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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1222343 No.1222343 [Reply] [Original]

Where can I buy one?

If there isnt an underground market for this, Why not?

I imagine there is huge potential in counterfeiting basic level degrees that could net a non-retard a 40k entry level position.

I know the very concept is going to chap the asses of the /biz/ people who went to school but that wont change the fact that this is a good idea.

Its not like businesses dont train you on their systems anyway; its not like anyone who isnt retarded cant do an entry level 40k job if he had a fake degree.

>> No.1222349

This thread has been reported to the relevant law enforcement agencies.

>> No.1222351
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Talk to Jonny at the dollar general on third street; she (chosen pronoun) will set you up for $2500.

>> No.1222355

Why would you buy a fake degree?

Is a fake degree that you paid someone else for worth more than a fake degree that you made yourself in paint?

>> No.1222513
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I assume there is a raised seal that would need duplication as well as forged transcripts.

Even if it cost 1-2k to create a good counterfeit, it sure beats jumping through the college hoop.

Why isnt there an underground for this? Or is there?

>> No.1222526


>> No.1222543

>If there isnt an underground market for this, Why not?

Because verification exists outside of a fancy slip of paper.

>> No.1222556
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What kind of verification? Do you know or are you just assuming?

sheeit, if money can be forged surely degrees can be forged.

Anyone itt part of HR hiring dept? How thoroughly do you check the veracity of an applicants degree? Do you check at all?

>> No.1222557

I'm afraid the very concept is flawed, OP. You could accomplish the same task by simply lying about having a degree in the first place. When or if they decide to investigate I assure you they aren't going to call you up and say "hey Jim, bring your diploma in for us to take a quick look at. " They're going to make a call to the records department of whatever school you claimed to have attended and no amount of fake diplomas are going to make your life any easier at that point.

So unless you're asking why there isn't some shady back ally guy with access to the Harvard records offering to sell people degrees, it's probably because it'd be a fuck huge amount of risk and he'd probably have to charge you the full cost of the degree anyways just to make it worth his while.

>> No.1222565

It's as simple as calling up the school to verify that your potential employee attended.

Additionally, there are services that will find out for you. Just google it.

>> No.1222577

I could see using this to make a fake certificate if you you already have a BA and wanted to teach English overseas.

http://cheaper-than-tuition com/shop/fake-transcripts/

>> No.1222581

having the piece of paper doesn't matter

you need the school to verify that you graduated when background checking agencies call them up

>> No.1222594


Do we have any idea how often businesses do these kinds of checks?

My dad was just hired and he had to provide his own proof and transcript, rather than his employer doing it.

>> No.1222602

This thread is so retarded. Employees can just call the school up and verify that the employee graduated there.

Fucking idiots the lot of you

>> No.1222625

>Fucking idiots the lot of you
Everyone in the thread has echoed that fact. Are you illiterate or just too stupid to read before posting?

>> No.1222635

Remember that Notre Dame player Manti Te'o made up a fake girlfriend to pretend he wasn't gay? His whole story was out in the media and took 6 months for anyone to actually figure out.

>> No.1222636

but would they? do they?

>> No.1222656


>> No.1222664


>Make job listing online for someone with the degree you are after
>Listing states applicants must include SSN, and a copy of their ID, transcript and diploma
>Screen for someone in your age group with the school and degree you want
>Contact their university in their name request a replacement diploma and transcript (pay using a pre-paid cc)
>Do a legal name change of your own name to theirs so you have ID to match your new degree

>> No.1222668

you. right now. are on the internet.

do you not think, that a company wouldnt bother to check the degree you claim to have on your resume before giving you responsibilities that effect profits and wages?

I hope for the sake of my grandchildren and all of humanity you're trolling - because if someone is really this dumb AND lazy , we are in trouble as a species.

>> No.1222669


Most professional careers use recruitment agencies to handle applications, and they all call to check your CV/Resume is legit.

Education, employers and references.

As do HR departments.

If you squeeked past them checking its dumb luck, and there will always be a rick of getting caught fired, and never hired in your industry again.

Steal a real degree instead :)

>> No.1222677

I used to get spam email about online degrees all the time. I thought it would be funny to have a bunch of framed grad degrees on the wall in my 'office' and I could tell women I was a gynecologist in the Philippines. Then I realized that was gay and stop being so gay. Faggot.

>> No.1222942

There are some sites that set up a fake website and I think even have a number to call, so employers can do verification and they'll cover for you.

I lie on mine with a fake degree, apply to places you think wont check is all I can offer.

>> No.1223219

They do. When you get a background check (which most decent to well paying jobs do) You can often times request the check to be sent as a paper copy to your home. They 100% check to verify degree as well as past employment history.

t. Just had a background check

>> No.1223235


how would you get them to call this fake number instead of the number of the school?

>> No.1223240
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top kek m8

>> No.1223372

HR reporting in. We never check,except when something sound fishy (years don't add up, applicant too young for this degree..). You don't even need the fake degree in the first place, just pretend you have it.

>> No.1223782


Do you HR people have some sort of blacklist ill be added to if i get caught?

If i get caught lying about a fake degree at company A, will company B have any way to know about the incident at company A?

>> No.1223813

Yes all HR personel in the world have weekly meetings where we discuss this

>> No.1223828

you'd probably get blacklisted from the company, but it's not like Ikea is going to contact Walmart to let them know you're a phony.

even then, you can probably just legally change your name and reapply.