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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12217540 No.12217540 [Reply] [Original]

>everyone worried about BTC/ETH scaling properties
>don't realize RLC scales any shitcoin of choice
>don't understand RSK bitcoin smart contracts
>don't realize how important a computational marketplace is (airbnb of computing)
>don't know about the mining dApps coming that will change the landscape of mining forever
>don't understand how iExec will usher in the next technological advancements in AI and dApps
>tfw smartest team in crypto
>tfw china is excited about the tech
>tfw Intel, IBM, and Chinese cloud partnerships
>tfw iExec is unironically the next ETH/BTC level gains
>tfw only 80M circulating coins
>tfw only 14M marketcap
>tfw buying iExec at $0.21 is going to make me a deca-millionaire by 2021

>> No.12217555

Actual shilling threads like this are only seen when it is almost time for a sell off. Thanks for the tip OP. I'm tethered now.

>> No.12217602

Please sell so I can buy at 0.17 again thnk u

>> No.12217603
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>tfw they're still figuring out tokenomics

>> No.12217769


at the very leats you can probably buy a lifetime of cloud mining for a few hundred dollars right now

>> No.12217790

and at the very least when mining dapps come out you can mine a bunch of monero for 20 cents a piece and arbitrage your way to being a millionaire :)

>> No.12218072
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>tfw they figure out the tokenomics

>> No.12218688

I had to sell most of my stack but looking to get back in.

The tokenomics does worry me a bit i use to be a firm believer in this project. Does RLC really have 100x potential within 3-4 years?

Seems like dapps are still a few years away at this point.

>> No.12218731

Idk why everyone is worried about the tokenomics. Buy and sell computing power with RLC and also stake it to confirm computations. Seems pretty worthwhile to me.

>> No.12218765

Why couldn't they do it with ETH?

>> No.12218794

token velocity and short stake times along with relatively small amounts having to be staked. no incentive to hold and therefore keep tokens off the market for any length of time

>> No.12218819

rlc is the next eth, but with computing utilities

>> No.12218838

because PoCo and being specifically made for cloud computing+dApps isn't what ETH is?

I don't agree. In the future the token velocity will be much greater as the industry starts utilizing decentralized alternatives due to cost saving. Stake times are short now but in the future they will be much greater as the userbase increases.

>> No.12218851

much better*

Basically it'll calm down a bit once the entire cryptospace starts to slow down in general. Velocity won't be much of an issue in the future IMO.

>> No.12219650

I still think focusing on dApps first was dumb. They're a long ways away if ever to be widely adopted. Crypto UX needs to be 100x better before that

>> No.12219841

meh, i think dapps are important and RLC is one of the best for them IMO

also, here we go bois

>> No.12220483

I lost almost all my money on this.

Fuck this utter garbage shitcoin

>> No.12220541
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>> No.12220545

this gives me hope lads, not selling my ExecuNigga bags. could use it for a a lifetime of decentralized mining

>> No.12220563

golem only runs blender so this is shitty

>> No.12220574

golem is shit

>> No.12220587

Golem did pull a blinder by finishing/releaseing their mainnet early but you can't compare cloud blender to arbitrary computations on a cloud.

>> No.12220612

Compared to everything else that just runs nothing?

What Golem has released on mainnet is what everyone else is playing catch-up with, a functioning and scalable mainnet. The variety of computational tasks comes later but no one is going to want to use a decentralised super computer if the framework (the only new technology being introduced to this space) is not top notch.

Saying "they only do Blender" is a good way to show that you are a troll or don't know anything about any of these projects. It's like saying "Amazon only sells books".

>> No.12220632

>What Golem has released on mainnet is what everyone else is playing catch-up with

Except iExec beat golem to blender rendering.
iExec is going to unilaterally BTFO golem

>> No.12220654

lmao you are clearly the one not informed.
>>12220632 is correct

also the golem roadmap is 8 years long and they will only be taregtting blender and huge film rendering at first.

RLC is way more than Golem

I bet you haven't seen the august 2017 presentation of golem. what a fucking joke it was when they presented for the first time.

everybody was laughing at them. OMG team was there too, think about it. and you know why golem sucks.


> nameing your system after a jewish deity
> golem


>> No.12220658

Distributed computing is ancient technology. That's copy+paste level coding.

