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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 277 KB, 1600x909, 1-__Dwk58gk_VwLpSxzESFkw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1222376 No.1222376 [Reply] [Original]

Dropping two big pieces of knowledge that virtually none of you know about. Screencap this because it'll become public knowledge later.

Part 1:

Satoshi Nakamoto is Nick Szabo. He’s working on an Ethereum company that’s going to bring real world financial assets to the blockchain. Those who are close to the ground seem to know that he’s building a company on Ethereum, and I get the impression that they don’t want to rock the boat by publicizing this information. I don't want to go too much against the privacy wishes of the guy who made all of this possible. That's why I'm not posting this on rebbit and HN.

I noticed Nick taking extensive notes at a recent Ethereum meetup and briefly asked him about Ethereum and the company that he’s building. He’s working with Donald McIntyre on a company called Global Financial Access which seems to be somewhat similar to what string.technology (a company that Fenbushi/Vitalik has invested in) is attempting. You can find String's Devcon1 videos on youtube.

No one is talking about this because apparently, most people don’t know who Satoshi is despite Vitalik and others repeatedly saying it’s Nick Szabo. Nick asserted that Ethereum is the most advanced and promising blockchain technology which is why he's actively building a company on top of it. This hasn't been priced into the markets yet. There is no reason to own Bitcoin because Ethereum can do everything it can and more.


>> No.1222378

Ethereum is really Nick’s master idea that encompasses Bitcoin and a smart contract universe. People should know who came up with these ideas and that he’s been writing about smart contracts in detail since the 90s. I'm not sure why he's so secretive about it.

Read Nick's blog. Slock.it took his idea of "proplets" from an essay on there. "Formalizing and Securing Relationships on Public Networks" reads like the playbook that the Ethereum community has been following since its inception. The document explains a shared virtual computer that can run digital cash, reputation systems, content rights management and track supply chains among other things. It's the grandfather of the Ethereum white paper.


>> No.1222383

Part 2:

Coinbase is working on integrating Ethereum into their exchange.

I’ve spoken with a number of Coinbase employees who have attended the Ethereum meetups, and it’s obvious to me that they are adding Ethereum to their platform. As their engineers become more acquainted with Ethereum’s thought leadership, I believe Coinbase will expand its operations beyond their exchange.

This is a big deal. Considering the number of large VC stakeholders in Coinbase, I don’t think it will be long before substantial American institutional money begins pouring into the Ethereum sector as Coinbase’s leadership explains to the world’s biggest VC firms why they moved into Ethereum.

That's all.

>> No.1222384

memecoin containment board when?

>> No.1222402
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what a stinking pile of horsecrap

>> No.1222426


>> No.1222430

are you saying i can still get on the train?

>> No.1222432
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From "Formalizing and Securing Relationships on Public Networks"

>> No.1222443

Can some one explain Ethereum to me and how to make money with it?

>> No.1222444


It's magic internet money

>> No.1222445

Is it a bitcoin-like cyrptocurrency or is it different?

>> No.1222446

Its like bitcoin but you can program with it.

>> No.1222468
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>delusional ETH bagholder on damage control
Both groups need a bullet to the brain.

>> No.1222470

you're on it

>> No.1222471

yeah well if you are retarded enough to let random people run code on your computer you deserve what you get.

>> No.1222576
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>> No.1222650

Obviously nothing I say here will have an influence on the price because there are basically no rich people on this board.

I just get a kick out of the idea that some of you will learn this later and shit yourselves when you realize that I wasn't lying. Some of you are smart enough to realize that there's a good chance that I'm telling the truth. And some of you might even buy more Ether after reading this and have a crazy story to tell :)

>> No.1222659

>blockchain technology
The concept is a failure form its inception.
Once the gold rush os over, no-ones going to donate cycles to your ponzi network. There will be nothing in it for them.

Build something people need to actually use the network for or basically fuck off. You idiots haven't peddled a distributed bittorrent/porn network app yet which is proof you are Randia libertarian retards who expect everyone else to work for free.

Bitcoin will fail. This won't even get the chance to.

>> No.1222690

When do you think this will happen? Before or after halving ? Might have convince me to trade my BTC for ETH

>> No.1222742

I'm fucking dumb. Can someone explain this in layman's terms?

>> No.1222753
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In all my years of 4chan, the amount of people coming here to spill insider knowledge has been countless, its a joke now.

I know deep down Ethereum will be extremely successful, but I barely believe anything in the posts you've made. Satoshi isn't Nick, if anything its Gavin Wood. Maybe Satoshi isn't even 1 person, but a small group of programmers.


