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12207045 No.12207045 [Reply] [Original]

Does this really have a shot at mooning especially if we dont get a btc bull market?

>> No.12207201

its gonna be used by the next NASDAQ unironically...of course its gonna fucking moon.

>> No.12207228

RVN is going to be involved in that as well. RVN + FLO bags to get exposure there

>> No.12207293

lol no, it was already debunked

>> No.12207308

no, they debunked that FLO will be replaced by RVN. FLO will be used as a backbone, but there will be RVN based assets on top of it

>> No.12207351


>> No.12207533

Kek, how high did you buy RVN?

>> No.12207681

Source on image OP?
>increasingly nervous RVN fanboy
There's no evidence of RVN being used on t0, but there's a good chance it will be used, however FLO is being used right now and we know that to be the case based on the block explorer evidence and Patrick Byrne's signature on a recommendation letter he wrote in support of FLO

>> No.12207848

Good thing we are getting a BTC bull market AND this shit is gonna moon

>> No.12207899

Yeah, it will moon if someone makes a 500 dollar market buy. Good luck cashing out of it after it 'moons'. Go look at he daily volume for the last six months and tell me this is something that anyone should buy.

Very impressive pajeet campaign someone has put together here, though. They probably spent like 500 bucks to increase the value of this dead coin with zero volume by 500%. Well done.

>> No.12207920


Thx. Gonna buy more.

>> No.12207937

Good luck. It might work in your favor because with a low volume shitcoin like this any 100 dollar buy or sell moves the needle by 20 pct. But then good luck getting out at that 20 pct change. If you buy this, you better hold it for at least a few years. Are you prepared for that? 2020 you're still holding FLO waiting for some serious volume. Meanwhile, BTC has halved and is sitting at $80k. Good luck.

>> No.12208010

It was shilled and pumped last year. They're just trying to get newfags to FOMO in so they can dump on them.

>> No.12208039

It seems to be working

>> No.12208087

New readers about Flo should check out the telegram with questions

But first they should STUDY these three articles:




>> No.12208582

BTC at 80k and I'm bag holding.....lololoololololol

Must make better cope Sir.

>> No.12208695

Good luck, bro. I hope it works out for you buying into this coin with current 6 BTC volume. Maybe you bought into the next Raiblocks. Or maybe you bought the next fluttercoin.

>> No.12209081

That would put FLO right around 72 cents, assuming current Satoshi value. But we all know how alts gain more than BTC in a bull market, so the price of a Big Mac isn't out of the question.

>> No.12209596

1. What the fuck is fluttercoin?
2. This is a sleeper (hence the low volume) that is getting industry adoption as we speak. Most notably with t-fucking-Zero, who are about to go on an absolute raping spree with the securities market in less than three weeks.

>> No.12209625

>what the fuck is fluttercoin
Thanks for making my point.

>> No.12209683

Ok, I went ahead and Goolag'd it. Sounds stupid and useless. However, FLO is not some do-nothing currency that pays you for making transactions (sounds like an inflation bomb), it is a distributed (i.e. secure) way to store and retrieve data cheaply and easily with adoption by, so far, three big companies. Yet it is also simple enough for hobbyist devs to make stupid little apps on, which they have done. Have you clicked around the flo.cash website anon? If not, you owe it to yourself to check it out.
I don't think this is the next Fluttercoin OR the next Raiblocks, but I do think it will be closer to the latter than the former.

>> No.12209864

Don't u get it? Its low vol cause it hasn't found its market plus loads of pricks.. probably u layer shitty pajeet sells to try to pajeet the price down. I love u fuckers cause u have made me so rich in the past so many times cause i just hoover the cheap coins up. Thx.

Real market price is avout 1500 at least.

>> No.12209872

Looks like the FLO pajeet pump and dumpers are back with their fake discussions. This is a fake abandonware shitcoin with no volume or use - stay away from these chink/pajeet scammers.

>> No.12209887

Brown id never lies.

>> No.12209989

Read my posts, do I sound like a fucking Pajeet to you? English is not my second language.

Low effort, and not an argument.

>> No.12210045

Sorry you are not a pajeet you are actually a chink

>> No.12210135

That hurts, anon. I want you to know that.

>> No.12210140

And I guess my ID changed...

>> No.12210146

lmao he changed his id to escape the poo

>> No.12210171

I went to the store to get a damn bottle of bourbon and now it's different!

>> No.12210190

It's another episode of "The Jeet that phoneposted"

>> No.12210202

Getting a lot of ad hominem fallacies here. Can you disprove anything I have said regarding FLO or at least put up any valid arguments whatsoever? Starting to feel like the real brigade is the FUDers.

>> No.12210212

How about the fact that it's going back to 700 sats and maybe lower, because it can't break key resistance.

>> No.12210214

your thread sucks
your coin sucks

Go away

>> No.12210216


Halving on 5th of January
tZERO launch on 9th of January

We will talk then about breaking resistances lol

>> No.12210220

>We will talk then about breaking resistances lol
Great. In that case you'll be fucking off until then :)

>> No.12210225

You do realize that Overstock, the company that got Raven listed on Binance, is also using the FLO blockchain, huh ?