>> No.12220669

Imagine being this retarded
Go back to your golem thread faggot
oh wait no one ever posts about it because it's a complete useless shitcoin and everyone knows RLC is superior

>> No.12220677

>everyone knows RLC is superior
Rank 62 vs rank 167 would beg to differ

>> No.12220689
File: 6 KB, 179x281, 47384483_10157052675232975_2196106105174622208_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying coins based off of rank
>implying rank has anything to do with coin superiority
just means ill make 10x more money than you in the next bullrun

>> No.12220713

Let me guess, you bought around $2.50 - $3 based on biz meme's.

>> No.12220718

I have a 0.40 cents average.

>> No.12220724

Also even if I bought at 0.001 or 3$ I'd still shill it in the exact same way because I know what RLC will be worth within 10 years. Bagholding memes do not bother me in the slightest because I'm already rich and always buying more.

>> No.12220759

i started buying in at 20k sats all the way down my cheapest bag picked up at 5000 sats :(

>> No.12220772

Keep buying and bring that cost down if you can.
This coin will be worth much, much more within a few years.

>> No.12220835

How much?

>> No.12220840

I'm not going to put price speculation here because it's just gonna get hate. Know it'll outperform golem though

>> No.12220863

outperforming Golem is not that much brah

>> No.12220882

sorry it'll 1000x from this point is that what you wanted to hear?
I don't speculate price I just see value and RLC is heavily oversold, once certain dApps start coming through people are going to FOMO

>> No.12220923

Topkek. I interviewed their team in 2017 for the SEC. Bunch of French roasties, wouldn't trust my money with them. Name one great French tech firm that made it outside of France.

>> No.12220931
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if you are going to fud an lie atleast make it believable

>> No.12220933

retard tier fud

>> No.12220964

Intel SGX secured literelly souper decenterlised and sooper unhackabel. Pless bye bye bye Sirs.

>> No.12221011

retard tier fud

>> No.12221431

golem is better and further ahead of iexec as reflected in the market cap of each

>> No.12221496

>firm believer
>does it really have really have 100x potential

>> No.12222303

I meant, why do they need RLC token? Couldn't they have used ETH as the token instead?

>> No.12222328

eth is used to pay for gas
rlc is used to pay for computations and staking
why is this so hard for people to understand

>> No.12222656

Why did they need a separate RLC token? Why not use ETH for everything?

>> No.12222713

Nice, same for me. Got 25k RLC and 25k LINK.
Bought LINK at $.16 though.
Token economics concern me a bit indeed.

They will target enterprises in 2019. This at $17m market cap is a joke. Most undervalued token imo

>> No.12222747

Got over 300k rlc. I better be a millionaire in a couple of years

>> No.12222810

rlc won't do jack shit for bitcoin.
It's 200gb of transaction data. Every bock has to be processed, every transaction verified, and the utxo has to be updated with every block to be trustless. "Offchain computation" is not how to solve this. because all bitcoin does is verify computation anyway except for the part where you update the utxo set. You don't compute the signatures, you verify them.

>> No.12223116

I have 5K RLC. how do you have 300k it’s exoenaive o

>> No.12223153

Hope you know what you're doing
$60k in any token right now is risky

>> No.12223172

Well I bought 150k of em last week at 17 cents

>> No.12223365

rlc has literally lowest volume on Binance which could lead it to get delisted

>> No.12223578

Just let this die in peace. It had a great team and goal but just ahead of it's time. There is no point in bringing down others with you.

>> No.12223684


>> No.12224035

It's not literally the lowest but it's inexplicably low considering the shit that has 10x volume. DNT, MCO, CMT, QKC. lol

>> No.12224901


Don't tell me this... you kill me in this way, I believe in RLC... Any anon to make me comfie?

>> No.12225162

One of the best teams and product anon hold stronk we will /make/ it

>> No.12225274

I have 500 of these I bought on avaerage around 1 dollar, but bought alot at 2 dollars thanks to biz memes saying it was going to 10 by end June. I might buy more since the price is so low.

>> No.12225331
File: 399 KB, 1800x1800, iexec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started buying at 12000 sats. Bought all the way down to 5000. It's going to be a long heavy hold

>> No.12225414


Thank you all anons.