Nothing to understand, another tard pointlessly explaining why Ethereum won't beat Bitcoin. Of course it fucking won't they're two different things and actually work best when together. Ethereum is the platform that Bitcoin should have been on in the first place. Bitcoin is the perfect currency to use on the Ethereum network. They are complementary, yin and yang, they're not fucking rivals in any way shape or form. One is a currency, the other is a damn entire platform but just with its own token. After all this time retards STILL don't understand these things, despite them being in the firs sentences which describe what Ethereum and what Bitcoin even are.

>> No.1222763


>> No.1222765


>> No.1222774

>Satoshi isn't Nick, if anything its Gavin Wood


No, friend. Satoshi IS Nick. No question.


_S_atoshi _N_akamoto

_N_ick _S_zabo

He couldn't have made it anymore obvious to a bright person.

>> No.1222776

Satoshi might not get revealed by the mainstream press ever because Vitalik will continue to steal the limelight with blockchain news. Bitcoin is such old news that I don't think the reaction will be huge anyway.

Coinbase will probably announce something in the latter half of this year. I will be shocked if it happens before the halving.

>> No.1222781
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>that buterin comment


>> No.1222790

Kek. Naw.

>> No.1222800


>_S_atoshi _N_akamoto
>_N_ick _S_zabo
>any similarity or link whatsoever

You're really reaching mate. V-tec's comment was a joke, even someone as autistic as Vitalik can joke and people like you still take it for fact and confirmation.

>> No.1222801

>not knowing satoshi is david chaum
You're a retard.

>> No.1222808

Vitalik isn't autistic, and the joke flew past your head.

Why didn't you refute anything in the Quora link? You must have not read it despite it being the first thing in the post. It has the most damning evidence.

>> No.1222811

>Vitalik isn't autistic
Kek. Shut this thread down. OP is an idiot.

>> No.1222818

I know this is 4chan, but you people are tiresome. You know it's pretty easy to stop watching a thread, right? You don't need to spam "Naw" and "Kek". It doesn't contribute anything.

Remember this thread and don't kek yourself too hard on the way out.

>> No.1222821


>> No.1222827

>Vitalik and others repeatedly saying it’s Nick Szabo

just a single link to prove one of these instances and I will believe you. otherwise fake.

>> No.1222830

100% wrong. Szabo has said a million times he is not Nakamoto and even goes into great detail on how Nakamoto improved on his concept. Satoshi also credits Szabo in his papers, having read them after he came up with the idea of bitcoin. Szabo was still out pushing bitgold when the whitepapers for bitcoin were released. Szabo also disagrees with Nakamoto on certain aspects of bitcoin.

>Instead of my automated market to account for the fact that the difficulty of puzzles can often radically change based on hardware improvements and cryptographic breakthroughs (i.e. discovering algorithms that can solve proofs-of-work faster), and the unpredictability of demand, Nakamoto designed a Byzantine-agreed algorithm adjusting the difficulty of puzzles. I can't decide whether this aspect of Bitcoin is more feature or more bug, but it does make it simpler.

The evidence for Szabo being Satoshi is incredibly thin. All of those guys had the cyberphunk mentality and used the same terminology, as they all worked together at different points. Bitcoin is more like e-cash than bitgold, even though the names are more similar. Every one of those guys were building on the concept created by David Chaum. Even Szabo was one of his employees. I don't believe that Satoshi is Szabo even for one second.

>> No.1222838

>incredibly thin


So someone who doesn't want to reveal that he's Satoshi is saying he isn't Satoshi? Shocking.

>Szabo was still out pushing bitgold when the whitepapers for bitcoin were released.

No, he wasn't. He forward dated his bitgold blog posts.

>> No.1222856

>incredibly thin
Sorry. I should have said super incredibly thin. Even when it was recognized that bitcoin was 100 times more successful than bitgold, Szabo was still bent on people recogizing bitgold and arguing how it was in many ways superior to bitcoin. This isn't even a debate. Dumbass reporters knew that the identity of Satoshi was a big story so they chose who they thought was the best fit then tried to make a case for it. A lot of the facts are either stretched or fabricated. Read this and all the comments Nick makes at the end and you will see he did not create bitcoin. He still thinks bitgold is better.


>> No.1222858

Fake and gay. Stop bumping this retarded shill thread.

>> No.1222865

>Sorry. I should have said super incredibly thin.

Well, that would have done nothing for your evidence.


>So someone who doesn't want to reveal that he's Satoshi is saying he isn't Satoshi? Shocking.

Am I polluting your precious board? Sorry.

