stupid amounts of money
How do you make your money? How much are you making ?

>> No.1222714

If you give me your money I'll be your friend or something man.

>> No.1222731

I would take a Bentley or Rolls if I hit it really big but honestly my dream is a paid off nice house and a Cadillac CTS-V loaded.

>> No.1222736

Freedom and possible power. I want security and freedom basically, the ability to buy anything I wish within reason.

>> No.1222739



>> No.1222740


It's kinda nice to have that trump card that you can pull at any time any place an no one can say shit.

It's like I was at some bar the other night and this bitch was giving me flack.

I can just be like, "oh well I got money flowing into my bank account like a river. So you were saying...?"

>> No.1222751

You haven't had fun until you've paid another mans bill at a restaurant who was obviously on a date, and winked at his woman when the waiter informed them. Total emasculation. You can cuck a lot of fags when you have more money than them.

>> No.1222756


Being a cunt out of nowhere to strangers on a date will get you fucked up senpai. Mind your own business, look for better ways to try and prove you're a big man.

>> No.1222758

Those feels

>> No.1222768

>"lol remember that autist that paid for our dinner the other night? he was so ugly lmfao"
>"yeah what a faggot rofl, now suck my dick bitch"
>"yes sir ;3"

literally what would happen

>> No.1222786

Paying my tab at a restaurant? That's awesome, hopefully you live near me.

Whatta cuck...

But seriously, my inspiration at this point is just to see what I can accomplish, like a pinball high score. That's it.

>> No.1222796


Why do you want to be poor is a better question tbqh.

>> No.1222798
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Holy shit are you me? I feel a little less pathetic now

>> No.1222847
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I would have a better outlook even if I had zero money, and would make it all again anyway.
Your problem sounds like you are scared of unknown factors.
Are you a trust fund kid?
You already had access to the right circles and networks, amirite?
This kind of Affluenza rarely affects self-made entrepreneurs who had to struggle from zero or less, because they rarely develop the mental toughness and 'bootstrapping' mindset necessary to adapt through tough times.

You could pay me to be your life coach - results in advance - you pay nothing if you do not have a complete life transformation within 30-60 days.

If I do, we can negotiate on the compensation.
Any advice will be minimum effort and reversible.
This is win-win.

>> No.1223149
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tfw this got me started
tfw now ín shape of my life and earning more than 80% of my age group
>worth 6 figures and 21 with no loans, started from -70k
>realise I don't know why am I here for real
>I don't even care about making the hoe mad anymore
>So now I'm just going along with this succesful thing
>well at least I got a plan
>spent two days contemplating actually this
>realise all my drive is when I get heart broken and I suddenly am able to pump six months of insanity in to success
>because I need to make the hoes bitter
Feels weird, then again, three years down the drain with that hoe.

>> No.1223155

I started with nothing from a fairly poor home and paid my way through some college and then found a very profitable industry that offers high pay and opportunities for advancement. I'm not rich, but I do very, very well for someone my age and in my circumstances.

You couldn't have painted a less accurate picture of me.

>> No.1223161

Fuck you.

My goal is to be in a situation in 5 years from now that I can just say fuck you to anyone who wants me to do something I don't want to do.

I lived my life from 1-18 talking shit from my parents, I lived my life 22-now taking shit from my clients; I want to be able to say fuck you to anyone that pisses me off and not worry about the consequences. By my estimation, I'm about 5 years away. Maybe closer to ten if the wife and I have a kid.

>> No.1223165

>bragging about your money

Why do people do this? What purpose does it serve? Can't you just rest assured, content with the fact that you're better than someone? I mean really, the ultimate trump card is one you don't actually have to play.

>> No.1223176

This, except my brothers are lazy, self entitled shit heads so I'm the only one left to get the job done. I really don't understand how someone can grow up poor and not have the drive to become successful. That shit really pisses me off.

>> No.1223191

I find I work harder and more efficient when I'm working towards any arbitrary goal. So right now my goal is to have enough dosh so I can afford a chauffeured car.

>> No.1223213

In the end we all do it for validation of others.

Show an ex-girlfriend, an abusive family, the world that you made it and you can feel better of yourself because they perceive you better.