How much will it be long the hold? I have planned in the next bull run a price of 100$

>> No.12225585

$100? I'd say this time next year at earliest, if everything goes well

>> No.12225616

Mentions rsk but dosent mention sbtc.
Noob mate.

>> No.12225929

once eth scales all dapp coins will die and be replaced by dapps on the eth network
that is the power of an existing massive public chain

>> No.12226020

your a brainlet and dont understand how eth works, even with scaling eth is not made for massive computing, it will be scaled for throughput - not fucking computations .

>> No.12226166

You're conflating the system and the token. Why not use ETH the currency with the iexec system, instead of RLC on the iexec system?
It seems to me now that the only benefit to using RLC instead of ETH is that it raised funds for the developers, and the developers will have better information and control over RLC supply and usage.

>> No.12226216

sorry retarded here, what is the difference between be scaled for throughput - not fucking computations?

>> No.12226344

proof of contribution

>> No.12226369

1) when you go to a concert, ride an airplane, go to a movie, you need a ticket right? congratulations then because you've bot concertToken, planetoken, and movetoken

2) having your own token allows you control over your chains destiny. If you need a critical upgrade to your chain if your using eth as your mainnet, now your at the whim of the ethereum foundation and we know how fast they move.Not to mention the eth foundation is contemplating gwei cost for storage on chain

3)iexec is developed to blockchain agnostic, having your own token allows you to port it over to any other competing chain. you would literally have to recode your smart contract from scratch for every blockchain you decided to support if you didnt have your own token

4)The token creates better incentive system than ether for the founding team and the users of the protocol. For example, if iexec team does well, their token rises in value and they can make a better protocol, hire top devs, pay for bug bounties, ... And on the other hand the owners of the token have more buying power in the iexec computing economy. Without the token, the value created would be dispersed in the Eth economy.

>> No.12226420

i have an orange and 3 friends standing in a chain(line)

i pass an orange to my friend, who then passes that orange to the other friend, eventually being pass back to me.

that is throughput, our network has a current throughput of 1 orange.

i now take that same orange and calculate its circumference and its pH levels. so does the next friend and then the next friend, eventually it gets back to me.

that is computational power -

we can increase our orange throughput easily by just passing along more oranges

increasing our computational value is much harder say we wanted to determine the volume as well as the latent heat of the orange we are limited by the amount of time it takes us each to do the math before we can pass along to then next friend

>> No.12226485

Not convinced by 1, knew 3 already, but thanks for the response. RLC is my biggest hold right now.

>> No.12226525

then why are you asking these questions, havnt you done your own research? im confused

>> No.12226533

>i pass an orange to my friend, who then passes that orange to the other friend, eventually being pass back to me.
>that is throughput, our network has a current throughput of 1 orange.
>i now take that same orange and calculate its circumference and its pH levels. so does the next friend and then the next friend, eventually it gets back to me.
>that is computational power -

thank you man

>> No.12226564

Dumb niggas out here purchasing bytescoins and forgot all about real life coin

>> No.12226653


A lot of great discussion here which is unusual for /biz on tokenomics.

I think most of us can agree though that RLC has one of the highest risk/reward ratios out there in the cryptosphere. Yes it could fail of course but if they can figure all this stuff out and if mining dApps will actually be developed in the future the sky truly is the limit for iexec.

>> No.12226734

>we can increase our orange throughput easily by just passing along more oranges
>increasing our computational value is much harder say we wanted to determine the volume as well as the latent heat of the orange we are limited by the amount of time it takes us each to do the math before we can pass along to then next friend

so how can we solve this problem?

How can iexec solve the problem? Can you explian please to a brainlet?

>> No.12226752

Your over bought shit coin was one of the worst performing during the recent pump

>> No.12227062

Agree with this and all of you frens

>> No.12227102
File: 170 KB, 1366x349, 1540631710018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RLC is used to pay for cloud computing resources. It's like gas on ETH in the sense that if there's no usage, RLC is dirt cheap. As the network grows the price of the computing power could be incredibly low. There needs to be an actual demand for RLC the currency in the same way people constantly buy gas for ETH transactions, otherwise it drops in price. RLC is only a medium of exchange for the computing power.

The fact large businesses could use it is not an indication of the moon potential, you could have 1000s of businesses using it but even more people doing work to receive RLC as payment the more popular it becomes. In that case supply is vastly outstripping demand. There is no real guarantee of RLC moon whether or not it succeeds as project and it is therefore a gamble of an investment rather than a surefire bet.

