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1221787 No.1221787 [Reply] [Original]

Did anyone else try their hand at stock trading, lose money, and then quit? I've dug myself into a hole. Part of me wants to quit and never look back, but the thought that I could make it all back in a single day if I play my cards right has me glued to my screen. Stocks are ruining my life.

>> No.1221791



>> No.1221792

>Did anyone else try their hand at stock trading, lose money, and then quit?

Nope. I'm not a retard

>> No.1221793

Are you quitting to bury your face in that puss?

>> No.1221794

post her fucking feet, you god damn faggot

>> No.1221797

I don't know a lot about all this.. but.. there's a lot of people trying to do exactly what you are doing. Only they have tens of years of experience and education in the field of all this financial/economic/quantitative analysis stuff. If there's money to be made, they're the ones who will see it. There's even companies that compete for land on which to put factory size servers to get stock information a point of a second faster than the competition. Again, I don't know a lot about this. The general idea I'm talking about is efficient market theory. I say cut your loses.

>> No.1221798

>Did anyone else try their hand at stock trading, lose money

Nope, made three times more money yearly than what I earn at my job

>> No.1221826

i want her to sit on my face until i suffocate and die. that would be the most peaceful death. my funeral would not be a mournful event. it would be a celebration. that i enjoyed a taste of that ass before i died.

also op, you just need to keep trying until you figure out what works for you. some people make money scalping, some people make money holding intraday, some people make money swing trading (holding 3 days +), some people make money using voodoo technical indicators, some people make money watching the fucking stars.

keep trying until you find what works for you!

>> No.1221830

i've literally never lost money on a stock. I give myself a goal like 30% gain and I cash out when I hit it. I lost hypothetical money I guess.

>> No.1221840

Bullshit. Post your portfolio.

>> No.1221842

One could argue that you've just been lucky. What if you bought a stock and it went down immediately? That's bound to happen at some point.

>> No.1221847

that is possible i've only been at this for about 4 years now but I'm probably due for a big loss.

>> No.1221848

Stop buying meme stocks

>> No.1221854

It can form a gambling addiction if you're not careful. Especially with day trading.

If you think it's really becoming a problem for you, then stop. You should only invest in stocks if you can stay level headed and assess and control your risks responsibly.

>> No.1221862

Why hasn't OP posted more pictures?

>> No.1221864

I don't have any more. Sorry senpai.

>> No.1221886

+1 to this.

>> No.1221888

Stop expecting to fucking double your money in a week. It can happen but very unlikely and you're more likely to lose everything.

>> No.1221891

you should read up more info before you start buying stocks. like for a couple of months...

>> No.1221897

You are really better off buying and holding index funds. I'm not even joking.

Us retail investors have no hope when our competition is insider traders, automated algo systems and brokers.

Also, Value and growth investing is completely bullshit. Warren Buffet is slimy scumbug because he says one thing and does something different entirely. Like he tells us that "derivatives are bad" but he made a killing trading option contracts during 2008. Also famous investors tend to attract pump and dump. They say X stock is """"undervalued"""" and all the retail noobs invest driving the price up. And then they sell a the peak and the retail noobs get raped.

>> No.1221900


Eh. $CPXX was a meme stock, and it quintupled in a day. Most of my losses came from oil etf's by the way.

I almost bought $PRGN yesterday at $1.14 yesterday. If I had gone all in at that point, I would have gotten out of the hole plus made thousands of dollars. I pussied out though. I was a few clicks away from getting out of this nightmare. That's the type of move that is keeping me glued to my fucking screen. I want to fucking go outside and enjoy some fresh air, but I invariably piss away my entire day staring at charts. The opportunity cost does not seem worth it unless I encounter another moonshot like $PRGN and don't pussy out next time.

>> No.1221903

> mfw invested 15k in gold mining stocks as of the beginning of this year and accumulated 10k in silver during the bear

>> No.1221913
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>> No.1221924

Being a foot fag

>> No.1221928
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>> No.1221930

what does this mean?

>> No.1221941

Unless you are a professional stock trader, you are an idiot for trading stocks.

Casual and layman investors vs professional investors, investment analysts and computer software that trades in milliseconds. Who do you think is going to win?

Customized trading software by trading firms will capitalize on the minor volatility by trading in volume. So if you're betting strictly on technical, you're unlikely to win. You may win a few trades here and there, just similar to the casino, you usually come out behind.

If you're trading on specific stocks based on analytics and performance, you basically need to focus on those stocks and know what's going on every day. Upon the opening bell, word gets out quickly on the trading floor and stocks with bad news are sold before you even wake up in the morning.

Casual investors should stick with funds and ETFs, where the performance of a sector is much more predictable than an individual company's performance.

For example, I can tell you with a great deal of accuracy the direction of base metal prices, cyclical and non-cyclical goods sector and food prices. But I may not be able to tell you how each company within those sectors will perform.

Using this strategy, I make anywhere from 20-100k/year. My losses have always come from trading individual stocks.

>> No.1221945 [DELETED] 


examples or nah?

>> No.1221948

>Unless you are a professional stock trader, you are an idiot for trading stocks.

