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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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12207957 No.12207957 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12207967

Yes Anon

>> No.12207985

yes. the water is incredibly warm and no one even notices yet. jump in anon

>> No.12208001

im feeling the FOMO too OP

>> No.12208008

Bears btfo

>> No.12208009

fomo into what, btc or eth?

>> No.12208013

Yes, if you want to get REKT.

>> No.12208014

how were you guys not accumulating while ETH was under 90 bucks and bitcoin was under 3200? did you feel it would dip lower or were you just not able to buy in time? genuinely wondering not a backhanded comment

>> No.12208022

I bought a lot of ETH has a hedge, however was waiting for prices to go lower to buy even more, I fell for the BTC going to $1k meme

>> No.12208040

Depends. You buying shitcoins or BTC?

I think the trajectory is up at this point but there are a lot of shit coins to avoid.

>> No.12208043

Should of been in

>> No.12208049


>> No.12208071

the "it's been plummeting for a year" mentality

>> No.12208080

Oh it will anon. Go ahead though, fomo in. It's all part of the plan:
>Pump crypto right before Christmas
>Let normies use their christmas money to fomo in
>Scoop that shit up and let them bag hold
>ETF rejected

>> No.12208086

because we still have years of bear market left and if thats the bottom we will see it again on multiple ocassions

>> No.12208097

basically this

>> No.12208106

this is currently what i am thinking, which is why i am waiting. this is a pretty high IQ post, i'd say IQ 200

>> No.12208131

cool, so lets say BTC shoots up to 6k again in a couple weeks. will you buy then and cover your bad bet, or wait for the bear market to return even though there's zero fundamental incentive or reason for that to happen? let me know how that goes anon.

>> No.12208151

I've been buying the dip for the last eight months and am fucking broke.

>> No.12208164
File: 61 KB, 1412x646, OH NO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wont

>> No.12208178

you sound like a ultra faggot, so i'll treat you like one.

there was never a fucking reason for bitcoin to dip to where it is now, and look where we are. don't give me this "fundamental incentive" bullshit. where is the fundamental incentive right now to go up?


>> No.12208183

No, BTC will unironically dump back to 3600

>> No.12208186


>T:Short just got liquidated

Raving in spite won't bring your money back bobo.

>> No.12208203


More bobos who got their shorts get liquidated.

>> No.12208211

"there was never a fucking reason for bitcoin to dip to where it is now" KEK
>ICOs dumping (finished now)
>full bitcoin blocks (empty now)
>massive tx fees (lower than 2016 now)
>yet you still didnt buy the obvious bottom
it's good to see so many newfags are oblivious to the more obscure indicators in crypto. makes me all the more sure i'll make it. See you at $500 ETH and 8k bitcoin.

>> No.12208232
File: 241 KB, 1778x811, 1542960959891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol imagine being this delusional

we have years left to go. Even if 3000 was the bottom (it probably is) we will see it again on numerous occasions over the next 2 years as we wait for the new trend

fomoing in now is such a low iq strategy and its a sign you havnt really done your homework

>> No.12208244
File: 58 KB, 645x729, stupid retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This isn't the bottom

>> No.12208319

so... how long should i wait anon? i got paid yesterday.

>> No.12208352

are you also going to sell low?

>> No.12208357

You have to buy in early. This means taking trades even if they lose. This is how the early people got rich.

>> No.12208368

You think projecting into 2055 with the same exact patern is a good idea? WTF are you retarded? They can't predict the price past a few seconds.

>> No.12208387

can't even quote correctly, very low IQ poster

>> No.12208405
File: 66 KB, 1412x646, OH NO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its an average you retard. you're not supposed to look that far, its showing the distance between each all time high and crash. Recovery time has been longer after each one thus far. 2013 crash took 3 and a half years just to break the historic resistance.

This market is going no where but sideways for multiple years. Only a complete idiot would deny this

>> No.12208488
File: 105 KB, 774x598, 1543861646689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>durrrrr it's been going down for so long it must keep going down!
literally the same mindset of "it's been going up so long and is already at 20k. it'll go to 50k soon"

>> No.12208513

It hasnt been going down long at all though

even the 2011 bear market lasted longer than 1 year and each bear market after that has been longer than the last

>> No.12208525

It doesn't have to keep going down, but the market may go sideways around this range for the next 2 years or longer.

>> No.12208536

Yup. You missed the dip. $6.2K will be resistance EOY.

>> No.12208555

Holy shit you guys never learn do you

You keep falling for the same FOMO over and over again.

>> No.12208595

Buy in parts at the low points over the next year or two

>> No.12208596

past performance is not indicative of the future

>> No.12208607

Low iq post

>> No.12208739

what can be considered "low points" ?
t. brainlet

>> No.12208887

it's going anywhere until the halving, not just some 'random years'

>> No.12209144

No more money left to invest.

>> No.12209185

so what's the argument not to buy in now

>> No.12209207

Yes anon, buy high

>> No.12209270

The market cap is $100 billion and with all the fake money in the world, all itll take is 1 piece of news to send us over $1 trillion. Like wtf is wrong with people? Bear has to last longer than last time? Lmfao roulette has always been red, black, red. It has to be black this time.

>> No.12210102

I got stopped out at the bottom of a wick