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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12220490 No.12220490 [Reply] [Original]

>new job
>one of the coworker seems flirty
>ignore because I don't want human resources on my ass
>she keeps trying, though
>slowly warm up enough to her to be cordial
>keep it strictly professional, since I don't want to be metoo'd
>she's still more forward than I would expect from anyone
>me = very tempted
>but the potential backlash is too much of a risk
>one day, we're alone
>she's more touchy than usual
>slight sweat
>heart pounding
>she talks about her favorite positions and how long she hasn't been out on a date
>stuff about how she hates tinder and meeting people through apps
>prefers to meet irl; putting emphasis on this point
>soon enough, she cups my balls and whispers "know what I mean?" before going back to her cubical
>SERIOUSLY consider her offer
>with a chub like a frozen banana
>even smiled
>suddenly lightning strikes
>images of human resources investigating me flash before my eyes
>coworkers get wind of what happened and out me
>word spreads to future employers, friends, and family
>panic. fucking panic.
>dunno what to do
>feel like there's only one way to save myself
>go to human resources and file a complaint
>human resources lady surprisingly takes me serious, even though I feel like a 2nd grade tattle tale
>figured that would be the end of it
>lol nope
>called in twice a week to follow up on report
>sometimes it's just hr, sometimes a lawyer's present, sometimes the bosses
>shit that makes me feel interrogated
>too much of a pussy to admit the truth
>finally, have to face the accused
>she looks at me with eyes of betrayal, and her overall appearance is a wreck
>last of the hr meetings; haven't heard from them in a while
>finally informed that they let her go
>don't know if everyone else heard, but general office attitude seems hostile towards me now
>don't know what have I done...

Fucking hell, I don't think I ever felt this guilty over anything before.

>> No.12220506

eh fuck it. find a new job and move on with your life. I don't think you made the best move here but whatever who cares. with #metoo you never know these days.

>> No.12220508

Most people get mad when someone cock blocks them. You go and clock block yourself and get a girl fired...
If it weren't for forward girls I'd never get laid.

Way to go anon.

>> No.12220512
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I hope this is a larp

How can you be such a huge faggot op?

>> No.12220520

And Merry Christmas.

>> No.12220526

Holy shit th asshole. You just meetod an innocent person. I'm quite sure and hope you are a troll, but if not, and karma exists, you should never touch a pussy again.
Yes of course don't bang her in the office, but you know that office relationships are tolerated? Why not ask her out on a date like she told you too you long.

>10/10 b8

>> No.12220532

You did the right thing. The roastie coulve fucked you over easily as you described

Its unfair that roasties have this power but ultimately they are just screwing themselves over

>> No.12220537


>soon enough, she cups my balls and whispers "know what I mean?" before going back to her cubical
You lost me at this point larper

>> No.12220540

Screw you guys, this man is a TRUE CHAD. Wasn't a slave to his carnal desires and instead did the right thing. I know a majority of you would've done the opposite, but what this man did here was amazing bravo good sir bravo.

>> No.12220549


>> No.12220555

You did good. don't date within your workplace. It poisons it.
Unless you're a Chad that can pull it off without any self doubt, but you're clearly not that.

>> No.12220564

God bless you sir, u have done the needfuls

>> No.12220571

U did good thing.
Let them know to fuck off.
Its called gender equality. If they can metoo You, You can metoo them. Its like they always want the nice things about being man: money, influence, power, future, adventure yet try to avoid the bad things.
Fuck Her,
Fucke them
Focus on your work anon and become top1 employee. show them. fuck them

>> No.12220576
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No he didnt you massive faggot

The only ones who gets metoo'd are spineless beta providers. Girls would never complain about getting fucked by the fun, mysterious and adventures chad who follows his instincts instead of second guessing everything like a little cuck.

>> No.12220579

you should have anally devastated her you massive faggot

>> No.12220584

Don’t worry, women are not real people, she doesn’t matter.

>> No.12220588

Literally just tell her "Lady, HR will have our asses, this ends in conflicts of interests and someone getting hurt" and everyone ends up back at status quo.

>> No.12220591
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>> No.12220592

Are you socially retarded/autistic? OP clearly isn't a Chad. the strategy you describe is a recipe for disaster.

>> No.12220600

Most of the false rape accusations stories start from the roastie being rejected/not wanting to look bad.
She'd run to HR as soon as that conversation ended.

>> No.12220602

You could have said you were gay, or married. Idk.

>> No.12220604

holy fuck you are a gigantic faggot lol. enjoy never having kids, youre a dead biological experiment.

>> No.12220606

he should have just told her the truth, he's gay

>> No.12220628

You are a pussy and a low T cuck. You also made a poor woman that just wanted to give you pleasure lose her job. You deserve what happened to you, you idiot.

>> No.12220644

>jobless NETs idealising roasties
She wanted to start her fuck-buddy brigade at work, furthering her career by fornication. Pure scum.
You did good OP. Even if you ignored her while she made advances, she would probably feel slighted and would attempt to destroy you due to tarnished pride.

>> No.12220645

when did i imply op was a chad you mongoloid?