I do it so I have enough money to eventually go into politics and 'change the world for the better' which may be even more sad

>> No.1223217

I just want to see the world, and bring a couple of homies and girls with me

>> No.1223227

So I can give the money to people that actually need it.

>> No.1223231


>> No.1223232
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>Grew up not having shit
>Wanted shit
>Got shit

Pretty simple desu

>> No.1223244


You need to be 18 to post here

>> No.1223257


Well its like your previous post. 90% of the time I am humble and nice. I ONLY bring it up if someone starts giving me attitude.

Because someone that gives attitude to a polite person needs to be humbled. And a statement about money is the ultimate vehicle to do so.

>> No.1223260


>> No.1223263


This is only true in America where you status is 100% determined by how much money you make.

In other countries, including Europe, this is only a factor and not a determining one.

>> No.1223282
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I want to be a head honcho. I wonder what I'd if they all did just what I said. I'd shout out an order, "I think we're out of this, man, get me some. Boy! Don't make me wanna change my tone...Maaaahh tone."

>> No.1223353
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Because It's a nice progression and measuring stick in life. It gives direction.

A more more petty motivation, I want to laugh at poorfags

>> No.1223511

I seriously hope you people don't think girls find money attractive. Attractive in that they'll stick around while you're paying their bills, but they aren't physically attracted to you.

Source: senior in college, successful on Tinder, and one of the most common complaints I hear is dudes trying to woo them with money. Money doesn't make you funny. It doesn't make you interesting, it doesn't make you physically fit, it doesn't make you fun to be around, it won't make you taller, it won't make you more attractive.

Please, please don't ever try to win a girl over with money, or you'll end up just like every other loser who hangs out in bars and says all women are whores. They are, but not for the reasons you think.

>> No.1223524

Growing up poor. Also being around people with shitty work ethics and attitudes.

Also why the fuck the not? Settling to be mediocre is sad

>> No.1223533


>> No.1223542


>> No.1223548

This, desu.

I'm also fucking tired of getting barely working 4th hand shit and being expected to be grateful for it.

>> No.1223549

you're a deplorable nigger.

>> No.1223551

You're a good capitalist pleb, you sad sack of sentiments.

>> No.1223554


>> No.1223596

Expensive Korean Masseuses.

>> No.1223599

Yes,but from what you say, you seem low on self-value, and there is a need for acceptance from others, from what I gathered?

It seems you may not be stretching yourself, setting higher goals, and are in a comfort zone?
Or perhaps you feel you have not contributed enough?
Why the feeling of emptiness then?
Why no future vision?
Is your current opportunity mostly academic or corporate/professional?

>> No.1223631

how is this life-coaching any different from prostitution?

>> No.1223638

My grandfather was a humble peasant that enlisted in the army to defend his village from the nazis. The nazis burned down everything but he survived and rebuilt his house caring for his children, eventually giving the opportunity for my father, his son, to go to a big city and become an engineer. My father worked hard and after becoming a professor, married, bought a house and made me, when I was six years old a new war came and the little town where we moved and were living was usurped by right-wing nationalists (we were a european socialist country), we fled to save our lives and their burned our house down. In the same conflict my grandfather was killed and the village raised again by the descendants of the same people that burned the village down in the last war. This time they killed them all, most of my relatives that lived there and burned everything my family ever owned, not only money and valuables, but photographs of my father as a kid, grandfather, books, diaries, our old traditional costumes, things that were passed from generation to generation, now forever lost.

My father lost everything he worked for, my family lost everything they had. My grandfather the peasant gave the opportunity to my father the engineer which has given the opportunity to me, so that one day I will give that opportunity to my son. Every generation has its task, no matter the loss.

>> No.1223833
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>> No.1223843


You took me to a place I'd rather not have visited on a Saturday night in London. Now I have those vivid images in my mind.

>> No.1223886

>So I can live how I want and everyone else can fuck off


I'm already self employed and the only thing I answer to now is the dollar

In the future I won't even answer to that

>> No.1223924
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Makes me grateful that I grew up in a peaceful country

Hope life goes well for you and your son