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12220125 No.12220125 [Reply] [Original]

My father is 100% convinced that crypto currency will end the reign of the global elite and end the banking system

Every few days he calls me and rants like a fucking lunatic about how when fiat currency falls, everyone is going to move over to crypto currency, and that will remove the elite's reign through central banks. He also claims that government will lose their power around the world because of this.

This makes 0% sense to me. The government can still regulate crypto currency in any way they want by regulating the trading platform they're on. Also, the average person is a fucking lemming and will always do whatever the elite tells them to do.

I tell him this and he just says "No! People WILL lose faith in the system!!".

Who's the idiot here?

>inb4 both of you

>> No.12220144

Just listen the old chap, he has seen much more than u.

>> No.12220156

Andreas Cuckanapolous BTFO the banking system in that vid
Worth watching

Trump fighting FED
He wins and no collapse
FED/Global Kabal wins and major financial meltdown strongly to be expected

Crypto continues to exist either way. My bet is on crypto ultimately prevailing

>> No.12220159

He's right you know

>> No.12220162
File: 145 KB, 905x905, IMG_20181219_133704_776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your dad is right

>> No.12220163

Governments can't print crypto, that's the point

>> No.12220171

I wanna fuck this goblin so hard

>> No.12220172

I'm probably your dad's age and I feel like crypto is my best chance to finally "make it". But your dad sounds delusional. A comet or asteroid will end the banking system someday though.

>> No.12220181

Please list the Presidents who tried to fight the bankers. Make sure you include the dates they were assassinated.

>> No.12220190

He has extreme personality/emotional issues. Ex-alcoholic/went to jail ect.

He seems to have serious resentment for the 1%, but because he's actually jealous of them. He wants to be the 1%, that is why he is completely obsessed with money and it's all he thinks about day in and day out.

But he insists that crypto will destroy the banks and the crypto holders will become the new elites.... He's explained it to me 50 times and it makes no sense.

I'm HODLing but just to hopefully make some cash in a couple years

>> No.12220193

Anyone can "print" crypto.

>nuh-uh! not the gubmint!

You can't even prove that the Fed didn't make bitcoin.

>> No.12220197

Could crypto be more powerful than presidents though?

>> No.12220202

That's the other thing I tell my dad.

I tell him that the government will just create their own crypto currency, regulate the exchanges, and that will be the new currency.

He just says "No because people can privately trade between wallets!!!", but this ignores the fact that the internet is becoming far more regulated and the government can just herd the lemmings into using their state-issues crypto.

>> No.12220203

Sounds like my brother. Sorry to hear it, anon. No such thing as an ex-alcoholic. Just an alcoholic who is taking a break.

>> No.12220205

X cash will

>> No.12220208

Could an executive order criminalize owning or trading crypto? I don't know.

>> No.12220236

Yeah I think so

Lemmings do whatever the system tells them to, right? Also, big investors are not going to invest in crypto if it's ILLEGAL. Only fringe zealots would keep investing in crypto after it's illegal

>> No.12220239

Lemutt nazi girl

>> No.12220266
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Trump was asked to run by the whitehats in military and gov
Not all gov people are evil
Mil Intelligence is BTFO of kabal at present and protecting Trump
We'll see what happens

>> No.12220416

>this LARp

>> No.12220450

nobody knows kid but DCA in as suicide insurance in case your pops is right.

>> No.12220550

Can we trade dad's?

>> No.12220611

>Gov create their own crypto

They already do that. It's called fiat. Creating fiat crypto doesn't solve the problem of decentralized Bitcoin.

>> No.12220619

Banking systems fate is sealed. The elites will however just gain control of the crypto supply so world power dynamics probably don't change that radically. It will make lots of ordinary people very, very rich but still that is just the smallest fraction of total population.

>> No.12220626

Making something illegal won't stop people if the demand is there. It was illegal for whites to marry Asians. It was also illegt to smoke pot until recently in some places. Making it illegal just increases the demand for it and gives the sellers a premium.

>> No.12220631

No, that doesn't work either. The government buying up 99% of Bitcoin just makes the remaining 1% that much more scarce and valuable.

>> No.12220641

Theyre not going to lock it away from circulation. It will just be theirs. Their power level, versus yours.

>> No.12220691

Why do nerds love this chunky ho

>> No.12220768

You are right, but wrong at the same time. If the goverment decides to ban crypto or provide their own hyped and manipulated crypto "lemmings" will be lost as users for conventional crypto.
But this actually doesn't matter. Crypto will be the new cash. Cash shrinks the power of central banks immensly. The money multiplication would be way higher, if cash did not exist.
All kinds of "illegal" activity would be easier to track and to solve. Moving money over borders, tax free work etc. will still be possible with crypto.
For these reasons and many more crypto will always exist and governments have to adapt. Banning something people really need or desire might and in the fall of the banning institution and not the banned thing.

>> No.12220936

You don't understand. Their power levels come from the ability to fully control the supply by inflating it. They can't do that with Bitcoin. At best they can issue a new fiat with it pegged to Bitcoin.

>> No.12221144


He's right that everyone will move over to crypto once fiat fails in the next decade. He's wrong that it will end the reign of the global elite because it's their plan all along. They will have even more power.

>> No.12221613
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Your Dad is based as fuck and you act like he's some normalfag retard. Millennials are such shitty people.

>> No.12222355


>will remove the elite's reign through central banks.

This is why Satoshi is the modern manifestation of Adolf Hitler.

Craig Wright, despite being very pro capitalism (natsoc is against both capitalism and jewish socialism), whether he knows it or not, is the closest we've come to a new Hitler.

>> No.12222386

(can't find it)