>> No.12220648

you made the correct decision, what a whore

>> No.12220656

Oh, you're a retard in addition to the things mentioned before. Autism and low IQ is a killer combination.

>> No.12220698

If you were able to read just a little bit between the lines you could have figured out what i meant. If op had just fucked the roastie like the little fuckdoll she is as any true man would have done, nothing bad would have happened. Instead he chose to act like a faggot and snitch on her despite actually wanting to have sex with her. When roastie gets rejected she doesnt take it lightly, and thats when the me too shit starts. Now, had he not actually wanted to have sex with her, he could just have told her "no, you're not my type" or whatever.

>> No.12220719

as a male, no matter on what end of such a story you come out, you lose. either you're the one who fucked someone you shouldn't have fucked or you're the betraying pussy. switch jobs and never look back.

>> No.12220769

but shit tho, if cunts want equality, she technically sexually harassed him. Being okay with it or not is a different story.
from the metoo bullshit, you heard a ton of actresses sucking dick to get movie roles then complained that they were sexually assaulted. fuck. I mean he could have fucked her or let her blow him then reported her that he feared for losing his job if he didn't comply, but regardless, it was indeed balls grabbing sexual assault.

fuck, sue her and get some cash out of it while you're at it. financial win desu

>> No.12220773

...Is this real? Save us Hitler. Please, come back.

>> No.12220793

Any women grabbing your dick at work before you have dont anything else is mental
She definitely would have fucked you over

>> No.12220853
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why didn't you just fuck her you spaz?

>> No.12220876

Wow, what an absolute faggot.

>> No.12220889


Would have gotten a verbal and written deal from her first to keep it strictly professional at work. But sex like crazy after hours.

>> No.12220917

You listened to too many people who never worked in an office. People marry others who used to be co-workers. Office dating is fine.

>> No.12220932

don't listen to these fucking LOSERS, op. i applaud your actions. you did the right thing. who cares if they like you in the office? do your job. get paid and have peace of mind. fuck these sluts who can't keep it professional in an office environment.

>> No.12220943

THIS, I came here to say this!

>> No.12220946

OP is not a Chad. Only Chads can pull this off with congruence. Imitating that is a horrid idea as it would look genuinely creepy.

>> No.12220966

I'd probably end up doing the same
idk if it's the correct answer but I'm not pussy starved enough to risk getting fired (if I had a job lol) or worse a criminal record

>> No.12220973

grabbing a dude's balls in the breakroom isn't fucking fine. she deserves to be fired for that

>> No.12220984

God, Mel looks so badass with that beard

>> No.12220994

you did the right thing anon. roasties need to learn to behave themselves and stop acting like whores in the workplace

>> No.12220996

Let that be a lesson to any roastie who thinks they can flirt their way to a false accusation and a huge settlement. You did the right thing OP, now fly to Vegas and enjoy your job and freedom with a nice hooker.

>> No.12221035
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>1 post by this ID

Every fucking time

>> No.12221038

If you NEED that job, you did the right thing. I’m actually going to keep this in mind if it ever happens to me.

>> No.12221077

Good that you declined, don't shit where you eat and all that and she sounded crazy.

>Office dating is fine.
This is some boomer wisdom, maybe it worked in the '60s, but nowadays I work in office environment with about 60% women, they all expect at least Chad Perfectton himself to court them and they all also operate in this authoritarian hive-mind where you make a single mistake in front of one of them and on the next day they all judge you. Now imagine getting nervous/drunk and saying something badong when their mass also includes managers and fat HR women. They're a separate tribe and a hostile one at that and should be approached as such.

>> No.12221083

/biz/ is a fiction board now.

>> No.12221087

This. OP proved he's not a thirsty beta. He started his transformation into Chad.

>> No.12221129

Does it matter if it's a larp or not? Still a plausible scenario.
It's not that OP is a whale announcing a pump.

>> No.12221193


>> No.12221213

complete larp, only fat lardbuckets worse than a wank do shit like that.

>> No.12221266

fuck you larping OP
I would give all my 1 BTC just to have a nice roastie teasing me like that at work

>> No.12221282

If anyone touched me sexually at work you better bet I'd report that shit to HR. Work is about acquiring currency. If you forget that for one minute you find yourself living the life of a peasant. Plus if they do it once, it probably isn't the first time. It's seriously not okay to grope someone in a work environment. These two fictional characters aren't even together.

>> No.12222004
File: 63 KB, 500x495, 845645748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>acting like the stereotypical faggot anime MC in real life
Only cure is a bullet, be sure to aim for the cerebellum as I don't want my tax money to go towards keeping you alive as a vegetable.

>> No.12222048

yeah if that's not a larp I'd probably kill myself

>> No.12222072

I'd rather read shit like this then hear about the newest scam coin

>> No.12222106

OP will regret this forever

>> No.12222133

She literally sexually assaulted him (in his story). But he's very obviously LARPing, no one would risk their job doing this kind of shit in the office.

>> No.12222157

Nice larp faggot. And on the biggest larp board on 4chan.

>> No.12222608

Fug her right in de bussy :Dddd

>> No.12222673
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>> No.12222749

You literally #metoo'd a girl you complete pussy. Wtf is wrong with people.