>> No.1222872

>>So some idiots who don't doesn't know who Satoshi is saying Szabo is Satoshi? Shocking
Fucking reporters these days. If there is a financial incentive so make shit up or draw conclusions where there is none, that is exactly what they will do. Remember that these are the same dumbshits who also reported that about a dozen other people are also Satoshi with "strong evidence". You are a fucking shithead. The only reason you believe this shill post over the other shill posts is you are bagholding ethereum (which has been getting wrecked lately) and think that Satoshi being Szabo might lend some credibility to your shitcoin. Then you come on /biz/ repeatng the lame ass theory as if it is fact. Don't you have any amount of shame or were you just born a jackass?

>> No.1222875

>I don't want to go too much against the privacy wishes of the guy who made all of this possible.
Kek. Kys

>> No.1222883

Most of you are too dull to cut through the noise just like journalists. That Quora poster is not a journalist.

Also, it's hilarious that you think prices closely approximate the reality of the situation. Good for you.

Will _you_ have any amount of shame when you're proven to be wrong or will you carry on like a jackass?

>> No.1222884

So... you were just born a jackass then?

>> No.1222890

Fact is I'm Satoshi

>> No.1222896

Good night, fellas.

I'm sure most of you would be much more personable in real life. Regardless, lots of you need to grow up. Remember to screencap this :)

>> No.1222969

Salty bitchcoiner tears

>> No.1223035

OP you're fucking with my head.

As a programmer, there are still some concepts I can't grasp with ethereum that's why I still haven't invested in it yet. But it's tempting, it still hasn't picked up in big medias yet, but recently one of my non-tech friends starting to ask me about ethereum. I was shocked, as this guy is an artist kind of guy.

>> No.1223042

well to be honest eth is trying to be something people can use instead of existing solely to spite banks. i still don't belive in it.

>> No.1223367

ETH does seem to have a bit of momentum

>> No.1223388

that is most likely because the entire concept is retarded.

>> No.1223403

>people not realizing that this is the next crypto boom
Your stupid if you miss the train twice

>> No.1223442

>your stupid
That's ironic. That's bitcucks for you though.

>> No.1223465

Hahahaha nocoiner salt

>> No.1223496

>defending retardation

>> No.1223537
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DAO getting released. ETH already up 25%. Will be $12 by the end of the weekend. Less than $10 days are over.

>> No.1223601
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>being salty while others collect free money

>> No.1223606
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>tfw already sold 50% of my ETH at 0.031

Just thankful I am able to witness these days of glory

>> No.1224103
File: 21 KB, 900x900, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw put $900 in ETH when it was at $14/coin

It'll go back up r-right?

>> No.1225261

We are going to the moon by end of may, screencap this

>> No.1225278

yes. figuring out how to buy ethereum at this stage already puts you well ahead of the rest

>> No.1226146

>Satoshi Nakamoto is Nick Szabo

What about Craig Wright?

>> No.1226153

Fuck I want to get in. What do I need to do? First buy bitcoins right? What's the best platform to buy them?

>> No.1226264


_SA_toshi _N_akamoto


>> No.1226927


>> No.1227016

I'm a full time cryptoeconomist. I can confirm that OP is legit to the full extent of my knowledge.

btw, if you want some super ultra secret insider information: the very concept of currency is about to be btfo by "personalized semantic web" bullshit

>> No.1227034

Nocoiners back at it again with the suicide watch, as usual. They offer little explanation as well. Just cuck yourself and make some money already. No one can even tell

>> No.1227053

>full time cryptoeconomist

>> No.1227056

God, I almost forgot how awful and obnoxious etherm shills are. For a while I almost felt bad for you assholes. I won't let that happen again.

Fucking shills, fucking liars.

>> No.1227068


I honestly started reading the thread out of pure interest but you are so defensive in-spite of declaring you know nothing you say will change things that it makes me doubt the truth in what you say.

If this was a waste of time then i hope you die
If this was a truthful post then you need to work on your refutation and tolerance

>> No.1227108

Truthfully, I wanted to help some underprivileged people make money in an interesting way.

I realize now that determining Satoshi's identity is a big leap of faith for most people to make in light of the recent "outing".

>> No.1227139

Craig Wright is Nakamoto

>> No.1227233


LOL no.

>> No.1227249

so why not ignore those ones in the first place and just share what you came here to share with the ones that are interested?

one might think you are not a familiar with the way things go on this board.

>> No.1227557

Bitcuck cope.

Ethercuck cope.

>> No.1227743

Oh God he just wants to help you guys! That's why he's here, giving you all this big INSIDER TIP, out of good will man, and generosity.

Let's all give the OP a round of applause: clap, clap, clap. Three cheers for OP!