>> No.12227173

Anon... I don't feel so comfy anymore

>> No.12227198
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someone refute this

>> No.12227238


This has been posted before as FUD so make what you want of it. I still believe they will figure out the tokenomics and I still feel like its way too early to argue the supply/demand of RLC if we dont even have useful dapps yet

All Im gonna say is you better have a small bag and sit on just in case for a few years. You never know

>> No.12227260


the tokenomic?

Are you referring to the tokenomic of bitcoin and silk road and the darkmarkets and so on? I have seen with bitcoin how much the tokenomic has damaged ahahahahahhahahahaha the tokenomic is only a good thing, at least it means adoption ... add to this the staking part, add the speculation and you will have RLC to 40$

>> No.12227269


You also forget to mention RLC has fixed supply so as more of it gets locked into staking that should put upward pressure on price.

ETH is constantly being mined and gas transactions dont ensure that the price of ETH will continue to go up. At this point you have a bunch of ICO's dumping eth to stay alive from last year so im not even convinced at how ethereum prices long term are even justified even though its the most used blockchain platform.

>> No.12227304

your shitcoin will die because cloud computing < fog computing

>> No.12227462

Fog computing is into iExec roadmap

>> No.12227495

2021 lol, will be too late fren

>> No.12227510


could you please tell me why fog compunting should kill cloud compunting? (103 IQ)

>> No.12227612

Lol, are you retarded? Fog computing adoption isn't expected till +2025

>> No.12227628

main difference is that cloud computing is centralized while fog is a distributed decentralized infrastructure
Fog is an extension of cloud with multiple edge nodes directly connected to physical devices.
-low latency, connection errors are impossible, higher security etc

>> No.12227679

you mean mass adoption

>> No.12227683


thank you, isn't Iexec decentralized as well? you mean that with fog computer we will have more devices making computation in the nearby? and so low latency?

>> No.12227756
File: 20 KB, 306x306, 1534803314085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally retard tier fud in that image

There will be demand for RLC once crypto actually starts being used. If fucking UBISOFT is interested you know something is up because those fuckers are money hungry cunts.

>The fact large businesses could use it is not an indication of the moon potential, you could have 1000s of businesses using it but even more people doing work to receive RLC as payment the more popular it becomes.

This is actually the most retarded thing I've ever read on biz.
>HuRr DuRr iF bUsInEsSeS uSe ThiS iT wOnt gAiN vAlUe

>> No.12227794

yes iexec is decentralized, that's right
devices are directly connected to nodes --> instant responses
Fog is mandatory for the amount of data in our IoT, 5G and AI future

>> No.12227851

Fuck Kikes NEVER selling

>> No.12227903

As the network grows the volume will also grow. A high volume will give the RLC token value and the price will thus rise. Businesses will also try to make the price of RLC get higher in order to pay less RLC to execute a task.

>> No.12227986

What would stop whales or competitors manipulating prices against competing companies?

>> No.12228023

Eventually it'll be nearly impossible/not worth it to manipulate the crypto market as more money gets involved.

>> No.12228464
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rare for a RLC thread to get to 100. we're going to make it, boys

>> No.12228540


Yeah seems like the only people FUDing are people who are upset that RLC crashed so hard in 2018 or saying French team are fags which are just baseless personal attacks.

In a way I kinda love it though. Huge Risk/Huge Reward. Either RLC will fail and go to zero or become a multi-billion dollar essential ecosystem for dapps. There is no in between.

>> No.12228551

hell yea boys we're gonna make it
exactly, shit i almost like when they fud it because if it drops lower I can just buy 10x more

>> No.12228663

>A high volume will give the RLC token value and the price will thus rise

why the two things should be connected one to each other?

>> No.12228911

Ok guys so I’m officially done accumulating. Bought over 200k rlc this week alone along with tons I had before. See you guys on the moon

>> No.12228963

because people buying and selling RLC at a high volume and using it/staking it for computations/who the fuck else knows what crazy dApp someone eventually makes will make the ecosystem way more valuable over time

>> No.12228989


OK, understood, a little bit like bitcoin and the dark markets.
I hope we make it in 2020 anon. I have literaly the tears on my face. I love you

Screen cap this post, in this Christmas night