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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12209984 No.12209984 [Reply] [Original]

Calling the entrepreneurs!
I was hoping somebody had some advice that could help me or others like me.
I'm trying to start an online business and I have all the technical know-how, but I'm struggling to find a niche market that is
1. Unsaturated
2. Pertaining to my interests
How did you guys do it?
I have a few hobbies, but I don't know how I can make them lucrative.
Anybody got anything for me?

>> No.12209994

Yeah, while you're at please wipe my ass as well

>> No.12210017

Wipe your own ass gayboi

>> No.12210060

Find you own niche faggot

>> No.12210111
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> 2. Pertaining to my interests
> I have a few hobbies
mentions none, is this a bait or do you really have so weak communication skills that you not include vital details in questions you ask? you need to work on that anon

> 1. Unsaturated
there are plenty and each new technical, economical or cultural shift brings more, unfortunately if you ever become successful at one it will soon bring attention to you and competitors will arise - so it's better to not fixate on that part - the important question is not if there are competitors but whether there is any money to be made, in fact one of the better opportunities out there are things somebody else already started but sucks at it,

now stare at picture I posted, it's some evil consultant propaganda, but it will do for now, if you have "all the technical know-how" then "functional" level should be easy for you - think about your interest and ask yourself couple questions - take [avoid hassle] for starters, is there any hassle that's annoying or plain unnecessary and could by done by computer or automation or robots or whatever? what's the biggest one? can you do with it in a way that's profitable? would people pay for it? etc...

further instructions may be provided if you deliver some actual details

>> No.12210116

I'm asking for advice on how to identify my niche based on other's personal experiences. But thanks for bumping

>> No.12210141
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Very helpful. Thank you.
Rendering architectural plans in 3d
Camping/bushcraft larping

But I'm not necessarily a master at any of these

>> No.12210150

ahahahaha nice try
50% cuts of sales and I tell you where to look

>> No.12210152

we arent doing the heavy work for you nigger think for once in your life

>> No.12210204

>asking business advice on a website for shitposting and memes

You will have better luck asking on reddit or hacker news OP.

>> No.12210210
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Something to do with Bitcoin

>> No.12210485

as it happens I know shit about things you like, so we will go with general principles instead of specific advice

the obvious starting point would be cabins in the woods as it hits so many of your interests, can you sell them online?

after googling bushcrafting I got so many e-commerce results that there must be people making money out of it... this is good exercise, can you find good angle to enter this market? excluding manufacturing you own tools on the functional level you would probably go with "kits" or packages that combine preselacted items to get the best value per $. or provide most needed tools, or guarantee the safest trip, or are made out of titanium/carbon fiber so they weight nothing, or they will never wear, or the axe has a build-in selfie camera, or it's this one frankenstein tool that does everything so you sell to unaware noobs, you may go with something less obvious for outsider - say maybe a handy container with spices that will make self prepared food much better? notice that so many of already offered products have this pretentious styling - that's because they hit on the emotional level, you can sell the same old boring set of tools for more if you brand it as an adventure!

does this give you any ideas? i know there is a lot of competition here, but competition is something to consider AFTER you find something you can deliver to a customer. value first.

it's always a huge time saver if you have good understanding of people you are trying to sell things to, maybe you are in some carpentry related facebook group and people always bitch about something? can you solve it?

sometimes it's about a distribution and finding the right people - story i heard from a friend, in workshop he worked there was this one large piece of wood that was very knotty and people don't want their stairs to be so ugly, one day this guy roll in and he is in love with it "it will make my furniture look so 'natural and organic'"

>> No.12210617

another generic piece of advice is quickly taking advantage of new trends/fads, if you are lucky it will stick and you can ride it for a while

on a higher level - can you produce a trends, like sell camping in the woods as a fitness/weight loss strategy that's also an adventure for the whole family? you promote the idea making money on needed supplies

another one, spotting disruption in other filed and checking if it will work in yours, this is how all of those facebooks for fisherman and tinders for dentist came along, but maybe sometimes you can get something that actually works?