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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 35 KB, 600x564, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12207115 No.12207115 [Reply] [Original]

>see job posting
>vet receptionist, 2 years experience required, $12/hr
>have office experience and customer service experience, but no vet office experience
>remember what 4chan told me
>"bro just apply anyway its to keep retards from trying"
>apply anyway
>receive email
>"sorry anon, we're looking for someone with experience as a receptionist in a vet's office"
>"but what does the job consist of, just answering emails, phone calls, and scheduling appointments?"

this economy is fucking ridiculous

>> No.12207126

>not doing some research and bullshitting about experience in a vets office

if you can't play low IQ hirers you deserve to be unemployed

>> No.12207135 [DELETED] 

>males applying for vet office receptionist
they probably dont want any weirdo faggots in there

>> No.12207143

so what you're saying is everyone has to blatantly lie and fabricate non-existent experience to get a job these days?

>> No.12207167

are you the same anon who made a thread about being sick of his job like a week ago?

>> No.12207208

no i'm the anon who made the thread about the push mower interview

>> No.12207280

Put another way, the only honest people left are the homeless.

>> No.12207318

You're just projecting. Honesty doesn't make you homeless.

>> No.12207338

I didn't lie at all in my resume or interview for the job I have now, or any job in the past. Neither did my wife. We both make about 50k per year in salary

>> No.12207357
File: 229 KB, 912x768, lazymillenials.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do millennials always blame the economy for their shortcomings

>> No.12207395

doesn't mater my id is based

>> No.12207404

kek i reme,ber that shit

>> No.12207419

>He thinks $12/hour ($480 a week before tax) is a lot of money.
This country is literally over.

>> No.12207427

they want a cute girl not your slimy ass
they just cant say that

>> No.12207452



No one wants an autistic male greeting clients,

>> No.12207555

yes it is anon. the way employers treat $10/hr jobs is quite absurd. and the fact that people defend it is also very telling.

you should have seen my thread from about a week ago.

>> No.12207875

half my resume is fake, it doesn't hurt to know people who they can call to support your lies