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12207857 No.12207857 [Reply] [Original]

What are some recession proof jobs?

>> No.12207861


>> No.12207871

my dick washer

>> No.12207872


>> No.12207873

trade jobs u dumbass. mechanics, hvac, plumber, electrician

>> No.12207943



>> No.12207956

tow truck driver should be thrown in prison

>> No.12207962

Those were literally the first to go in the last recession due to auto bail out and housing collapse

>> No.12207968

work in the cemetery probably.colleges/universities so far have been good, even tho its reputation has been memed out of existence by all age and walk of life.

>> No.12207991


>> No.12208083

Auto worker, banker, construction, retail

>> No.12208088

Police officer, Firefighter, EMT/Paramedic, Military, 911 Dispatch, Park ranger, Forestry Technician

>> No.12208110

everything posted here can be done by robots

>> No.12208117

None of the jobs I posted will ever be capable of being fully automated, for the entire history of mankind

>> No.12208125

septic tanks

>> No.12208153

criminal law paralegal, family law paralegal, funeral home,

>> No.12208174

There aren't any

>> No.12208193

fast food

>> No.12208208

>t. eurocuck
kek, he's trying to back up a trailer with the brakes engaged you dumb nigger

>> No.12208237


>> No.12208248
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Then why aren't they?

>> No.12208250


>> No.12208265

>doesn't pay a 200$ bill
>now has to pay 2000$ for damages on his truck

american intelligence at best

>> No.12208271

because the technology isn't mature enough yet

>> No.12208281

So what's the point in bringing it up?

>> No.12208289

professional sports better

>> No.12208302
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i thought op said future proof jobs, my bad

>> No.12208305

Its something you wouldn't understand. Honestly, I'd probably do the same thing just to spite the towing company, just because I can. Its the American way.

You probably couldn't afford a superduty anyway.

>> No.12208318

cashier, data entry clerk, telephone support person

>> No.12208549


>> No.12208604

>t. Increasingly nervous blue collar Cletus
I’d give anything to be this innocently naive.

>> No.12208660

robotics, get on the winning wside while you can, automation is coming you don't want to be in a position that will be replaced. and the only position that won't be replaced by the puppet is the puppet master. learn to program robots, design robots build robots. it's the very last job that will be replaced.

>> No.12208672


>> No.12208683

>Implying AI won't be programming AI and robots won't be building robots

>> No.12208692

I own a cash for gold, my entire business model has been waiting for this shit.

>> No.12208700

Pawn would be another good field coming shortly.

>> No.12208735
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Robotics has come a long way since the very first robot arm was used in a GM plant in the 50s. AI is really the big separator right now we could technically get a robot to do anything a human can do except think...until we have AI. and if you don't think AI is coming you're very naive.

I work with robots on a daily basis, the only safe job is working with robots. because when everything is being automated, I'll be on the other side of it.

I work maintenance on robots...it's the only job that is actually safe.

>> No.12208810

in time yes, but any AI I'm responsible for, I'd make sure I'm the last to be replaced. If I create the AI I get to shape it and I'll be able to predict it, I'll be able to make sure my job is safe. and any other controls/robotics/software engineer would likely do the same.

If you work on robots you become part of the most influential class to exist, understanding how the robots work, how to fix them, how to program them will make you part of the most powerful class of people to exist, you could literally control the world.

>> No.12208843

Autistic nerds literally cemented their own doom by willingly engineering nuclear warheads. I honestly do not see your average hyper focused autist having enough foresight to not put himself out of business

>> No.12208854

what you're saying though is totally retarded it's like being in the 1700s with the steam engine asking why we don't have cars yet.

>> No.12208873

Non-legal psychoactive chemical vendor (P2P)

>> No.12208880

This sounds ridiculous. What are you going to do? Make sure no robot manufacturer in the world can create a bot that can fix other bots? Deseign bots better than AI can? Program their software better than AI can? Your still in high school aren’t you..... 10/10 got me to reply.

>> No.12208897

Just remember, the higher your wage, the higher the automation bounty is on your head.

>> No.12208902

are you fucking with me? I'm autistic, I'm not retarded, I hate my boss if he wanted me to create something to replace myself like training some pajeet poo I would just quit. And I would never get asked to write an AI, they still use robots from the 90s at the plant I work at. They have new shit too, it's just that they generally don't do upgrades. so we have a mix of PLC-3s along controllogix 5580, and some seimens thrown in just to fuck with me.

Anything I do with AI I do at home, I'm writing an AI to sort my furry porn by species.

>> No.12208956

wrong, if I create a system that replaced five spics on the floor getting paid 15 to 20/hr that saves the company a fuck load of money. if they got rid of me, they'd likely have to close shut the plant down in a few months when the machines start going down and nobody there knows how to fix them. I'm the only one qualified, nobody there knows how they work, or even how to program them.

honestly, you sound like you're in highschool, automation isn't as clean as you think, things still break down, things still need to be maintained.

>> No.12208975

I work in processed food manufacturing. We did just fine in 2008

>> No.12209078

Selling your ass, giving blowjobs, bartending, gas station clerk, mortician (you need a degree).

>> No.12209090

No he isn't. Watch the video. Dude is getting towed and trying to get out of it.

>> No.12209092

I cant find a qualified dick washer...

>> No.12209132

Once they have AI they will be able to maintain themselves and you will be obsolete too. Didn't you watch Terminator? Robots building robots to build and maintain robots that robots built.

>> No.12209156
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Town drunk, always open positions.

>> No.12209165

Source vid?

>> No.12209167

I have a taint brusher and a ball fondler but still searching for a competent dick washer.

>> No.12209170

prostitute. :/

>> No.12209310


At a certain theoretical point every job will disappear, whether this is due to the extinction of humans due to robots and AI or due to people going into VR pods, like mini matrixes (or matrices) where you are a sole consciousness and everyone else is an AI, so the real question is which job will go last. What will be the last thing a human pays another human for, I imagine it will be something along the lines of psychiatry.

Yes we will have chatbots etc, but I cannot conceive a job that will outlast the process of sitting down and listening to lonely people's problems. I imagine once you can effectively satisfy those needs then every other need on the hierarchy will already be automated. Until then jobs like care worker, foster parent, therapist, etc will all be safe.

Especially since it will be an immense bureaucratic nightmare to convince people that robots can raise orphans etc

>> No.12209466