How do you think people become professional stock traders without trading stocks beforehand? Dumbest shit I've ever read.

>> No.1221956

this. value investing is the only way for the common man to make money

>> No.1222057

>i want her to sit on...
I want her to take a shit and I would gladly like her ass clean. And than let her sit on my face so I can keep her ass warm and snuggly. I don't even have to fuck her. I just want the beautiful princess to sit on my face. I'd gladly wash her whole body for her.

Any more of her?

>> No.1222061


>> No.1222073

>like her ass

>> No.1222094

you and i have the same goal in life. i wish you all the best in your future endeavours. god be with you.

>> No.1222101
File: 328 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2016-04-29-15-22-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck does a former tumblr camwhore delete their entire web presence? There are nsa agents who can't do this!

>> No.1222246

Never. I knew before I ever stared I'm too stupid for this kind of thing, so I didn't try.

>> No.1222332

>I knew before I ever stared I'm too stupid for this kind of thing
Sounds like you're smarter than you thought.

>> No.1222405

But not as smart as he could be.

>> No.1222449

Hi OP, i agree with the guy talking about ETF's. And also most of my losses come from trading single stocks.

Anyways i think one way to get better at this is to paper trade.

>> No.1222466


15K to what now? have you doubled up?

>> No.1222484

Keep living the MBA dream. Any layman is as good as any professional stock broker. Put a monkey to smash the keyboard randomly, and your expected returns will be just the same as if you hired some overpaid retard from NY.

>> No.1222505

no, i just bought to hold. i didnt have confidence it was a bull until more recently. I am doing well though

>> No.1222596

>he started trading with a large sum of money before knowing he would be successful
well, thanks for the money

>> No.1222616

who is this boner toner?

>> No.1222752

What a fucking beta. You know that saying that stuff all the time makes women repelled by men. The desperation is not hot. She is a 6 or 7/10...

>> No.1222761

It's not necessarily desperation. Some people are just masochists.

>> No.1222767

thanks for responding

>> No.1222840

>She is a 6 or 7/10...
>rating her before we even get to see her feet

Fucking faggot

>> No.1222848

He's right.

OP if you are expecting to day trade your way to riches you are living in a fantasy world and it's good that the real world kicked you in the teeth to wake your ass up. Adjust your perception to fit the real world and you can carry on successfully because you will understand that there is no great reward without risk and will correctly manage that risk instead of doing hope and pray get rich quick investing.

>> No.1222850

So, is there a noob guide for stock trading?
like literally a guide starting with the alphabets and then moving on to bigger things?

>> No.1222862

Moar? Sauce?

>> No.1222881

Just wondering, how did you find out about PRGN?

>> No.1223561

I don't give a shit. All I want to do is lick her crack for her. Or even better let her wipe ass crack while I just stick my tongue out.

>> No.1223566

Forgot the ultimate combo would be if she took and dump and than go exercise so she gets all sweaty. Than I'd gladly lick every inch of her body. Lick her foot, in-between her toes. And finally lick her ass clean. Than I'd wash her while she watches tv. And dry her off with a towel.

>> No.1223576

Yup, that was me. Lost $5k because I was too fucking stupid to admit I knew nothing about stocks. I restructured, put everything into mutual funds, and I'm doing okay now.

>> No.1223580

>not being a foot fetishist patrician

You're never gonna make it.

>> No.1223697

A stock screener. I sorted the stocks by greatest positive change, and it popped up as #1

>> No.1224766

What the fuck

>> No.1224770

2 days later still don't understand this joke? is it an american colloquialism?

>> No.1225383

>tfw 25 and stuck in a dead end job making 40k a year

Should I get into stock trading? Could that add a good 20k to my income?

>> No.1225393

Add 20K? Probably not. Tradings stocks for income in generally retarded.

>> No.1225461

>Tradings stocks for income
Yeah, unless you're already independently wealthy, it probably won't work.
Not because of lack of talent or anything like that. It's more that the learning curve is really steep, and you may make very little or even lose money the first few years.
Let's say two years of moderate losses ($5,000 total) and
3 years of halfway decent gains (maybe 12, 17, and 26 for a total of $55,000).
This is all spread out over 5 years, which averages 10K for you a year.
See what I mean? You would've needed to do 5 times that good for it to even be equivalent to a 50K a year job.

>> No.1225531

who is that chick?? somebody said something about camwhore?

>> No.1225926

we've been at it for days and no answer has been provided. we're all going crazy here

>> No.1225939

>I bought stocks and obsessively watched them
This is why you lost money. Find a good set of investments and stick with them. Always go long when you start out, if you watch it too close you end up making bad choices with it. Just buy, don't sell. You probably won't be a successful day trader with no experience.
I buy it and I throw in a drawer, basically. I check it once a day at market close. I don't mind losses, I just hold the stock and wait for it to make money again, I find that a good stock won't waver much from it's average gain and large moves are rarely the death of the stock, it will return to average in time.
Portfolio has a total gain of 7.96%, I liquidate it once a year. Haven't sold anything in it yet