Or that both their subsidiaries, tZERO and Medici Land Governance, both worth over 1 billion, are using FLO as well, huh ?

Can your T-Rex brain connect the dots ?

>> No.12210236

Shitcoins are only interesting when they're going up.
This ain't.

>> No.12210281

Now is when you figure out a buy in target or start to DCA.

>> No.12210446

I guess whoever was funding the FUD brigade could only afford two hours or so? If you want to drive the price down at least do some research beforehand next time, that was absolutely pathetic. Like on the level of Link-FUD pathetic.

>> No.12210933

One last post to keep this thread alive so everyone can see the FUD brigade that happened in the morning.
You weren't supposed to know about FLO this low but MarsLander22 leaked it early and it pissed some people off, so now they are brigading and trying to squeeze the price down to shake people out so they can continue to accumulate.
ML22 and FLOsama, keep this thread going!

>> No.12211286


>> No.12211301

flo is being pumped and dump by a discord group.... just buy ravencoin when it bottoms out.. and tzro in 9 months

flo has no value.. it is worth 1 million.. nothing more

>> No.12211303

It's a shit token, spammed by an asain "male" bbc worship group. Kinda fuckin weird actually that they come here to shill instead of staying on chingchongchan

>> No.12211355

Also, full disclosure: I am >>12210446 and >>12209683 (had to change IP because of a certain Jannie thread I made tonight, and before that it was just dynamic IP change) and yes I am shilling FLO, but not being paid to do so, because I believe in the potential of this project, and because this board is the closest thing I have to friends outside of work anymore. There aren't many of us left, but the ones who stayed were the true believers, beat to shit by the bear market but who still wouldn't give up. I want to show you that we can do better than lying and fucking each other over. We can help each other, by providing evidence and clear arguments instead of moon lambo FOMO cope bullshit.
I know a lot of you are cynical by this point, but trust me when I say I want us to succeed together, against the greater crypto community, and I think this is a good shot at doing so. You might be able to buy in a bit lower (maybe not though), but if this goes where it should then it's all going to work out, surprisingly so.
And if one more of you calls me a Pajeet or a Chink without even bothering to use proper spelling, punctuation, and/or capitalization I am going to flip my shit and verbally destroy you to the point that it hurts your fucking soul.

>> No.12211388

Kek, did you make this?

>> No.12212004
File: 178 KB, 800x800, flo_oip_dweb_summit_aug1_800x800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FLO literally on the front page of tzero.com
FLO & tZERO Connection: Chapter 2
tZERO transactions on the FLO blockchain

>Medici Ventures
CoinDesk: Wyoming deal secured for Medici and FLO
Presentation of Medici using OIP for Land Governance
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWkXCn0JMlQ [Embed]
Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne writes letter of support for using FLO in Wyoming

Amy James presents OIP at the Texas Bitcoin Conference
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIwT8y9K_5c [Embed]
OIP wiki main page

ETDB main page
Caltech ETDB whitepaper
Presentation alongside Vitalik at upcoming conference

>> No.12212184

Flo is only available on Bittrex, right?

>> No.12212264

yes, and it just got added to bitrabbit exchange

>> No.12212342

I guess I will use my bitteex account once then, to buy some of this. Bittrex sucks a bag of dicks and then some but it's useful sometimes.
Does the team have any interest in listing this on some better exchanges?

>> No.12212363


>> No.12212412

get the fuck out chink pump and dump scammers

>> No.12212451

yea I stopped using bittrex after the redesign. I don't know what they were thinking. I have 10 bigmacs worth of flo now

>> No.12213030

There is a non kyc exchange. Check Flo twitter to find the name
I think it’s changenow.io

>> No.12213710

Are you a bot?

>> No.12213982
File: 31 KB, 400x400, 69xLcZS9_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boys https://twitter.com/ErikVoorhees/status/1076663761866436609

>> No.12214536
File: 110 KB, 250x250, nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, can you tldr the article for me?

>> No.12214804

OIP and Medici's Land Governance app was selected by Wyoming to lead a project putting land records on the blockchain for the purpose of transparency, accountability, and anti-corruption.
Patrick Byrne wrote a letter of support for OIP to be selected because FLO has the properties of a permission-less digital public space and OIP is a robust protocol to publish and record information into the FLO blockchain.

>> No.12214964

Thanks bought 100k

>> No.12215082

Erik vorhees tweets article about Flo being used to record land in Wyoming.
Bitcoin maximalist tweets Flo article.
This shit WILL moon.
Confirmed not a shit coin.

>> No.12215136
File: 1.03 MB, 1634x1932, Screen Shot 2018-12-21 at 9.32.32 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These idiots just don't get it

>> No.12215207

>But the other internet man said it WAS a shitcoin!
>He didn't say why it was, but you're not allowed to lie on the internet, right?
The preponderance of evidence is heavily in the favor of FLO. You have to either be retarded, or be pretending to be retarded to say otherwise at this point.

>> No.12216169

True story ^^